The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 04, 1942, Image 16

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We Extend Our Best Wishes to the Wilmington Jewish Community WERTHEIMER BAG CO. PLANTS AT BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA AND WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA <S^ VS{ UBffl ^ BLOCKS LOOK WELL WEAR WELL WASH WELL MADE BY Southland Manufacturing Company, Inc. WILMINGTON, NO. CAROLINA THE INDEPENDENT ICE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE ICE FROM FILTERED WATER FACTORY AND GENERAL OFFICES: SEVENTH AND BRUNSWICK STREETS WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA J. W. MURCHISON COMPANY WHOLESALE HARDWARE WILMINGTON, N. C. COMPLIMENTS OF WALKER TAYLOR INSURANCE - THAT'S ALL WILMINGTON, NO. CAROLINA SHOEMAKERS, INC. "Everything for tho Office" 206 PRINCESS STRUT DIAL 5611 WILMINGTON, NO. CAROLINA ANDREWS MORTUARY WILMINGTON. N. C. Jews In A Post-War World i Continued from page 6) incuts for guaranteeing fair treatment to all minorities, ami international and governmental assistance in re construction and emigration of vic tims of nazism. The Revisionists in clude the demand for the recognition of the Jewish jieople as one of the members of the l nited Nations and of the Jewish State in Palestine as a war aim of the Allies. I he anti-Zion ist view needs no further elucidation. The non-Zionists have not vet placed themselves on record. It is hojwd that the present negotiations between Zion ists ami non-Zionists will result in mutual understanding and common action. In the area of reconstruction prob lems. I should like to stress one more important point, namely, the problem of what I choose to call the cultural- ps\chological refugee. Ry this term I refer to people who will find it impos sible to remain in their original or new places of residence, not liecause of economic or political reasons, hut because of their refusal to live in countries where tliev suffered persecu tion or where they are unable to ad just themselves culturullv or reli giously . I he doors should he opened to Jews of (iermanv and Poland, who are too sensitive to li\e amidst former Nazis or Kndeks and to Zionists ami ortho dox Jews of the Soviet l nion, who, although they enjoy their political and economit equalitv, fed that the\ cannot continue to live in a social or der which bars communication with their brethren abroad, forbids the perpetuation of the Hebrew language, ami makes it diliicult to raise their children in their own faith. Such peo- ple require freedom of both emigra tion and immigration, which ought to be established by international agree ment without reference to race, creed or nationality. I he most important condition for the reconstruction of the |»ost-war world will he the ability on the part of both the democracies ami the So viet l nion to reach some kind of a reasonable arrangement. It would he a tragedy, and a harbinger of world chaos, if the I nited Nations were to go each its own way after the achieve ment of victory. The return of Soviet leadership to a jndicy of isolationism from the Western democracies, and, what may he worse, to the principles of the Comintern, would only result in u fascist reaction in main coun tries. On the other hand, if Commun ist leadership will acknowledge the right of the W estern democracies to reconstruct their social s\ stems in their own gradualist wav, humanity is hound to enter a new era of social progress. 1 he Soviet l nion has a great deal that is worth emulating bv the democracies, namelv. racial and national equality and social security. In turn, the Soviet people could learn much from the democracies with re- gpect to the sanctity of the human jH-rson, civil liberties, the due process of law ami religious and cultural freedom. The return of the Soviet l nion to the democratic family of nations would also have its significant reper- cussions in Jewish life. First of all. the number of J»-ws in the So\ i«*t l nion is bound to increase following the present war, both by accession of territory ami by the emigration of main Jews from Poland ami neigh boring countries, who would he at tracted to Russia hv economic advan tages as well as In a desire to live witli their relatives. \n understanding between the Soviet I nion with the West, would also result in the reestab lishment of a healthy relationship among the respective Jewish commun ities. A beginning has been made by radio broadcasts, relief ami diplo matic negotiations between govern ment authorities and Jewish bodies. I here is no doubt that the Soviet l nion in exercising a progressive in fluence in the treatment of racial ami national problems, would also he of service in the protection of Jewish rights. As a matter of fact, there is a definite feeling of optimism among Zionists, who hope that the Soviet I nion may be of aid in facilitating tin- upbuilding of the Jewi-li National Home. Nu one can foretell what kind of a new world will emerge from the ruins of the present war. Rut whether it will consist of federations of nationalities, empires, combinations of both or a l nited States of the World, there is a general agreement that there is hound to he more socialization and a greater expansion of the concept of interna tionalism. There should he little doubt concerning tin* ability of Jews to ad just themselves to any economic or der based on the principle of equality. It is also reasonable to expect that the present plight of the smaller cul tural and national units under the Nazi heel will serve to emphasize the true values of cultural-national dif ferences ami will help to bring about a world that is infinitely richer than one based on voluntary or enforced Uleichschaltung through the adoption of the majority ways of cultural ex pression. Shorn of its political con notations, such as the scramble for territories and deprived of its imper- ialistic aspects, such as colonial ex ploitation of “inferior" races in F^u- rope or elsewhere, the nationalism of the future is bound to acquire new liberal forms. In our country liberal nationalism is known under the dif ferent and broader terms of cultural i Please turn to opposite page • [16] The Southern Israelite