The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 17, 1953, Image 2

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I Home-Bake this Kosher IN' If IS THAN 4 MINUTES MOM PACKAGE TO PANI „ No fuss, no tricks! j Asfd milk...anil mix, \ ewi" for perfect results 1 every time! So rsiy l * u{ « with Dronicdury'/'TjN I • Kothar, tool ll bears tho \ ) \ • PUT YOUR CAR IN GOOD HANDS! RALPH CANNON If j Automotive Service 251 TECH WOOD MAin 0711 WAlnuf 2786 I find the recipe confusing, as only one cup of flour is listed in ingredients, while directions for j mixing call for “2 cups and bal ance of flour." , Please clarify the amount of flour used in recipe. , Enclosed find return .envelope. | I will appreciate your reply. —MRS. ISADORE KRAMER Summerville, S. C. | We’ve mailed Mrs. Kramer a corrected recipe. We sincerely hope she didn’t start assembling ingredients and then discover the typographical mistake. (It should have been three cups of flour—not one!) Someone as much on the beam as her letter indicates must be a wonderful cook and we only wish we were standing by when her "Mandel Bread" comes out of the oven. THE EDITOR ?oge Two Friday, April. 17, 1953 roots A JO MATWU By LEAH W. LEONARD Honey, as you must know, is the’ earliest sweetening agent ■■■■■■■■ ■ Shop Your Nearest ■ ■ ECHOLS ■ || 7M N. HIGHLAND AVE., N.W. - 9M BOULEVARD N.E. ® JIN CANDLER PLAZA S.E. ■ CORNER BUFORD H'WT * L CLAIRMONX ROAD known to man. It must have been regarded as a “super" kind of nourishment. It was the symbol of “plenty” in Biblical days. Remem- i ber the report brought back to the “advance committee” sent out by I Moses to “spy out the land?” They j returned in due time, saying: “It I is a land that floweth with milk | and honey." And the phrase “milk and honey” has gone into the folklore of our people as a symbol of sweetness and security, peace and plenty. Jewish cuisine includes many I uses for honey, from the symbolic I bowl of honey on the festive table try roman MEAL bread! lest part of your reducing diet Product of Betsy Ross Bakers Food • Gingerbread • Fruit Cake • Fudge Frosting • Dot# Muffin Cud Cako Mix * Corn Muffin Mix and others. at Rosh Hashanah to the “lekach" (honey cake) served on every happy occasion from Bar Mitzvah to Bridal Reception. Honey varies in color as well as flavor, depending on the type of blossoms from which this nectar has been gathered by the bees. Clover Blossom Honey is the mild est and the lightest colored. Buck wheat Blossom Honey is dark in color and “heavy" flavored. But all varieties of honey are used more extensively in this country now, thanks to the advanced tech niques of bee-keepers and the beneficent influence of various National Cuisines. Here are some suggestions for the wider use of honey: 1— As sweetening for hot bever ages. 2— On pancakes, waffles, bis cuits and other hat breads. 3— On fresh fruits and berries, or in salads or fruitcups. 4— With cottage cheese and nuts as sandwich spread. 5— With cream cheese and fruit juice in cake toppings, • * * Hungarian Prune Knaidle 4 cups mashed potatoes 4 eggs 1 cup flour (approx.) 12 sonked, pitted prunes 1 tblsp. brandy or sherry Vt cup sugar >4 tsp. cinnamon A dash of nutmeg % cup hot melted shortening. Combine mashed potatoes with eggs beating till smooth after the addition of each egg. Stir in enough flour to make a compact dough and form into 12 balls. Let the sonked and pitted prunes stand in brandy or sherry during this process. Make a depression in the centers of the balls of dough, or flatten in the palm and fold around the brandy-flavored prune to make a round dumpling of each. Place a deep kettle of slightly salted water over heat and bring to a rolling boil. Drop the filled dumplings in one at a time and Loiters to the Editor Dear Editor: , In your April 3 issue of South ern Israelite magazine, you pub lished a recipe on page 40 for Mandel bread. cook 25 to 30 minutes over mod erate heat. The dumplings are cooked when they float to the top. Lift out each with a perforated spoon and arrange in a shallow baking dish. Combine sugar, cin namon and nutmeg and sprinkle over dumplings. Spoon hot melted shortening over each and bake 10 minutes at 375 deg. F. or till nice ly 'browned. Serve plain or with Lemon- or Orange Sauce. Raisin Sause or Dried Fruits Compote. Variation 1: 1% cups thick prune jam (Povidle) may be sub stituted for prunes. Brandy or sherry may be sprinkled over the browned dumplings just before serving. Variation 2: A walnut or pecan half may be tucked into the prune, or chopped nuts may be used for the prune filling. EM. 4547 713 WEST PEACHTREE ST. MEMBER B’NAI B’RFTH ELECT YOLR FR/ENI) YOUR VOTE FOR E. E. (Buster) COOPER ALDERMAN 7TH WARD Will Be Appreciated and Respected J Paid Political Ad Paid Political Ad * * ************************************************* HAVE YOU PAID FOR YOUR ISRAEL BONDS? ISRAELS REDEMPTION MONTH MARCH 20 • APRIL 20 ?*• <w ** • PtmsmNi (dWrrNt w * lm*Um TiMscM md Mlinnl CmswoMm tw Imi' BONDS FOR ISRAEL 11 Pryor Street, S. W. ATIANT, GA. -no mopping , ® T>e>uM*tto«A Shower Enclosures KEEP WATER INSIDE THE TUBI Let him splash all he want* —there’ll be no splattered walla or floors for Mom to clean! Beautiful Perma- lume tub enclosures give permanent bathing com fort—add gleaming dis tinction to your bathroom. Small Investment for a Lifetime •f Berthing Comfortl Pay a little each month, to suit your budget, on your choice of luxurious enclosures. For any tub, any six* shower stall I SEE YOUR LOCAL TILE, GLASS, OR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR oStouiW. Dotfi. Conibmu „ OF AMCRICA ' 3 Peochtree Street, N. E. Atlanta 5, Go. 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