The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 01, 1933, Image 33

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Security Building & Loan Association OFFICERS James H. Hammond, President and Attorney Thomas Calk and J. E. McDaniel, Vice-Presidents Herbert J. Williams, Secretary DIRECTORS John E. Black Thomas Calk A C. Carson Joe W. Clark Joel E. Elcan John W. Grist J. H. Hammond W. P. Hamrick O. Frank Hart Martin B. Jones A. B. Langley J. E. McDaniel Edward T. Porter Clarence Richards 230 Washington St. For Men and Boys Wear Copeland Clothing Co.. Inc. COLUMBIA, S. C. Happy New Year >avid G. Ellison General Insurance Surety Bonds 1221 Washington St. Phone 5717 COLUMBIA, S. C. NATIONAL and FOREIGN ^ illiam Randolph Hearst, world promi nent newspaper publisher, extended to U. S. Jewry the following message that appeared in all Hearst publications: "I hope this New Year will inaugurate a new era of liberty and enlightenment through the world. At present the world seems plunging back into the Dark Ages of bigotry and cruelty, of prejudice and persecution. “The duty of America should be to keep our part of the world bright with the light of liberty, cleansed of the black hatreds and evil antagonisms which breed like bats in the dark of ignorance and intolerance. “Education and understanding will make us a race of brothers living in mu tual affection and mutual appreciation. “ Thus may America become an example to the rest of the world, leading it back to the light and showing it not only the moral but the material benefit of toler ance and freedom.” Vienna.—Two estates in Gaming and Ybbsitz have been turned over to the Austrian government by Barons Louis and Alphonse Rothschild, in connection with the liquidation of the Creditanstalt, of which Baron Louis Rothschild was president, and Baron Alphonse a large stockholder. Both Rothschilds sacrificed their stock holdings in the Creditanstalt to facilitate its liqui dation. The cession of the two estates will make it possible for the Austrian government to colonize several hundred settlers. Amsterdam.—The bill passed by the lower chamber of the Dutch parliament to limit the number of foreign students in Dutch universities does not mean that the government intends to curb the right of asylum in Holland, according to an an nouncement by the minister of education. While the measure was understood to be a means of preventing the influx of hun dreds of students fleeing from Germany, the minister declared it will be applied only in the case of extreme necessity to prevent the matriculation of foreign stu dents at the expense of Dutch students. Berlin.—The epidemic of suicide among the most prominent German Jews who see no hope in a Nazi Germany has claimed as its latest victim Professor Max Als- berg, one of Germany’s most brilliant crim inal lawyers, and a noted playwright, and Professor Edmond Foerster, director of the clinic for nervous diseases at the Uni versity of Griefswald. Professor Alsberg killed himself in Switzerland, while Pro fessor Foerster died in Berlin. Amsterdam.—The president of the Am sterdam court has issued a ruling that propaganda urging the boycott of Ger man goods is legal. The decision was made in connection with a suit against the chairman and secretary of the Dutch Committee Against Terror and Persecu tion in Germany by the management of the Dutch Industries Fair at Utrecht. The management of the fair had sought an injunction to prevent the committee from circulating leaflets outside the fair gates urging patrons not to buy German goods which were on exhibition at the fair. Al most simultaneously the lower house of the Dutch parliament enacted a law for bidding the wearing of uniforms by po litical parties. JOSEPH T. ROBINSON (Senator) on the floor of the United States Senate de nounced the Hitlerite persecution of the Jews in a speech which precipatated strong criticism of the German govern ment’s anti-Jewish policies by other mem bers of the Senate. Pittsburgh.—The Carnegie Institute of Technology has announced that three ex iled German-Jewish scientists have been appointed to its faculty. They are Pro fessor Otto Stern, former head of the In stitute of Physical Chemistry at the Uni versity of Hamburg; his aide, Professor I. Kstermann, and Professor Ernst Berl, former professor of chemistry at the Uni versity of Darmstadt. Vienna.—Neither race nor religious in tolerance will have a place in the new “Christian German State on a corporative basis with authoritarian leadership” planned for Austria, Chancellor F’ngelbcrt Dolfuss announced. He said that the new state should not be referred to as a Fascist state, but will be fitted to Austrian needs and spirit without imitating the Italian model and certainly not the Hitlerite model. The new state will be open to members of the old parties, he explained. The Chancellor emphasized that Austria must consider “a man’s soul above all questions of race or nationality.” The Chancellor’s statement is expected to allay the widespread anxiety in Jewish circles which had developed when it be came known that he expected to dissolve the Socialist administration of Vienna and name Prince Ernest Starhemberg as city commissar. Starhemberg, who was once an associate of Adolf Hitler, is an avowed anti-Semite, and if he became ruler of Vienna the lot of the Jews would be none too happy. New York.—Three more German pro fessors who will join the faculty of the University in Exile which opens here in October, have arrived. They are Max Wertheimer, professor of psychology at the University of Frankfurt; Professor Ernest von Hornboste, former head of the department of music at the University of Berlin, and his son, J. Hornboste, former professor of physics at the same univer sity. (Please turn to page 39) BROAD RIVER CO. Columbia, S. C. Wishing Our Many Friends A Happy and Prosperous New Year J. DRAKE EDENS, Inc. Native Meats, Fruits and Produce 1415-1417 Assembly Street COLUMBIA, S. C. SHELL GASOLINE QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL COLUMBIA PETROLEUM CO. COLUMBIA, S. a TTE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE it [33]