The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 01, 1933, Image 39

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CALL Phones 116-117 1 irttfmt SERVICE STORES First and Mulberry Punflarr*—Vultaniiinn Battery R re barging Brake Adjuatmrnta Brake Relining Spark Pings Tested Sl ashing and Polishing Lubrication Tires and Tubes Batteries Spark Plugs Brake Lining Auto Accessories Firestone Motor Oil Gaa and Oils MACON. GEORGIA Sincere New Year Greetings STATE AND COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE BIBB COUNTY MACON, GA. U. T. WINSLETT, Tax Collector VIOLA ROSS NAPIER CITY CLERK Season's Best Wishes City of Macon, Georgia New Year Greetings DAN D. DUNWODY Receiver of Tax Returns BIBB COUNTY MACON, GA. Season's Best Wishes |MRS. AGNES LETTICE FREENEY| TREASURER BIBB COUNTY MACON. GEORGIA attjl ,ij| l|||HIIIIIHI!IIIIHIHIIIIHmillllllllllHUIIIIIHIIHIIIHIIIHIIHIIHI^ i S/i'p Via -K -K j GEORGIA HIGHWAY EXPRESS, Inc. 3RGE RICHARD BARFIELD. Jr. Macon, Ga. "' l ill | lll1lll||||||Ht,|„,|„|||||||,||OIMIIUIIintltltllllllUUIIIIIttlM A stin Brothers Bridge Company OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA Contractors and Builders Structural Steel aid Plaat Opgasita Ft. McPbarMS Ph»ue RA. 5121 >teel, Concrete and Pile Bridges and Culverts ATLANTA, GEORGIA ■ > * •uniiiiiuuiuiiMiuoitmnfiiiiriMtftMiiHittiiniuiMiiutiuttiii elleview Products Corp. 366 Capitol A vs., S. E. FOOD JOBBERS ATLANTA. GA. SOUTHERN NOTES (Continued from page 34) Featured by inter-chapter visit* to Charleston, S. C., and Birmingham, Ala.; participation in formation of B’nai B’rith’s statewide organization; the sending of a delegate and four visitors to the Tenth International Convention at Omaha, Neb.; the sponsoring of a cultural program at the Ahavath Achim Synagogue, present ing Past Grand Aleph Godoi Joseph Karesh as principal speaker; acting as host at a mid-summer novelty dance; and climaxed by the celebration of its Third Anniversary, the Atlanta Chapter No. 134 of the Aleph Zadik Aleph of the B’nai B’rith, has completed a successful sum mer season. Although this can hardly he listed as part of the summer program, the Atlanta Chapter is especially proud of its selec tion as Second Best All-round Chapter for the past year. In commemoration of the fact the Atlanta Chapter has been presented with a very handsome gavel by the Supreme Advisory Council of the Order. The summer season was formally opened by the installation of new officers: Kdwin L. Gavron, president; Irwin Krick, vice- president; Moses Abelsky, secretary; Ar thur Gottesman, assistant secretary; Na than Smith, treasurer; Bernard S. Man- die, monitor; Morris Siegal, assistant monitor; Simon Wender, chaplain, and Seymour Cohen, reporter. The installa tion was followed by a private dance and swimming party at Dixie Lakes. Several members of the Atlanta Chap ter spent July Fourth at Charleston, S. C., where the Charleston Chapter was host for several pleasant days. Immediately after their return from Charleston, the Atlanta delegation in vaded Omaha for the 'Tenth International Convention. Honor was again brought to the Atlanta Chapter by the election of Arthur Gottesman to the post of Grand Treasurer of the Order. Following the Omaha Convention the Alephs visited the Century of Progress in Chicago, where they were the guests of the Chicago Council of Chapters. On the sixteenth of August the Atlanta Chapter was host to Atlanta Jewry by taking over the entire service at the Ahavath Achim Synagogue. Following the services, a program was presented with Rabbi Joseph Karesh, of San Jose, Calif., former Grand President of the Order, in the role of principal speaker. The Birmingham Chapter acted as host to the Atlanta Alephs over Labor Day. The visitors were entertained by a series of social highlights, and this visit will be remembered as another strong link in the chain of closer relationships between the two Chapters. The summer season was then brought to a close by the celebration of the third anniversary of the Atlanta Chapter with the presentation of a special program featuring Rabbi Abraham Shusterman, of Athens, followed by an afternoon dance. (See page 16) Washington, D. C., has been selected for the International Convention, which will be held in July, 1934. Alephs Gavron and Gottesman, of the Atlanta Chapter, have just returned from a visit to several Eastern chapters and report a much stronger feeling prevailing. Augusta, Ga. Rahbi Henry N. Bonchek, graduate of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan 'rheological Seminary and of the College of the City of New Y'ork, has been elected Rabbi of the Congregation Adas Yeshuron of Augusta, Ga. The Jewish community of Augusta feels fortunate in having se cured as its spiritual leader a rabbi with the religious and secular training and experience which Rahbi Bonchek pos sesses. The Hebrew School and Bible class have been organized actively and preparations are being made for an in tensification of communal activities. The congregation are extremely hopeful of spiritual and educational progress that they will make under Rahbi Bonchek’s leadership. Also associated with the Adas Yeshuron Synagogue is Rahhi C. Krster, cantor, member of the New Y’ork Rab binical Society. Rabbi F.rster formerly lived in Lawrence, Mass. NATIONAL AND FOREIGN (Continued from page Si) -Berlin—In issuing a declaration of loy alty to the Nazi regime, Prince Bentheim- Tecklenberg, head of the Society of Ger man Nobility, has declared that the So ciety is now engaged in reorganizing itself on a basis that will exclude Jews from membership. The Prince appealed to “the nobility of pure German blood to rally to Hitler, and invited “all pure- blooded German noblemen" to inscribe their names in a register of Hitler sup porters. Evidence of ancestry must ac company all applications. London—The Jewish Agency for Pales tine has issued a categorical denial that it had anything to do with the reported agreement with the German government by the terms of which German-Jews de sirous of immigrating to Palestine could take with them property up to the value to 3,000,000 marks. The Jewish Agency also denied that it was a party to the arrangement under which Germany would take 10,000,000 marks worth of Palestine oranges in exchange for 20,000,- 000 marks worth of German goods. Delicious Collins Bread and Cakes COLLINS BAKING CO. MACON, GA. Quality Ice Cream dlfrey-Cnrner dice Cream Co. BETTER THAN THE BEST” 635 Oglethorpe Street Phone 781 MACON, GA. Firestone Service Stores, Inc. TIRES BATTERIES - SPARK PLUGS BRAKE LININGS ACCESSORIES 215 Market Street WILMINGTON, N. C. IV e Never Close Cleaning Beautifully Done IDEAL LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 202-204 South Front Stroot Phonos 21 • 111 WILMINQTON NORTH CAROLINA Shop at SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. The World’s Largest Store WILMINQTON, NORTH CAROLINA Walk in Beauty on the Feet of Fashion—Well Shod— Well Dreaoed Merit Shoe Co., Inc. 104 North Front St. WILA4INQTON, N. C. n SOUTHERN ISRAELITE * THE KOYAL CAROLINA THEATRES WILMINGTON, N. C.