The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 12, 1935, Image 1

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The Southern Israelite Established 1925 VOL. X—NO. 24. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1935. Price Five Cents WORLD MOURNS OCHS, PUBLISHER OrNEW yorktimes . Bom in Cincinnati in 1858, Ochs Was the Son of an Impover ished Civil War Veteran Chattanooga, Tenn. (WNS — From president Roosevelt down to the copy boy on the New York Times, America is mourning the death of Adolph Simon Ochs, publisher of the New York Times, who died in this city at the age of seventy-seven, while revisiting the place where he started his journalistic career in 1869. More than any other one man Ochs was responsible for the tremendous prestige of the American press, which copied his ideas. He was the first to divorce the news columns from the editorial opin ions of a newspaper, and in so doing set a precedent which made the Times the outstanding tri umph of modern journalism. He came to New York in 1896, as a comparatively young and suc cessful publisher of the Chatta nooga Times to invest his whole life savings in the New York Times. It was then a decadent and moribund sheet but under his direction it became the most im portant newspaper in the world. Ochs grew with the Times. He was honored by six universities and throughout the world was rec ognized as the peer of publishers, a man who lifted the newspaper from the sphere of mud-slinging and character assassination to the level of a great organ of public education and public opinion. Born in Cincinnati in 1858, Ochs was the son of an impover ished Civil War veteran. He mar ried the daughter of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, founder of American Re form Judaism. Throughout his life he was identified with movements to preserve Judaism. He was a patron of the Hebrew Union Col- eve, the Jewish Education Assoc- ation and the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. An un compromising opponent of Zion- -m and Jewish nationalism, his paper nevertheless published more f-°ntst and general Jewish news han any other general paper in le W01 'ld. Some years ago he pre- ented a Menorah to the Cathed- ral ° f St. John the Divine. In -edition to the New York Times and the Chattanooga Times, he 'Mncd Current History Magazine, Midweek Pictorial and The An- • a i t. At one time he was pub- •'••‘i of the Philadelphia Times and Ledger. Jit DF irt THS 0F TWO german j E>'ISH refugee women AROUSES LONDON . London (WNS)—The 10u s circumstances "rH ^ eathS ° f Dr - Dora 1 r ^Lathilde Wurm, pron fon ^ Je wmh refugees, whi roo dead °f poison in Sr-rv^’ are bein S investigat a . ' anC1 Yard - Both womer neotf at€d With the injury ii W; With the kidnapi JewL 0f Berthold Jacob, G J*™ 1 re iugee journalist. F that 1 Women refuse to i of c„ in h ® lr dea ths are the is hint ^ e ’ and 111 sonie cir womp " that Nazis murder C?'° Prevent them from a^t- amaging disclosures ii 11 w ith the Jacob outr Hish Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel, first High Commissioner of Palestine who represented Great Britain at the dedication ceremonies, partici pated in the international broad cast on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the University. PROBE ACTIVITIES OF BLACK HITLER IN HARLEM NEGRO RIOT It Was Abdul Who First Called Attention to the Smoldering Discontent in Harlem New York (WNS)—Seeking to determine the causes of and the responsibility for the recent negro riots in Harlem, Mayor La Guar- dia’s inter-racial committee is planning to investigate the role of Abdul Hamid, self-styled “black Hitler of Harlem.” It was Abdul Hamid who first called attention to the smoldering discontent in Harlem when he attracted con siderable support for his cam paign against Jewish merchants who were allegedly discriminating against negro workers. It is re ported that Hamid has obtained some aid from various Nazi organ izations. The committee hopes to be able to uproot all movements engaged in stirring up racial ani mosities among the negro popul ation. JEWISH SCHOOLBOY NATION’S NEWEST SWIMMING MARVEL New York (WNS) — America’s chances of winning the swimming championship back from Japan in the coming Olympic Games were materially increased when Adolph Kiefer, 16-year-old Chicago Jewish schoolboy, revealed himself as the latest natatorial marvel by break ing the world’s record for the 150- yard back-stroke in the 47th annual national indoor championships of the Amateur Athletic Union. Kief er set a mark of 1:36.1 td break by eight-tenths of a second the ac cepted world mark established last year by Albert Vande Weghe. Kief er, who was taught to swim by his father, a swimming instructor in the German army, first became na tionally known several months ago when he started to crack national swimming records. TEMPLE PASSOVER SADER In the main auditorium of the Temple on Thursday evening, Ap ril 11, at 7 o’clock, there will be a Sader for all members of the Temple and their friends, fif ty cents per plate. Chairman pf the committee is Mrs. Jack Weinstock. This Sader is given under the auspices of the Temple Sisterhood. Mack Elected Chairman Of Union Of American Hebrew Congregations Washington, D. C. (WNS)—The election of Jacob W. Mack of Cin cinnati to the chairmanship of the executive' board, an office he has held since the death of Ludwig Vo- gelstein, marked the closing session of the 34th biennial Council of the Union of American Hebrew Con gregations, the organization of Re form congregations. A member of the executive board since 1919, Mr. Mack was elected treasurer in 1931 and vice-president in 1923. Other officers elected were: A. Leo Weil of Pittsburgh, first vice-president; Maurice D. Rosenberg of Washing ton, second vice-president; Marcus Rauh of Pittsburgh, third vice- president; N. Henry Beckman of Cincinnati, treasurer; and Rabbi George Zepin of Cincinnati, exec utive secretary. Judge Irving Leh man of New York, Lee M. Friedman of Boston and Arnold M. Schmidt of Brooklyn were named to fill three vacancies on the executive board. Satisfaction with the efforts made for the upbuilding of Palestine was expressed in one of nine resolutions adopted by the Council. Other res- j olutions pledged “unremitting indi- I vidual and collective aid” in behalf. of the Jews of Germany and other foreign lands, called upon enlight ened public opinion to condemn and combat anti-Semitism every where, voiced sympathy for perse cuted minority groups everywhere, lauded the University in Exile and the committees for placing exile German scholars, endorsed the work of the Pro-Falasha Committee, ap proved the work of the United Jew ish Appeal, endorsed legislation to curb lynching and advocated world peace. The National Federation of Tem ple Sisterhoods, which held its con vention simultaneously with that of the Union, unanimously elected Mrs. Henry Nathan of Buffalo, president. Mrs. Adolph Rosenberg of Cincinnati was elected first "vice- president; Mrs. Albert J. May of New York, second vice-president Mrs. David Lefkowitz of Dallas, third vice-president; Mrs. Julius Honnig, Columbia, South Carolina, fourth vice-president; Mrs. Joseph Stolz of Chicago, recording secre tary; Mrs. Jonas Frenkel of Cincin nati, treasurer; Miss Jane Evans of Cincinnati, executive secretary. Members of the executive board are Mrs. Harry Freund, St. Louis; Mrs. Charles Greenclay, Denver; Mrs. Adolph Hanauer, New Brunswick, N. J.; Mrs. Henry Meyers, Detroit; Mrs. Joseph G. Nathanson, Provi dence; Mrs. Jonas Selig, Monroe, La.; Mrs. Morris Barnett, New Or leans; Mrs. Samuel Brody, Chica go; Mrs. Sam H. Cohens, Cleveland; Mrs. Milton H. Fries, Birmingham; Mrs. David Goldfarb, New York; Mrs. A. M. Goldstein, Seattle; Mrs. Ernst Horwitz, Atlanta; Mrs. Aaron Lambie, Pittsburgh; Mrs. I. Valen tine Levi, Philadelphia; Mrs. W. W. Oberdorfer, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. Jo nas Oberdorfer, Syracuse, N. Y.; Mrs. Samuel T. Rice, Hamilton, Ohio; Mrs. A. L. Sachar, Champaign, Ill.; Mrs. Sol Schoenmann, Hous ton; Mrs. Jonas Sternberger, Brownsville, Texas. First Jewish Seamen’s Union In History Formed at Haifa Haifa (WNS—Palcor Agency)—A new chapter in the age-old history of the Jewish people was written here when the first Jewish sea men’s union of which there is rec ord held its first meeting here. For Passover Services of At lanta’s Congregations, see “Next Week” Column on Editorial Page. Publ is her Dies ADOLPH OCHS America’s leading publisher, who passed away while visiting in Chattanooga, the scene of his apprenticeship days. EDEN TO DISCUSS MINORITY TREATIES WITHJPO LAND Poland’s Abrogation of the Minor ities Treaty Will be Discuss ed by Anthony Eden London (WNS)—Poland's abro gation of the minorities treaty will be discussed by Anthony Eden, England’s roving ambassa dor, when he confers with Marshal Piludski and Foreign Minister Beck at Warsaw on the European crisis created by Germany’s scrap ping of the military clauses of the Versailles Treaty, it was re ported here. Eden, It is said, will try to obtain a pledge that Po land will not discriminate against her minority peoples. Warsaw (WNS)—Although dip lomatic circles abroad regard Wa- lery Slawek, Poland’s new premi er, as a Fascist and pro-Nazi, Jewish public opinion here seems to feel that he is friendly to the Jews. The feeling among Jews is that in view of the growth of anti-Semitism in Poland it is per haps better for the Jews if Po land is ruled by a dictator who is friendly to Jews rather than by a democrat who is an anti-Sem ite. AMERICANS SCORED 254 POINTS IN MACCIBIAD TRACK EVENTS Tel Aviv (WNS—Palcor Agen cy)—Final computation of the point totals in the track and field events at the second triennial Maccabiad shows that the United States won the track and field championship with 254 points. Germany was second with 183, and Poland was a close third with 178 x k. Palestine scored 139^ points, Austria, 135, Czechoslovak ia, 105, and South Africa, 91, POPE RECEIVES ANGLO- JEWISH SCHOLAR Rome (WNS)— Pope Pius re ceived Cecil Roth, world famous Jewish historian, in audience and accepted from him a copy of his latest book, which recounts how Pope Clement XIV denounced the libel that Jews use Christian blood for ritual purposes. Roth was re ceived toy the Pope as a represen tative of the British Jewry. ATLANTA TO HOLD JEWISH NATIONAL FUND CAMPAIGN Conference Held at the Jewish Progressive Club on Pryor Street HELD WEDNESDAY Committee to Work Out Campaign Details and Submit Proposals to a Larger Conference • At a conference held at the Jewish Progressive Club on Pryor street by leaders and representa tives of Atlanta Jewry, it was the unanimous opinion of all pre sent that Atlanta accept its share of responsibility in helping raise the American quota of $500,000 in the special campaign now be ing conducted throughout the United States, It was also the consensus of the meeting, which was presided over toy Rabbi Harry H, Epstein, that the local cam paign be launched at the earliest possible time this spring in view of the urgent emergency which exists in the scarcity of land in Palestine, which drawback may restrict immigration into the Holy Land. Mr. Simon J. Levin of New York, National Field representative of the Fund, who spoke, pointed out that there is even an element of danger that the mandatory may be forced to restrict immigration unless the Jewish people will have sufficient land at their command to take care of the large influx particularly from Nazi Germany. Mr. Levin urged that Atlanta set the pace for other Southern cities not only in accepting their obligations in this special Jewish National Fund project but see to it that the money be raised promptly. It was decided to appoint a committee to work out campaign details and submit their propos als to a larger conference of rep resentatives from all Jewish or ganizations to be held shortly at which time the mechanics of the campaign may be perfected and campaign officers and commit tees selected. The planning committee in cludes the following: 11. Rich, chairman; Edward R. Vajda, sec retary; Joel Dorfan, Ralph Win ner, Dr. Nathan Blass, B. Nie- burg, David S. Block, F. Taffel, David J. Ajouelo, L. Issacson, Rabbi Harry H. Epstein, Rabbi I. Joseph Cohen and Rabbi Tob ias Geffen. Harvard Orator Called College Beth Hamidrash In 1675, Exhibit Show* Cambridge, Mass. (WNS — A Unique feature of the display of 16th, 17th and 18th century man uscripts and books dealing with Maimonides, on exhibit in the Treasure Room of the Widener Library pf Harvard University In connection with the Maimonides Octocentennial Celebration, is a handwritten original of a Harvard commencement address of 1675 in which the writer characterizes Harvard College as a “Beth Ham idrash.” The same oration cites a quotation on Maimonides from the writings and speeches of John Harvard, founder of Harvard Col lege, and compares John Harvard to the Jews because he, like they, considered a school of greater importance even than *a syna gogue since he left his fortune for the endowment of a college rather than a church.