The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, February 17, 1956, Image 2

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hf» fll IOUTBI1N IIIABLIT Friday, February 17- Snodgrass Heads Georgia’s Delta Begins ’56 Crusade for Freedom Service to N.Y., Charles Rosenberg Receives U.S.Y. Award from Atlanta 9 s Ahavath Achim Robert Richard Snodgrass, At lanta business executive, was appointed Georgia state chair man of the 1956 Crusade for Freedom by Eugene Holman, na tional Crusade chairman and chairman of the Board of Di rectors of Standard Oil Company rNew Jersey). Mr. Snodgrass succeeds Charles A. Rawson, Atlanta advertising executive, who has ben appointed campaign director of the 1956 drive to raise funds for Radio Free Europe and the Free Europe Press. At the same time, Mr. Holman announced that James C. Shelor, vice president of the Fulton Na tional Bank of Atlanta, had been named as state treasurer of the Crusade, and John M. Slaton, Jr., manager of the Veterans Ad ministration District Office in Atlanta, as federal area chair man. Mr. Snodgrass, a key figure in Georgia Republican circles, is chairman of the board and presi dent of the Atlas Auto Finance Company. He is past president of the Atlanta Chamber of Com merce and is a member of its Board of Directors. An expert on traffic problems, Mr. Snodgrass helped to establish the Atlnnta Traffic & Safety Council. He is vice president of the National Safety Council, and is a member of President Eisenhower’s seven- man committee on Traffic Safe ty. Mr. Snodgrass is also director of Metropolitan Atlanta Com munity Services, the Better Bus iness Bureau of Atlanta and the Atlanta Symphony Guild. In accepting his appointment, Mr. Snodgrass declared: “The communists continue to enslave the peoples of eastern and central Europe. Through the operations of Radio Free Europe and Free Europe Press, we are exposing the lies of the Red propaganda machine and sup porting the efforts of captive peoples to regain their freedom.” Radio Free Europe broadcasts to the five key satellite countries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hung- Seeks Job As Comp.-Housekecper Well educated, refined, good background—lady wishes posi tion as companion-house keeper. Free to travel, willing to live out-of-town. Best ref erences. Call DEarborn 4532. HOUSEMOTHER Wanted for Fraternity Georgia Tech, fraterni ty in keeping with new campus regulation, must have house mother. Forty stu dents. Will consider qualified applicants with or without ex perience. Address in quiries to Georgia Tech Phi Epsilon Pi Fra ternity, 160 6th St., N.W., YE. 9417. Washington ary, Bulgaria and Romania. As part of its news-gathering ser vice, it monitors the communist radio and provides an immedi ate answer to Soviet propaganda. The Free Europe Press uses bal loons to send newspapers and leaflets behind the Iron Curtain. “These agencies, using the dis tinctive techniques of press and radio, reinforce each other and broaden the scope of our psy chological offensive against com munism,” Mr. Snodgrass said. Germans Arrest Former Chief Rabbi At Munich Airport MUNICH, (JTA) — Former Chief Rabbi of Bavaria Dr. Aron Ohrenstein was arrested here on charges of attempting to flee the country while under a one-year sentence for fraud. Rabbi Ohrenstein, who has been abroad any number of times since his original conviction in 1952 and two subsequent appeals to the German Supreme Court, had purchased a one-day round trip ticket to Zurich, where he was going on business. When seized by German customs agents, he protested that he carried noth ing but a brief case with papers and about $50 in cash and that the German authorities apparent ly had no fears of his becoming a fugitive since they had never re voked his passport. Austrian Poll Says Anti-Semitism Lower VIENNA, (JTA) — Anti-Se mitism in Austria is on the de cline, it was asserted here by “Der Neuer Kurier,” a Vienna newspaper, on the basis of re plies it received to a question naire circulated among its read ers. Eighty per cent of the per sons who replied indicated they would welcome more Christian- Jewish understanding. The favorable replies came from both Jews and non-Jews. Some 20 per cent who were op posed to closer understanding, said they did so because they considered the differences be tween the two groups unbridge able. The newspaper asserted that only an insignificant number of the letters received revealed any anti-Semitic tendencies. Piano Wanted FROM PRIVATE PARTY MUST BE GOOD CONDITION Phone after 6 AT wood 0387 New luxurious one-plane air service to Washington and New York is now available via Delta Air Lines, which inaugurated service from Atlanta to Washing ton and New York on February 1. According to Laigh C. Parker, vice president-traffic and sales, the three flights comprising the initial pattern of service consist of a deluxe Golden Crown DC-7, a DC-6 Day Coach, and a DC-7 Night Coach, all of which operate to New York via Washington. First-class DC-7 Flight 724 de parts Atlanta at 6:05 p.m., arrives Washington at 8:00 p.m. and New York at 9:21 p.m. DC-6 Day Coach Flight 120 leaves Atlanta at 12:35 p.m., arrives Washington at 2:42 p.m. and New York at 4:03 p.m. The Night Coach Flight 76, which will be operated with DC-7 equipment, departs Atlanta at 3:30 a.m., arriving Washing ton at 5:25 a.m. and New York at 6:51 a.m. Southbound, DC-7 Flight 725 leaves New York at 8:55 a.m., leaves Washington at 10:25 a.m., and arrives Atlanta at 12:40 p.m., continuing at 1:: 10 p.m. for New Orleans, where it terminates at 1:53 p.m. CST. DC-6 Day Coach Flight 121 leaves New York at 5:05 p.m., leaves Washington at 6:40 p.m., and arrives Atlanta at 9:10 p.m., continuing at 9:34 p.m. for Dallas and Fort Worth. DC-7 Night Coach Flight 75 leaves New York at 10:30 p.m., leaves Wash ington at 11:59 p.m., and arrives Atlanta at 2:14 a.m. EST. This pattern of service will be substantially expanded in April, providing service to and from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Charlotte, as deliveries of equip ment now on order are received. Extension of Delta from Atlanta to New York via Charlotte, Wash ington, Baltimore, and Philadel- phia^ by the Civil Aeronautics Board climaxed 10 years of ef fort by the company to link the South and Southwest with the rich Northeast travel market. Since the Board’s award, Del ta has received delivery of a G9-passenger Golden Crown DC-7 and has on order 10 additional DC-7’s, five Convair 440 Metro politans, and four Constellations. Delta’s present fleet now cQnsists of 11 DC-7’s, seven DC-6’s, 20 Convair 340’s, and 16 DC-3’s. Delta recently placed a $1,500,- 000 order for Collins weather % radar and other electronic nava- gation equipment. British Transfer Remains of Irgun Comdr. to Cyprus JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The remains of David Rasiel, first commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, who was killed in Iraq while on a mission for the British during World War II 14 years ago, were transferred from Iraq to the Jewish cemetery in Cyprus by the British authori ties. It is understood that his family and particularly his widow, who is now a Herut deputy in the Israel Parliament, have been requesting British authori ties for many years not to leave his body in Iraq. Rasiel had been assigned by the British security authorities in Palestine to assist British forces in quelling the Axis-back ed revolt of Rashid al Ghaliani in Iraq, and in sabotaging Ger man Luftwage units stationed there. Rasiel was killed in a Ger man bombing raid while in a car with a British major on his way to perform a mission. Ra siel was buried in Habaniyah. Charles Rosenberg is shown with the trophy he received for outstanding leadership to the United Synagogue Youth Chap ter at Ahavath Achim Congre gation, of which he is a past president. With him are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pazol, advisors; seated, Arlene Clein, chapter vice presi dent; Julian Yudelson, president, and Carol Hurwitz. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosen berg, Charles began Ahavath Achim Religious School at the age of six and exactly one year later entered the Hebrew School. He graduated from Hebrew School at the age of fourteen and won the annual Hyman S. Jacobs award for scholarship. He will graduate from Sunday School this spring. He has won numerous awards for scholarship and at tendance. He stands in the upper half of his senior class at Grady High for which he has played tennis and basketball. He has been on the debate team, representing his school on several occasions. He is a first lieutenant in the ROTC program. He has been active too with the Morris Lichtenstein Chapter, No. 518, AZA, holding offices of sergeant-at-arms, pledge master and recording secretary, He has played basketball, softball and tennis for Chapter 518, and has attended four regional conven tions and one district convention. He was transportation chairman for the outstanding AZA conven tion held in Atlanta this past holiday season. He served his USY Chapter as president and chaplain and is now first vice president of the regional USY organization. Hie has attended two regional USY conventions and two USY Lead er’s Training Institutes. At the last one he won the group was voted the LTI-er of the year." Call EM-4541 Mtmbtr of B’nal B'rkh 713 West Peachtree COMMERCIAL PRINTING •TOP QUALITY •LOW PRICES FAST SERVICE Call ELgin 8249 The Southern Israelite Star Printing Co. COMPLETE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE Hyrda-Matic — Power-Glide — Dynaflow Fordomatic — Mercomatic — Power-Flyte THIS CASE RECORD COULD SAVE YOU MONEY—He had gone to a large garage in the city which does not specialize. The estimate to fix his transmission was in the neighborhood of $100. He saw our ad in The Southern Israelite and came to us. In half an hour we sent him on his way—happy and with a bill of only $6.39. What a difference, but we charge on the merit of each job and not a guestimate of what the customer can pay. All Work Guaranteed 6 Yrs. Experience in Automatic Transmissions 12 Yrs. Experience in General Repair 294 Williams St., N. W. WAlnut 7354 LEON COOK and WALTER COLE, Owners XSXXXSOtXSSSXSSXXSXXXXSXXXSSXSSXSXSSSXSSSSXS