The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, May 10, 1935, Image 1

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The Southern Israelite VOL. X—NO. 28 ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1935. Price Five Cents COHEN PROPOSES STRONGER COUNCIL Atlanta’s Organizations Ready To Launch Intensive J N F Drive Importance Of Increased Jewish Unity Is Stressed \ddress Heard By Over Five Hundred Delegates Washington, D. C. (WNS)—En largement of the powers and juris diction of the Joint Consultative Council, which includes representa tives of the B’nai B’rith, American Jewish Congress and American Jewish Committee, so as to make it tha authorized spokesman of Amer ican Jewry in all matters affecting Jews as Jews regardless of the dis tinctions that ordinarily divide them was demanded by Alfred M. Cohen, international president of the B’nai B’rith, in his presidential message to the opening session of the four teenth quinquennial convention of the B’nai B’rith. More than five hundred delegates heard Mr. Cohen declare that although “It is idle to expect that either (of these three organizations) will yield its exist ence in favor of another,” it “is possible for them through represen tation from their membership to constitute a jointure that shall speak and act for and in behalf of all American Jewry in matters of such general concern to the Jew as may interest all Jews, regardless of distinctions which ordinarily di vide them.” Mr. Cohen’s address urged the importance of increased Jewish uni ty and the need for constructive ac- tom-te meet the menace of ecenowiw discrimination against the Jews jn America. After reiterating his op position to a world Jewish congress and pledging himself to continue his efforts to unite the activities of both the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Commit tee so far as their program for American Jewry is concerned, Mr. Cohen referred in great detail to the mounting tide of economic dis crimination against the Jew in this country and recommended ^Jiat the B’nai B’rith take the initiative in bringing together all interested Jewish agencies in combatting this danger “in order to stem a tide which threatens to overwhelm the Jew economically.” He minced no words in excoriating Jewish em ployers who refuse to hire Jewish employes. Elsewhere in his presidential ad dress Mr. Cohen favored continued B’nai B’rith for the National Con- •erenee of Jews and Christians be cause “the politician and the po- •iceman will not solve the Jewish Problem but the preacher and the ■eacher may”; recommended official ^cognition for the women’s auxil- lar y lodges of the B’nai B’rith; ^rophasized the urgency of expend- the work of the Anti-Defama- ■on League; urged continued sup port of B’nai B'rith’s social service apartment for Jewish patients at ; ne -'layo Clinic. Mr. Cohen also re- Pwted on the great strides made by nai B’rith in the last five years, pressing the fact that during all ? Past lessons in membership • a u been recouped. He laid particu- m Phasis °n the one hundred per , e . nt ' ncrea se in membership of : e Ph Zadek Aleph, the junior aux- “ary; the extension of B’nai B’rith ■ 0 France, South America, Alge- a ’ Mexico, and Hawaii and the 5 owth of the Hillel Foundations in e colleges. Since the last conven- j>on B nai B’rith expended $250,000 in * lco an< * a similar sum in car- viH'- Wa - r or Phans, as well as pro- «„! assistance to Jews in Greece and Poland. weans of obtaining accur- ;n “ rst -hand information regard- ci tr , r • P r °blems facing Jewish stu- v . ln American colleges, the con- tior, r th T°“g h its Hillel Founda- t-L,.; omm issi on , authorized the es- o n 1 "’ hrn< r n t of a bureau of research d na tional scale to undertake a (Continued on Page 2) URGES UNITY ALFRED M. COHEN, Inter national President of B’nai B’rith in his address before the fourteenth quinquennial convention held in Washington, stressed the impor tance of increased Jewish unity. Expert Reveals Falsity of Protocols Berne, Switzerland (WNS)—The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are the work of the Czarist secret po lice who had special reasons for concocting those forgeries in order to provide an excuse for persecution of the Jews, Dr. C. A. Loosli, Swiss expert, told the court which is hearing the suit of the Swiss Fed eration of Jewish Communities against Swiss Nazis who circulated the Protocols. Loosli, who is the expert assigned by the court, pre sented his findings after Col. Ul rich Fleischhauer, Nazi expert, had concluded three days of testimony in the course of which his asser tions became so ludicrous and idi otic that even the judges joined with the spectators in laughter. Dr. Loosli categorically denied that Zionist leaders ever had revolu tionary or political ambitions in the lands where they lived, and em phatically contradicted Fleisch- hauer’s allegation that the Proto cols were grafted at the first Zion ist Congress in Basle. Supporting the statement made by Dr. Baum- garten, Jewish expert, that the Protocols were plagiarized from the writings of Maurice Joly, a French lawyer, Dr. Loosli branded as false and laughable the legend of the anti-Semites that the Protocols were confiscated by the Czarist po lice in the home of a Russian Jew, as well as other anti-Semitic ver sions of the Jewish origin of the Protocols. Dr. Loosli also showed that after Czarist secret police had prepared the Protocols, they were polishel up by Sergei Nilus, anti- (Continued on Page 8) Dr. Loeb Wins Memorial Medal of American College of Physicians Serious Pogrom Is Narrowly Averted Berlin (WNS) — Only the re straint and self-discipline of the Jews of Munich prevented what was a deliberate attempt by the fol'owers of Julius Streicher, Nazi overlord of Franconia, to precipi tate a pogrom when a band of drunken Nazi students, uniformed brown shirts and secret police at tempted to goad the six hundred attendants at a meeting celebrating the tenth anniversary of the He brew University into an overt act. While the Jews were listening to a lecture on the Hebrew University, the Nazi hooligans defaced the out side of the building with insulting signs and pictures. As the Jews, including many women and chil dren. began leaving the hall, the drunken students and storm troop ers greeted them with abusive and vile remarks. The Jews refused to fall into the trap and dispersed quietly. Tw*> Jews who tried to re monstrate with the students and who complained to the police were arrested and taken to police head quarters. Later they were released. As a result of the increasing tern po the anti-Semitic campaign and the announcement that the Jews will shortly be deprived of their citizenship, Jewish leaders here are trying to obtain from Nazi official dom an official statement of the ex act position of German Jewry. The Juedische Rundschau, Zionist or gan, published an editorial asking the government what will be the official status of the Jews after the new citizenship law is decreed. The Rundschau said that “only a few hundred thousand Jews still live inside the boundaries of the Reich. Through emigration the number is steadily diminishing. We Jews know that, according to the principles dominating present-day Germany, we have no control over the place we shall occupy in the Nation. We believe, however, that in so regulating matters as to ex clude us from all public office and service, it is in the interests of the nation to provide for our presence in some positive fashion.” Philadelphia (WNS)—The covet ed John Philips Memorial Medal, awarded annually by the American College of Physicians to some out standing physician in the field °* medicine, was presented to Dr. Leo Loeb, professor of pathology at Washington University, St. Louis, at the close of the organization s annual convention. Dr. Loeb, who is a former president of the Amer ican Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists and of the Soaety for Cancer Research, delivered the convocation oration, speaking on “The Thyroid-stimulating Hormone of the Anterior Pituitary Gland. Holy Land to Have First Radio Station Jerusalem (WNS—Palcor Agen cy)—The ancient Biblical phrase that “out of Zion will come forth the Law” achieved twentieth-cen tury reality when the Palestine Government began construction of the Holy Land’s first public radio station near Jerusalem. Actual building operations follow years of agitation for such a project on the part of all elements of the popula tion. At the present time there is a military wireless station at Sara- fend, the garrison for His Majesty’s aerial forces in Palestine. A prob lem that does not face any other broadcasting station in the world has been solved in Palestine. An nouncers as well as programs will use Arabic, English and Hebrew, the three official tongues of the country. The Palestine Government is the owner of the station. INSULTING REMARKS BY WIFE AGAINST HITLER GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE Berlin (WNS)—“Insulting re marks” about Hitler are now le gal grounds for divorce in Ger many, the German supreme court at Leipzig ruled in granting a husband’s petition for divorce on the plea that his spouse indulg ed in remarks about Der Fueh rer which the husband regardel as insulting. Goering Says Reich Will Buy Plane Inventions Even From Jews Berlin (WNS) — “Inventions do not have grandmothers whose race must be probed,” General Hormann Wilhelm Goering, Nazi air minister, told newspapermen in announceing that Germany is guying air defense inventions wherever it can obtain them, “whether the man be heath en, Christian or Jew.” Scheme to Smash Boycott Revealed Paris (WNS) — A sensational scheme designed to break the anti- Nazi boycott in the United States has been concocted by a mysterious American journalist, H. Philip Morgan, who, in collaboration with an unknown non-Aryan German trade journalist, has drafted a memorandum to Hitler proposing that the widespread animosity against Germany in the United States resulting from Nazi perse cution of the Jews be dissipated by a personal transatlantic telephone call from Hitler to President Roose velt, in which Der Feuhrer would promise that any further persecu tion of the Jews forbidden in Germany forthwith.' Details of this curious proposal were revealed in the Pariser Tageblatt in a re port from its Berlin correspondent, who not only has a copy of the memorandum, but who says that it is being given serious consideration in high Nazi circles. #This proposed pledge by Hitler, (Continued on Page 8) Groups Spread Hatred Of Jews In South African Provinces Joh annesburg (WNS) — Reports from the provincial centers of the Union of South Africa indicate that anti-Jewish agitation is growing under a variety of disguises. In Capetown the movement is being sponsored by the Gentile Protection League, headed by J. H. H. de Waal, son of an ex-speaker of the Union Parliament. De Waal has published a book called “My Awak ening” which is in the best tradi tion of Nazi anti-Semitic literature. One of the illustrations shows Jews tapping and draining the blood of Christian children. General Jan Christian Smuts, former premier and now minister of justice, is con sidering what action should be tak en against this inflammatory vol ume. In Western Transvaal the South African National Party is holding large and regular meetings in the towns and villages at which anti-Semitic speeches are made. The economic depression in this area is being utilized to stir up the farm ers against the Jews. A third anti- Semitic organization is the South African National Democratic Move ment which is active in Eastern Transvaal. This group publishes p paper called “Ons Reg” or “Our Right” which contains repeated at tacks on the Jewish population. Jewish leaders here are trying to get the local authorities to prohibit the meetings of these groups on the ground that they are a menace to public order. Representaives to Gather At J.P.C. For Fund Drive Mass Meeting to Be Held on May 22 Representatives from every or ganization in Atlanta and officials of the Jewish National Fund will gather at the Jewish Progressive Club Monday evening, May 13, at 8 o’clock to work out the final plans for the fund drive for which At lanta pledged to raise $4,000 be tween May 21st and June 9th, and at the same time members on the various working committees that will form the “flying squadron” will be named. The Atlanta committee, recently named by a joint meeting of the city’s organizations and Simon J. Levin, New York City, field repre sentative of the Jewish National Fund, is headed by Ralph Willner and assisted by M. Rich. Other of ficers are Dr. Nathan Blass, A. Cenker, and Mrs. 'Sam E. Levy, Vice-Presidents, Harry M. Wen- grow, Treasurer, Edward R. Vajda, Secretary. Joe Dorfan is chairman of the Organization and Speakers Committee, while Dave N. Meyers is Chairman of the Special Gifts division. David S. Block heads the Men’s Working Committee and the head of the women’s working Com mittee will be announced later. Honorary Chairmen are Rabbis Harry H. Epstein, Joseph Cohen and. .Tobias Geffen. The Executive Committee is made up of M. Nie- berg, David S. Block, F. Taffel, Da vis Ajouelo, and L. Isaacson. The campaign to be inaugurated in Atlanta will be one of many to be started in other cities over the country to raise $500,000 for the purpose of redeeming more of the land in Palestine. Due to the Jewish homeland being a haven for refu gees more land is needed for the greatly increased numbers and the goal of the Jewish National Fund by raising this money is to alle viate the-acute land shortage. In emphasizing the importance of a successful drive here, Major Ralph Willner, chairman of the Lo cal Committee, pointed out that thousands of dunams of land have already been acquired by the Fund. “However,”' Mr. Willner quoted, “due to the ever increasing num bers, more land must be purchased to enable the newcomers to toil on the land and guarantee them an un interrupted Jewish homeland.” Although the exact program has not been outlined at this date, a huge mass meeting is scheduled to be held on May 22nd. After two weeks of a complete drive to raise the set quota, a banquet in celebra tion of the success of the drive is to be held on June 9th, at which time Morris Rothenberg of New York City, President of the Zionist Order of America, the organization (Continued on Page 2) Doctors Honored For • New Medical Discoveries Philadelphia (WNS)—Importar new discoveries in the treatment < asthma and in the diagnosis c cancer were reported to the 19t annual session of the American Co lege of Physicians by Dr. Alvan 1 Barach of the Columbia-Presbyti rian Medical Center in New Yor and Dr. Benjamin Gruskin of th medical school of Temple Univei sity, Philadelphia, respectively. D; Barach’s contribution to medics science was the discovery that he! ium benefits asthma sufferers whe all other remedies have failed. Di Gruskin’s discovery was the devel opment of the new substances whic reveal the existence of cancer in it earliest stages long before the di sease can be detected by X-rays o any other methods.