The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 10, 1942, Image 4

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Page Four THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Friday, April 10, 1942 ABRAHAMS-GIGES Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abrahams announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Lamar, to Mr. Horace Melvin Giges, of New York and Valdosta, Ga. The date of the marriage will be announced later. Mr. Giges is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Gies of New York City. After graduating from the Flor ida Military Academy in St. Petersburg, he graduated from Georgia Tech and is now asso ciated with the Georgia Depart ment of Public Health. MINSK-LEVY Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Ann Minsk and Jerome Levy of Talladega and Anninston, Ala. The marriage took place on Sunday evening, April 5, at the home of the bride’s brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Romm, with Rnbbi David Marx officiating. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate families. Mrs. Levy is the daughter of Mrs. Bertha Grcenblntt Minsk and Isaac Minsk of Albany, Ga. Mr. Levy is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Julius Levy, who were residents of Anniston, Ain. for more than forty years. Mr. Levy is connected with the government in the F.ngineering Corps Accounting Department of the DePont Plant at Childersburg, Ala. The couple are making their home temporarily at the Purefoy Hotel. GREENBERG-SOSKINS Mrs. Arnold W. Soskins, former ly Miss Betty Greenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Green berg of Savannah was married last week to Arnold Soskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Soskins, of Miami Beach, Fla. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s parents and was performed j by Rabbi Irving Gordon and Can tor Samuel Lieberworth of the | Congregation Agudath Achim. I Only the immediate families were present. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Maid of honor and sister of the bride was Miss Helen Greenberg. The groom’s best man was his brother, Myron Soskins, of Chattanooga. Among the out of town guests for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Soskins, of Chattanooga; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shapiro, of Leesville, S. C.; Jack Greenberg of Laurens, S. C.; Miss Weinstein of Atlanta. BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Pinkie KopUn in vite their friends and relatives to the Bar Mitzvah of their son Deryl at the A. A. Synagogue Saturday morning at 9:30 a. m. April 25. Rabbi Harry Epstein will officiate. UNVEILING Friends of Mrs. Harris Levy are invited to attend the unveiling of her late husband at the graveside | in Greenwood Cemetery at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, April 19. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS BALES & WOMACK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 3076 Roswell Rond CHerokoe 1590 F. W. LA FRENTZ & CO. Public Accountants 22 Marietta St. Bldg. WAlnut 0869 RAY O VAC COMPANY 132 Walkers Street, S. W. Main 9511 Griggers Distributing Co. 277 Adams Bldg., Paces Ferry & Peachtree at Buckliead. Filter Queen Air Purifier and Demother, Frigidaire and Ben- dix Home Laundry. Guaranteed Service on Electric Appliances. , h__ A ATLANTA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES “Not Charity But a Chance” W. M. BANT A. SUPT. s. 388 Edgewood Avenue. N. E. MAtn 1220 BEAUTIFUL CLEANING—QUICK WORK KELPIN'S DRY CLEANING 656 N. HIGHLAND AVE.. N. E. HEmlock 4485 SEASON S GREETING Hebrew Shelter and Aid Society HARRY SMITH. President BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Frenkel of Charleston announce the birth of a baby boy. * • * VISITING HERE AND THERE Mrs. A. R. Hornich is visiting relatives in Charleston . . . Mrs. Joseph A. Gershon and Mrs. M. Greenspan and daughter Caroline of Nashville are visiting our city . . . Mrs. Henry Bauer, Jr., after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Henry Bauer, Sr. left for her home in Washington, D. C. . . . Mrs. De- wald is visiting her daughter Mrs. Herbert Schiff in Mobile. Mrs. Rose Simon is visiting rel atives in Augusta . . . Mrs. Carl Greenstone and daughter Suzanne spent the weekend in Albany and Macon . . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenbaum will have as their guest Mr. Simon Lobe of Ft. My ers, Floridu . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lichten have returned from a visit to Pensacola, Florida. * * * Friends of Alfred Meyers, Sr. will be glad to know she is recu perating at her home after her recent illness. * * * Mr. and Mrs. I. Sheinfeld are both recovering from a serious ill ness. * * * Miss Etta Warshaw entertained Miss Rhoda Cohen from Savannah over the holidays. Miss Warshaw i is working in the medical depot in I Savannah. * * * GET READY FOR ALLIANCE CAMP The Jewish Educational Alliance is making all necessary prepara tions for the camping season at Camp Daniel Morgan. Watch for further details in the next issue of | the Southern Israelite. Old and new campers of the ; ! Boys’ Camp arc invited to join for j an old-fashion Camp Reunion at Grant Park, Sunday afternoon! April 12 at 3:30 p. m. Camp Songs, a camp fire and general jollifica- ! tion are on the regular fare. Come I and bring your friends. * * * APRIL 15, NATIONAL COUNCIL DAY “Americanization for Defense is ' i the theme of National Council Day, April 15, dedicated by the National Council of Jewish Women to Service to Foreign Bom. Amer- I icanizing good aliens to become I i good citizens helps make a united | America. • • * A. A. Sisterhood Game Night Wednesday, April 15 , The Spring project of the Aha- 1 vath Achim Sisterhood will be held in the form of “Game Night” at the Educational Center Wed- nesdaj r evening April 15 at 8:30 P. M. according to Mrs. A. D. Srochi. general chairman and Mesdames i Harry Parks and Oscar Levine, ticket chairmen. Various games ! will be available and $25.00 War ; Savings Bonds will be awarded as ! prizes. Mrs. Sidney Goldstein and Mrs. I. H. Krantz, Hospitality chairmen announce that arrangements are being made for private game | rooms, if desired and refreshments will be served. The following committee may be called to pick up tables and 1 cakes: Mesdames Mose Taylor, Louis -Cohen, Sidney Srochi and [ Max N. Kessler, and Mose Leff S. M. KRAMF.R I. MANKI/TTA ROKEAtll REPRESENTATIVES Messieurs I. Mankuta and S. M. Kramer, officials of I. Rokeach & Sons of Brooklyn. N. Y., manufac turers of the widely known Rok each products, during their brief visit were entertained by their distributor Mr. and Mrs. K. Sun shine. They were particularly im pressed with the community spirit among Atlanta’s Jewish popula tion. Considering the small per centage of Jewish families in com parison with other cities of the same size, the progress made by organizations and institutions as the Educational Center, the Al liance and the social clubs is cer tainly a gratifying realization that there is unity, they said. Dan Schachter to Speak at Shearilh Israel Sunday S. Dan Schachter, teacher of the Shcarith Israel Bible Class, will speak at the assembly of the Shearith Israel Sunday School, Sunday morning, April 12, at 11:- .30 o’clock, following regular class es. Mr. Shachter will use as his topic ‘‘The Application of Judaism In Our Daily Lives.” I >.As their contribution to the J war effort, the Shearith Israel Sunday School and Bible Class are planning a paper sale to be con ducted until the close of the term. “Clear the Decks” Mr. H. A. Alexander, President of the Atlanta Jewish Welfare Fund, issued a special appeal to all 1941 subscribers of the Wel fare Fund, who have not yet paid their pledges in full, to do so im mediately. He urged that all checks be sent to the Welfare Fund at P. O. Box 855 or pay ments be made at the office 425 Atlanta National Building, White hall and Alabama. Mr. Alexander stressed the im portance of clearing all accounts at this time. “We must clear the decks for action now.” he said. “The 1942 effort must not be im peded by accounts past due. The war has intensified needs. We must meet our obligations and do more. Act now.” * Labor Bund Leader to Speak Sunday, April 12 Sunday, April 12 at 8:30 p. m. in the Workman’s Circle Lyceum Mr. S. MendeLson, Labor Bund leader, will speak on Jewish prob lems during and after the war. SEASON GREETINGS George B. Lyle Mayor. City of Atlanta PASSOVER GREETINGS JERE A. WELLS Fulton County Court House c9)((. gfawodkim, and J'cynA ANNUAL SPRING SALE of discontinued patterns in fine WALL PAPERS y 2 OFF REGULAR PRICE NOW . . . enjoy the luxury of truly fine wall coverings at sensationally low price . . . Over 10,000 rolls of ex clusive patterns—including many of Dwoskin’s individual imports and do mestic patterns .. . short lots and dis continued numbers from our lines. Shop for widest selections ... ALL SALES FINAL and cfonA 763 PEACHTREE, N. E. Worthy Causes Benefit Thru Your Welfare Fund