The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 21, 1942, Image 1

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AUG UNIVERSITY The Southern Israelite Established 1925 VOL. XVII. NO. 32 Danish Church Opposed To Nazis STOCKHOLM. (JTA)—The pro- , Nazi newspaper Faederlandet sev- l erely attacked the opposition of the Christian church to anti-Se mitism. which is reflected in offi cial Danish church organs. The at tack was especially provoked by an article in the local church ga zette of Sonderbourg which stated that no decent Christian would lend his hand to any of the Nazi anti-Jcwish laws. Deportation From France Continues BERNF.. (JTA)—The deporta tion from Paris to Poland and Nazi-occupied Russia of the first group of 2B.000 Parisian Jews will j be completed this week' according to a report published in the Swiss newspaper Schaffhausener Ar-1 beiterzeitung. The paper reports that freight cars crowded with Jews have been i departing from Paris to Nazi-held \ Eastern territories every day since I August 3. As soon as the Nazi com plete the deportation of the firts 28.000 Jews, more round-ups of Jews in Paris and other parts of occupied France for further de portations will follow', the report states . Property, confiscated from the deported Jews, includes 298 big estates located m the occupied part of France, according to the Swiss paper. These estates, the Nazis announced, have been sold to "Aryans ” Weekly Netvspo - 3*) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, / a to MT 9l8i r ern Jewry euQ Caucasus Driv Anti-Semitic Agitator Denounced OTTAWA, (JTA)—An anti-Semitic agitator who edited a Fascist paper .n Winnipeg was denounced on the floor of the Canadian House of Commons by M. J. Coldwell, Cooperative Cmmonwealth leader, who demanded to know why the government has not taken some action against him. Cold well pointed out that Charles Crate, editor of a Fascist periodi cal. The Thunderbolt," had sought to stir up racial hatred in Canada by declaring that the three enemies of the country were the Jews, Catholics and Masons, and was ‘‘still writing to people saying that the cause of the present war was the Jews." Assume Responsibility—Hungarians Told ZURICH, (JTA)—The Hungarian authorities are experiencing great difficulty as a result of the ousting of Jews from positions 'in the economic life of the country, it is revealed in a report published in the J ‘Magyar Orszag,” reaching here. According to the report, the Hungarian Minister of Propaganda has issued an appeal to the population encouraging them to take over positions which the Jews have been forced to give up. "Hungarians must not be nervous or hesitant," the appeal says. "They must learn I to assume responsibility." PRICE FIVE CENTS . wa 119 Palestine Military Observers Believe Rommel Waiting For Outcome of Battle Now Raging LONDON, (JTA)—With the j pincer drive on Syria, Palestine steady advance of the Nazi armies and the Suez Canal through Persia in the Caucasus, British military and Irak timed with the renewal experts this week indicated that j of offensive activities on the part the danger for Palestine, Syria and ! Egypt may become even more series since the occupation of the Caucasus by the Nazis may open for them new strategic opportun ities for air-and-land attacks on Syria. j Opinion is expressed here that l the present lull on the Egyptian j front is due partly to the fact that j General Rommel, commander of of Gen. Rommel’s forces in Egypt- it is believed. “The present lull in Egypt can not be expected to last for long," Brigadier General H. S. Sewell writes. He takes the pessimistic view that “it will take many weeks, even months, for fresh British reinforcements and heavy equipment to reach Egypt from England and America, while the the Nazi army there, is awaiting | Axis can meanwhile reinforce and the outcome of the battle for the j re-equip their army in Africa over Caucasus Germany victory in the j what, in comparison, is a very Caucasus may lead to a Nazi | short line of communication." Protest Meetings Disturb Nazis BERNE- (JTA)—Disturbed by the reaction aroused by the mass- meetings in America, England and other democratic countries pro testing against the Nazi deporta- ! duced itions and massacres of Jews in oc cupied territories, , the Nazi cen sorship has taken treasures to pre- | vent further information concern- 1 ing German atrocities against jJews from reaching the outside ; world, it was disclosed in a private ' report which was received here from German this week. Stricter censorship of letters j from ghettos addressed to people in neutral countries will be intro- and less information on Jews will be published in the Nazi press which reaches the outside world. The anti-Jewish propagan da in the press in Germany arid In Nazi-controlled countries will be Jews Not Allowed On Main Streets i LONDON- (JTA)—An order i prohibiting Jews in The Hague | from appearing on any of the which might be useful for anti- ! streets in the central part of the Nazi agitation. The new policy of | city has been issued by the Nazi the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda j occupational authorities in Hol land, according to a' report pub- conducted in a general way with out revealing and concrete facts Laval at Work ZURICH, (JTA)—Exit visas for Jews desiring to emigrate from unoccupied France will hereafter be issued by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs instead of the local police authorities, as hitherto issued, it was reported here from Vichy. The new measure will make the departure of Jews from unoccu pied France more difficult, the re port indicated. It is aimed espe cially against foreign-born Jews, whom the Nazi authorities in Paris would prefer to see deported to occupied territories in Eastern Eu rope for slave labor instead of em igrating to oversea lands. Checking Man-Power JERUSALEM, (JTA)—The en tire manpower in Palestine was placed this week under the strict control of the Palestine Govern ment. New measures toward this end were announced by Eric Mills, recently appointed controller of manpower. is motivated not so much by the desire to hide the Nazi brutalities against the Jews, but because of the fact that the governments of the United Nations are utilizing the anti-Jewish acts of the Nazis “to inflame the determination of the people in the Allied countries for a more vigorous prosecution of the war,” it was explained in the report. lished in Vrij Nederland, organ of the Free Dutch in England, Brawls and fights have become more frequent in The Hague sihee the Nazis began entering the ter races of restaurants and throwing out any Jews who happened to be there, the paper reports. Dutch citizens come to the aid of the Jews and fights ensue, the report informs. Thousands Arrested In Paris BERNE, (JTA)—The Velodrome D’Hiver, a bicycle track near Paris, is so tightly packed with Jews arrested by the German occupa tion authorities that the internees find it impossible to even stretch their legs, the Paris correspondent of the Social Democratic Berne newspaper Tagwacht, reports this week. Describing the situation of the Jews confined in the camp, the Swiss correspondent writes: “The famed Velodrome D’Hiver is now packed with the most miserable human beings of both sexes- It is impossible for them to stretch their legs, nor have they room to lie down and sleep. They must stand in line for hours when they wish to use the lavatory. Some of the younger Jewish women have been forced into brothels patronized by German soldiers." He confirmed the reports that scores of Jews committeed suicide when Gestapo agents came to seize them. ‘‘During the days between July 15 and 25 we went through hell," the correspondent states. ‘‘Many cases came to my knowledge where women and their children jumped from windows. But this did not deter the Nazis. The arrests continued " The Tagwacht this week carries a front-pa^e editoral commenting on the arrests entitled: “We Cannot Remain Silent." F.B.I. Discovers Anti-Jewish Plot PHILADELPHIA, (JTA)—The existence of a Nazi plot to injure hundreds of prominent American Jews was indicated in material I seized when Federal Bureau of Investigation agents rounded up 150 I German aliens in this city. The announcement explains that; A chart found in the home of one of the arrested men listed the that a balanced disposal of the available man and woman power is essential for the defense of the Near East and listed the first ser ies of occupations which are deemed essential for the war ef fort. names of hundreds of prominent Jews, with their occupation, includ ing any public office they held and close associates. In some cases words which had appeared next to some of the names had been scraped off, apparently with a pen knife. It is believed that the words indicated criminal intent of some kind. The FBI laboratory may be able to restore enough of the letters to make the deleted words legible, it was said here. Late Prof. Frieidlander Honored Wallln * w * n Rep><r ** Jewish soldiers and officers of South Africa * pryer •» the WsJUlns win Jerusalem. The above photograph, releayd through the /.lonlnt ’ ^ a nurirfl. wao received front tbr Jpwinh Ajfnc) for SlSS^^dlr^lr’.apervi^n soldier, of the United Nations stationed In Palestine are visiting Jewish colonies to view the wonder ful work done by Jewish pioneers. JERUSALEM, (JTA—By Air Mail)—A stone bench was un veiled in the Friedlaender Memor ial Grove on the Hebrew Univer sity grounds in memory of the late Professor Israel Friedlaender of New York, who was murdered in the Ukraine in 1921, while on a relief mission for the American Joint Distribution Committee. Ad- ! dresses were delivered by Dr. J. L. Magnes and Mrs. Friedlaender- The Gdove is the gift of the Is rael Friedlaender Classes .of the I Jewish Theological Seminary of New York. Among those who planted the first trees in May, 1941, were the late Mr. M. Ussish- lon and the late Professor David Yellin. JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Minor repairs to the Wailing Wall- in volving the replacement of several crumbling stones in the upper rows which endangered worship pers, will be made shortly, it was announced here. An agreement to this effect has been reached by the Chief Rabbinate and the Anti quities Department, of the Pales tine Government.