The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 01, 1933, Image 26

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/n t/ve c&MJt&r of " ~W YOfiK'f activity NEW LOW RATES 50 Single 3 50 Double Horn 1400 ROOMS • 1400 BATHS RESTAURANT ~ TAVERN GRILL ~ CAFBTEAIA Luncheon from 30c • Dinner 85c and $1.00 44tb to 45th STREET — 8th AVENUE - NEW YORK Send for Booklet • • J. T. WEST, Manager A ROOM AND A BATH A DOLLAR AND A HALF — AT — "Jacksonville's Leading Hotel” THE SEMINOLE CHARLIE QRINER, Manager Jacksonville, Florida A human, home-like institution where you will find your individual comfort and entertainment a matter of great importance. A steel fireproof building located in the heart of the city. Every Room with Combination Tub and Shower Bath, Radio, Electric Ceiling Fan, Slat Door for Summer Ventilation, Comfortable Beds with Mattresses of Inner Spring Construction and Individual Reading Lamps. RATES 52 Rooms with Privsls Hath. .$ 1.50 Singlo AO Rooms with Private Bath.. 3.00 Single 36 Rooms with Private Hath.. 2.00 Single 24 Rooms with Private Bath.. 3.SO Single 40 Rooms with Private Bath.. 2.50 Single lO Sample R'ms with Pri. B’th 4.00 Single SLIGHT INCREASE FOR DOUBLE OCCUPANCY REDUCED CHARGES ! 1 1 Local Phone Calls , 5e Dry Cleaning Men’s Suit . 75c Pressing Men’s Suit 35e Laundry Same as City Laundry Prices Coffee Shop Extremely Moderate Charges CLEANLINESS AND COMFORT ASSURED Barringer Hotels % Carolina Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. Imperial Hotel, Greenville, S. C. ■ Hotel Richmond, Augusta, Ga. Hotel Florence, Florence, S. C. Hotel Columbia, Columbia, S. C. Hotel Cape Fear. Wilmington, N. C. Prince Charles Hotel, Fayetteville, N. Then he joined Bedini and Arthur, a noted team of jugglers. He brought them articles to juggle. Later he be came half of the vaudeville team of “Cantor and Lee.” When working before a microphone or making a record he feels depressed because an audience can’t see his eyes. Was once an errand boy for the Isaac Gellis Wurst Works. His birthday, if you’re interested, is January 31. He was born in 1892 on Eldridge Street, New York. His great hobby in life is the maintaining of camps for boys of the East Side. Who, like himself when a youth, never get any air and sunshine. First started his peppy style of racing up stage and down in 1910 singing a song called “The Ragtime Violin” writ ten by a new song-writer named Irving Berlin. Enjoys boxing with people. Often in his dressing room when a male visitor enters he will spar with him. He would like to be a strong man. The dream of his life for many years was to build his own home. While the house was being completed he was think ing of selling it. He is a good business man and quirk to sense an opportunity. Wall Street had no sooner crashed than he had written a book called, “Caught Short.” Even in his dressing room he is business-like, having a secretary, a desk and a tele phone. The first play he ever saw was “The Talk of New York,” by George M. Cohan, starring Victor Moore, at the Grand Opera House, Twenty-third Street and Eighth Avenue. Is fussy about food. Eats with an eye to calories and vitamins. Every so often, however, he falls off the wagon and goes in for a heavy kosher meal which he loves. His two favorite games are ping-pong and casino. He is a swell casino player. The first play he ever appeared in was “Canary Cottage,” written by Earl Carroll. Is always running to a doctor for some thing or other. One day a doctor ex amined him and said: “There’s some thing wrong with a gland in your throat. That’s the reason your eyes bulge. But I’m happy to say that I can cure you.” Cantor looked at the doctor and before racing from his office, said: “You don’t fix that gland. I should pay you yet to take away my livelihood. No, Sir. Good-bye.” He would like to be the founder of a new religion. Is a hard worker on the stage. When he was in the last Follies he said to a friend: “Drop around any time. I’m always on.” In his new home which he calls, “The House That Ziegfeld’s Jack Built,” the bathroom contains every type of a shower. He is able to take a shower standing, sitting, leaning and reclining. He hates bad wine, bad women and bad songs. Especially bad songs. Has a passion for hats. His dressing room is generally crowded with special made headgear both for street use and for comedy purposes. The ambition of his life is to be the father of a boy. He has five daughters. They are Marjorie, Natalie, Edna, Marilyn and Janet. Marjorie and Natalie were named after relatives. Edna, because it was a pretty name. Marilyn was named after Marilyn Mil ler. Janet was named after the nurse. After his fifth daughter was born, one wit wisecracked: “Cantor is trying to raise his own Albertina Rasch ballet.” Copyrifhted 1933 for The Southeen Israelite MINNEAPOLIS 4’- STRCLT AT HtNNtPlN AVf LOCATION COMFORT & MODERATE RATES Without both- Single $|. 5o up " " - Double *2*0" With bath-Sinale $2. up $3. M ^ Fixed price meols in Dining Room and Coffee Shopi Our goroge attendant takes your cor os you arrive and gives it the best of core THC0009C T STELTEN (The fttaxierty (CUAOPCAN) A quttt, Hom#-lik# Hotel, hi th* hoart of th# business district. whor* tho guosts’ comfort ■» tho first considorabon. •KAMAMCMCNT Of JACK mAlTV* Columbus; Georgia CAS OIL GOODYEAR SERVICE INC. Phone 3-31 16 Prest- O-Lite Storage Battery N. W. Cor. 4th nd Brevard Sts. \ CHARLOTTE, N. C. [26] ★ THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE