The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 01, 1933, Image 42

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A GREAT AMERICAN (Continued from page 11) A ROOM AND A BATH A DOLLAR AND A HALF — AT — Jacksonville's Leading Hotel n THE SEMINOLE CHARLIE GRINER, Manager Jacksonville, Florida A human, home-like institution where you will find your individual comfort and entertainment a matter of great importance. A steel fireproof building located in the heart of the city. Every Room with Combination Tub and Shower Bath, Radio, Electric Ceiling Fan, Slat Door for Summer Ventilation, Comfortable Beds with Mattresses of Inner Spring Construction and Individual Reading Lamps. HATES .12 Hoorn, with Prlvilt Bath . . S1 .SO Single 40 Hooma wllli Private Hath.. 3.00 Single SO Hooma with Private Hath.. 2.00 Slit||le 24 Hooma with Private Hath.. 3.SO Single 40 Hooma with Private Hath.. 2.SO Sliiftle lO Sample K'ma with Prl. H’th 4.00 Sinn I e SLIGHT INCREASE FOR DOUBLE OCCUPANCY REDUCED CHARGES!I! Local Phone Calla So Dry Cleaning Men'a Suit 75c Preaaing Men'a Suit SSe Laundry Same aa City Laundry Prieea ('.offer Shop Extremely Moderate Chargee that will be of tremendous importance for relieving the situation of the Jews in Germany. He does not minimize the problem, but he knows, too, that no amount of grand-stand play and shouting from the house tops can have any effect. Pained as he is by the attacks made upon him, he is more concerned for the ultimate outcome. Toward that end he has devoted himself with unflagging energy, surpris ing in one of his years. When the full recognition will be made of the campaign against Hitlerism in Germany and anti- Semitism in America, Dr. Adler’s name will stand out from among the many who temporarily occupy the limelight and re ceive the plaudits of the crowd, as a co lossus among pigmies. At seventy Dr. Adler still is active, still brings to his activities in Jewish life a full measure of intelligence and energy. At seventy, Dr. Adler still carries on. Copyrighted 19.13 for Tiie Southern Israi i.itf. TWELVE MONTHS OF DISASTER (Continued from page 7) daily occurrence. Jews and non-Jews were often attacked indiscriminately, the attackers were generally Hitlerites and there was in some cities, and in districts of the greater cities, no more security on the streets than there would be during a Buergerkrieg (domestic war). Many peo ple—even numerous Jews—greeted the political change as a relief in the hope that from then on security to the indi vidual would be again guaranteed. Doubtless a very vast majority of the population is even now, seven months after Hitler’s accession to power, well satisfied. Because of the strict ordinances, every meeting, every public performance is so well protected that dangerous dis turbances are unlikely. It may be added that propaganda by mass performances and festivals is, just as under the Kaiser- reich entirely in accordance with the wishes of the average German, and since the question, to what extent Hitler can keep his economic promises, has not yet become acute, the objections to his han dling of other questions, for instance the Jewish question, are naturally slight. The rest is done by gagging the press, so that criticism begins only beyond the border. The unexpectedly thorough execution of the Jewish part of the program is not so surprising if one considers that it is the easiest part of the program. The task was to suppress and deprive of moral, human and legal rights the minority of 0.9 per cent of the total population. Even a far weaker movement which had de cided to act unscrupulously could have done this masterwork. Attacks ordered by the leaders of the movement are tolerated by them; and incited by a propaganda of thirteen years’ duration. The perpetrators knew that they would seldom have any trou ble with criminal courts. Sometimes they acted under the eyes of the police, who stated that they could not check them. As far as the Jews are concerned, no domestic peace has been restored, and the actions against the Jews, authorized or silently tolerated, have only temporarily abated. The laws, decrees, and regulations which the Hitler regime has promulgated since the Reichstag bestowed all power upon it, have done the rest to humiliate the German Jews. At the present time nobody can foresee whether a change for the better will ever come for them in Germany. Copyrifhted I93J for The Southern Israelite Henry Grady ♦HOTEL ATLANTA GEORGIA 550 Rooms 550 Baths 100 Rooms at $2.00 150 Rooms at 2.50 125 Rooms at 3.00 Twin Bed Rooms from 4.00 Suites from 6.00 Display Rooms from 3.50 All rooms have private bat* two or more windows, circulating ; ice water, ceiling fan, radio, bed | lamps and full length mirror door. The Coffee Shop is never closed good food, prompt service at rea sonable prices. Convenient Garage service with i attendant at hotel entrance. • Make the Friendly Hotel Your Atlanta Home A quiet, home-tike Hotel, In the heert of the business district, •here the guests' comfort « the first consideration. or JACK MAirv\ Columbus; Georgia WHEN IN MACON Hotel Lanier T. W. HOOKS, Proprietor rJxCacon, ga. Rates From $1.25 Up and FREE AUTO STORAGE * THE SOUTHERN ISRA! LlT E [42]