The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, May 24, 1935, Image 1

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The Southern Israelite Established 1925 VOL- X- -NO. 30 ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 193 5. Price Five Cents BOYCOTT STOPS SHIP CALLS Rutgers Professor Dropped For Opposing Nazi Propaganda University Officials Probe Reasons For D i s c h a r g e VISITS AMERICA Inquiry Is Ordered After Storm of Protest y e w Brunswick, N. J. (WNS)— Following charges that Dr. Lien- hard Bergel, non-Jewish instruc tor of German at the New Jersey College for Women, an affiliate of Rutgers University, had been drop ped from the faculty because the head of the German Department and most of its members are Nazis who are spreading Nazi and anti- Semitic propaganda which Bergel tried to counteract, Dr. Robert C. Clothier, president of Rutgers University, appointed a committee of the university’s trustees to in vestigate the matter. Representa tives of the American Civil Liber ties Union were invited to sit in with the committee, which includes J. Edward Ashmead, chairman; Philip M. Brett, Mrs. A. Haines Lippincott, John W. Mettler and John H. Raven. The inquiry was ordered after a storm of protest broke over the Rutgers campus when Dr. Bergel was informed that he would not be reappointed to the faculty at the end of the college year. Dr. E. J. Hauptmann, head of the German department, said that Dr. Bergel was dropped because of incompe tence, but Dr. Bergel, who has been a member of the German depart ment for three years, pointed out that details of his alleged incompe tence were refused. Dr. Bergel has the support of the students, four hundred of whom signed a petition praising him as a teacher and de manded his reappointment. When this petition was published in the college newspaper Dr. Hauptmann charged the reason for Bergel’s dismissal to one of economy. This too was dropped after the college Taper printed letters from students of German, charging that “the teaching of German is used as the Point of departure for a eulogy of Fascism.” and that the dissem ination of Nazi propaganda in the classes has caused a decrease in the enrollment in the German classes. Every member of the Ger man faculty is a German citizen. Hr. Bergel who has been in this country since 1031 has taken out his first citizenship papers and is married to an American. In discussing the matter Dr. Ber- ? el ^aid that “at first I was just unsympathetic to the Nazi culture. ■ hen. when Dr. Hauptmann and others used a lot of classroom time •° r Nazi propaganda I tried to counteract it. That antagonized the res t of the department. When I 'poke with President Clothier he admitted the department was pre dominantly Nazi, but defended the : 8ht of professors to make prop aganda on the ground of academic •reedom (Dr. Clothier said he did ; r, t recall such a conversation but r; admitted he may have said we P ®ve in academic freedom here). r> f'ergel also asserted that a ?" eat stack of pro-Nazi and anti- ^emitie pamphlets was left in the ■orman department's office, past ^ ! , ch all students had to pass to ne ! r classrooms. The pamphlet is —titled “A Foreign Visitor’s Im- U ess ion of Germany,” and extols • azi culture, and takes the posi- : I( $ l hat Germany must rid her- ,0 ’ of the Jews who are Marxists ‘Gmg to force their culture on the '^vman people. DAVID BEN GURION, Pales tine labor leader, who is in this country, emphasizes the impor tance of more land to further mass rural colonization in Palestine. Early Results Of Campaign Indicate Success June 9 Zionist President Will Speak In Atlanta Aviator Sets A New Glider Record REVISIONISTS SECESSION SUICIDE FOR THEM, BEN GURION PREDICTS New York (NWS)—The seces sion of the Revisionists from the World Zionist Organisation will not hurt the Zionist Organization, but is a blunder which may mean the suicide of the Revisionist movement, David Ben Gurion, member of the Jewish Agency Ex ecutive and Palestine labor leader, declared at a luncheon in his honor by the Palcor Agency. Recalling that Jabotinsky had left the Zion ist Organization twice before and returned each time, Ben Gurion as serted that the Jewish masses of Eastern Europe will not follow the Revisionist chieftain out of the Zionist Organization. Reviewing the present situation in Palestine, he expressed satisfaction with the economic development, reporting that Jews had invested $50,000,000 in 1934, but warned that the prob lem of additional land was crucial. Lauding High Commissioner Wau chope, Ben Gurion said that 17,000 Jewish immigrants had entered Palestine in the first three months of 1935. The discovery of new wa ter resources, he asserted, will be an important factor in the future development of the country. He warned against concentration of Jewish settlement in the towns and emphasized the importance of more land to further mass rural coloni zation. Cautioning against too much optimism with regard to present achievements, he said these were as nothing compared to what is needed to makes Pales tine a place where millions of Jews can go in a short time. POI 4ND B4NS PAPER ASKING THE GOVERNMENT TO GO ANTI-SEMITIC Pledges received during the first three days of the Jewish National Fund drive to raise $4,000, inaug urated in Atlanta on May 21st, pave the local officers first hand information as to how the cam paign will go over and according to Harry M. Wengrow, Treasurer, Atlanta will go “over the top.” Despite the fact nearly two weeks of hard work are ahead of the workers, elaborate plans are being made for the “Victory Banquet” to be held on June 9th at the Shrine Mosque, at which time Morris Rothenberg, President of the Zion ist Order of America, will be the honored guest and speaker of the occasion. Captains and delegates of At lanta’s Jewish organizations, who make up the working teams, start ed the campaign following an en thusiastic rally held at the Ahavath Achim Congregation on Tuesday evening at which time JRabbi Jo seph Cohen, of the Or V’Shslom Congregation. Rabbi Harry Ep stein, of the Ahavath Achim Con gregation, Simon J. Levine, of New York, and Major Ralph L. Willner, Chairman of”the Atlanta committee spoke before the gathering and in spired the workers on to success. Rabbi Harry Epstein in his ad dress emphasized the importance of land redemption work in the up building of Palestine, declaring it was imperative that Atlanta do its utmost to fill the quota set. He promised, with proper coordination of effort, and with the support of every group and organization, suc cess should be assured. Progress of the drive will be re corded each day at 911 First Na tional Bank Bldg, campaign head quarters, and get-together meet ings for the workers will be held on Monday and Thursday evening at the Henry Grady Hotel. David S. Block is chairman of the Men’s division and Mrs. Sam L. Levy and Mrs. J. J. Heiman are directing the women workers.” Paris (WNS)—Robert Kronfeld, Austrian Jewish aviator and the world’s leading glider, completed the first London-to-Paris glider flight when he completed the cross ing in four hours and five minutes. The glider in which he made the trip was equipped with only a small motor cycle engine and the fuel cost was cheaper than that of any flight of this distance ever made. Kronfeld holds most of the world’s records for gliding. He was the first to make a round trip glider flight over the English channel, accomplishing this feat in 1931. Warsaw (WNS)-The Gazete Warszawska, organ of the anti- Semitic National Democratic Par- tv, has been suppressed for a week because it published an article rec ommending that the government adopt an official policy of anti- Semitism. The suppression of the paper is interpreted m Jewish cir cles as an indication that the gov ernment is determined to continue the Pilsudski policies. Octogenerian Jew Who Saved Hoover’s Life Dies In Poverty Houston, Texas (WNS)—The tragedy of an octogenerian Jewish peddler who was once a millionaire mine owner in South Africa, and who saved the life of former Pres ident Herbert Hoover when he was a young mining engineer in South Africa, was revealed for the first time, after the death here of Sol omon Stern, eighty-one years old, who had peddled knick-knacks in this efty for the last* twenty-three years. Son of a prominent Berlin family, Stern graduated as a min ing engineer from the University of Berlin in the 1880’s and went to South Africa, where he accumu lated a fortune in the gold mines It was at that time that he gave a job to Hoover. One morning Stern found Hoover seriously ill. Dropping everything else, he rush ed Hoover to a government hospi tal, where he recovered. During the Boer War Stern lost his fortune and went to London, where he met Hoover again. Later he came to America, settling i n Houston, where he has been a familiar figure for a generation. When Mr. Hoover came to Houston during the presi dential campaign in 1928 Stern was too proud to disclose himself to the future president. Recently, how ever, Stern asked Mr. Hoover to aid members of the Stern family in Germany. In reply the ex-presi dent sent his former benefactor a copy of his book, “The Challenge to Liberty.” Mr. Hoover was one of the honorary pall-bearers at Stern’s funeral which was conduct ed by Temple Beth-El and the Jew ish Social Service Bureau. England’s Proposal For League Aid Assured London (WNS)—Great Britain is prepared to support a proposal that the League of Nations estab lish a permanent office in Geneva to deal with the increasingly seri ous plight of the tens of thousands of refugees in Europe and Asia, including the refugees from Ger many, Sir John Simon, British For eign Minister, assured a delegation of distinguished Britishers who called on him at the Foreign Of fice. Sir John expressed sympathy with the delegation’s proposal and promised that the British govern ment would do nothing to prevent the establishment of a bureau de signed to handle the refugee ques tion as a permanent problem. The delegation included Lord Robert Cecil, Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, Prof. Gilbert Murray, a representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury spokesmen for the League of Na tions Union and the Quakers So ciety, and Lady Simon. Bovcott Forces Closing Calls At San Diego Manufacturers Protest Against Nazi Policies San Diego, Calif. (WNS)—A crushing blow was administered to German shipping on the Pacific Coast when it was announced that no more German vessels will call at the Port of San Diego because local manufacturers have canceled orders for commodities shipped on the steamers of the North German Lloyd and the Hamburg-American Line. The goods imported by local concerns were the only reason for the German ships to dock at San Diego. Before the manufacturers canceled their orders the German lines figured on docking one of their steamers here every fort night. When thL became known a move was started to get the steve dores to refuse to unload cargoes from German ships. The manufac turers joined the anti-Nazi boy cott en masse as a protest against the Nazi regime’s policies. HEBREW UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN LEAGUE Rome (WNS—Palcor Agency) —The student body of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was ac cepted into membership in the In ternational Students’ Federation at a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the International here. FORTUNE IN POCKET, JEW GOES HUNGRY FOR LACK OF KOSHER FOOD Dublin (WNS)—Although he had in his pocket a ticket for $72,000 due a friend of his who won that sum in the last Irish sweepstakes, Francisco Abrami, New York Jew, left Dublin hun gry because he could not find a kosher restaurant. Abrami came here to collect the prize for his friend, but quit the city for the Continent when he found he could not obtain kosher food. Expose Plot to Blame Jews For Kidnapings London (WNS)—A Nazi plot to clear* Germany of responsibility for the recent wave of kidnapings of German refugees by alleging that the reports of these outrages were canards concocted by Jews to dam age Germany abroad was exposed here by Lefia Gothelf, a German Jewish refugee journalist now on the staff of the Jewish Daily Post, whose name was used by Nazi agents to further this scheme. About a week ago a number of Paris newspapers received a cable from Basle, Switzerland, signed by “The Committee for the Defense of Refugees” in which it was stat ed that a Jewish newspaper man writing under the pseudonym of Levi Gothelf had kidnaped seven- enteen German refugees while they were on a bus tour in Switzerland and had lured them to the German border, where they were arrested by German agents. The cable also warned other refugees not to be lured on such tours. When Gothelf returned from a visit to Switzer land he exposed the plot. There is no such committee as was men tioned in the cable. Gothelf, who indignantly denied having any thing to do with the matter, ex plained that it was probably a scheme by the Nazis to spread a report that they had kidnaped sev enteen refugees, and then to ex pose the story as a hoax and lay the blame for the canard on the Jews. GERMAN POLICE NOW DECIDE WHO IS JEW Berlin (WNS)—The right to de cide who is a Jew has been given to the police throughout Germany as part of the revived government war on the Jews. As a means of singling out Jewish homes and shops the government has forbid den all Jews to display either of the two German flags, the swasti ka or the black, white and red ban-i ner. Two anti-Jewish pardaes, led by bands and participated in by uniformed troopers were held in Berlin. The marchers carried signs proclaiming “the Jews are our misfortune.”