The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, January 03, 1958, Image 2

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T Pace Two THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Friday, January 3, 1958 A MOTHER IN ISRAEL Weizmann Yartzeit By ANITA KIRYAT AMAL, Israel On November 2nd, Jew* every where, but perhaps not as many as should, commemorated the death of Dr. Chaim Weizmann. 1 was reminded how remote Is- LEGAL NOTICE STATK OF GEORGIA: COUNTY OF FUI.TON To The Superior Court of Said County: Mr*. Ileaalc Taffel, Mr. Loul* Taffel, and Mia* Shirley Taffel, hereinafter called applicant*;, brine this applica tion for the ((ranting of a charter for a private corporation and show to the court the following facta: 1. They desire for themselves, their as sociates and successors to be Incorp orated for a period of thirty-five (39) years, with the right of renewal there of, as provided by Law, under the name and style of: LARRY REALTY COMPANY, INC. 2. The principal offlco and place of bus iness shall be located In Fulton County, Georgia, with the privilege of establish ing branch offices and places of bus iness In such other places as may be determined. 3. The applicants are residents of and their post office addresses are: Mrs. Bessie Taffel—195(1 Merton Rd., N.E. Mr. Louis L. Taffel—1959 Merton Rd., N E Miss Shirley Taffel 1956 Morton Rd., N.E. 4. The purpose and object of said corp oration Is pecuniary gain and profit to Its stockholders. The general nature of the business to be transacted, nnd the corporate powers desired are: (a) To Invest Its funds In property of all kinds, both real and personal, and In particular relating to lands and buildings. (b) To acquire, Improve, manage, •work, mortgage, encumber, sell, ex change, dispose of, turn to account and otherwise deal In all classes of real nnd personnl property of everv nature whatsoever. In all counties of the State of Georgia, all Slates of United States and Its territories. (c) To acquire nnd pnv for In cash, storks or bonds of this corporation or otherwise real nnd persona) prop erty, the good will, rights, assets nnd r iroflts, nnd to undertake or assume, n whole or any part thereof, the obligations or liabilities of any person, firm, association or corporation. (d) To Issue bonds, mortgages, deed to secure debt, or other Indentures for the purpose of securing any obligation of said corporation. 5. Ttie maximum numbor of shares the said corporation shall be authorized to Issue shall he Ten Thousand (10,000) Shares of the common stock of the par value of ton ($10.00) dollars or a fractional part thereof with the ability to Increase the amount of capital stock through the Issuance and sale of either common or preferred stock to an nmount not to exceed $150, 000.00, the preferred stock, If Issued, to have such par value and to have such rights, preferences and privileg es as may be determined bv the af firmative vote of two-thirds of the common stock then outstanding. 6. The nmount of capital with which the corporation will begin business shall be five thousand ($5,000.00) dol lars paid In cash nnd other assets. 7. Applicants desire that the said corp oration shall have nnd enjoy all the privileges, rights and powers enumer ated In Chapter 22-18 of the Corpora tion Act of 1938 of the Code of Georgia, and as the same may be herenfter amended, nnd all of the powers and privileges enumerated therein are made a part hereof to the same extent as tf the same were enu merated herein. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray an order to be granted Incorporating them, their associates, successors and assigns, under the name aforesaid, wtth the powers and privileges as may be necessary, proper or Incident to the conduct of the business for which pe titioners are seeking Incorporation, and ns may be allowed for private corporations under the terms of the Act of January 28, 1938, authorizing the chartering of corporations. Mrs. Bessie Taffel Petitioner L. Taffel Petitioner Miss Shirley Taffel Petitioner ORDER The within and foregoing application for charter of LARRY REALTY COMPANY. INC. having been examined by me; and IT APPEARING, That the application Is legitimately wlthtn the purvtew of the laws of the State of Georgia; and IT APPEARING, From the certificate of the Secretary of State that the name of the proposed corporation Is not the name of any now existing cor poration registered In the records of the State of Georgia. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, That said application Is hereby granted and said corporation ts hereby created under the name of LARRY REALTY COMPANY, INC. with the powers therein sought and the prtvtllges and immunities provided bv law to corporations of a similar na ture. This the 18th day of December, 1957. Claude D. Shaw Judge, Superior Court, _ Atlanta Circuit Dec.27,J«n.3,10,17 ENGLE rad's first President has become to the public when I met, the other day, a man for whom Dr. Weizmann has never ceased to be the greatest, the noblest, and the most important force in his life. This is Joshuah Harlap, burly second-generation Israeli who was Dr. Weizmann’s body guard and friend for sixteen years. The re lationship which grew up be tween the distinguished scientist and statesman and the simple young Sabra must surely rank among the loveliest in history. Handsome, open-faced, and re markably tough looking, Joshua was one of Wingate’s night com mandoes during 1937-38. These specially-trained farm boys used to go right into Arab strongholds, like Gaza and Nablus, to route out the brigands which the British forces wore incapable of catch ing. He was 23 years old in 1938 when Wingate sent him to keep watch over Dr. Weizmann. From that time onward, he was with Dr. Weizmann whenever he was in Eretz Israel, and on sev eral occasions accompanied him to England, Switzerland, France, Italy and America. Joshuah watched over Dr. Weiz mann like a father, and in tflc last two years of the President’s life, never left him. His wise and pretty wife, and his son and daughter, who live in Rehovoth, had to be prepared to take second place. Joshuah had the privilege of knowing the Twentieth Century’s greatest Jew (in a way that few other people knew him.) Dr. Weiz mann talked to Joshuah contin ually, freely, and without re straint. He knew that many of the things were far beyond Josh- uah’s understanding, but he was n’t looking for advice; he just had to talk out his heart to some one who was sincere, respectful and discreet. Dr. Welsmann al ways spoke in warm, spicy Yid dish, growing more attached to things Jewish as he grew older. Dr. Weizmann valued Joshuah because he was a genuine Sabra, straight from the land, a simple, decent chap, calm, reliable, who knew how to keep his place, but could bear himself with dignity among the great of all nations, as befitting a free-born Jew. Friends of Dr. Weizmann still write to Joshuah, and recently one of them, a Brazilian millionaire, in vited Joshuah to Brazil for a three month visit. This isn’t onlj reflected glory. Joshuah was with Dr. Weizmann on his presidential visit to America in 1949. Com mander Joshuah L. Goldberg, the A.D.C. seconded to Dr Weizmann by President Truman, singled him out for farewell greetings in a telegram to the Queen Mary read ing, "You are as fine a man as I have met. Bon voyage and hap py landings.” Although built like an all-in wrestler, Joshuah never used strong-arm stuff. His system was to smell out trouble before it hap pened, and then to think fast and stop it from happening. An example is how he saved the life of Gen. Gale, Commander of the British Forces in Palestine in 1947. Etzel were at their height, attacking army camps and raiding the ammunition stores. Due to raiding of a military camp, just below the Weizmann house, the main road had been closed to traffic and the only road open was a sandy path meandering through orange groves. A few days later Dr. Weizmann received a mes sage that Gen. Gale, who was personally friendly to Dr. Weiz mann, was coming to tea. An hour before he was expect- First Supermarket Soon in Israel; Grocers Protest TEL AVIV, (JTA) — The first supermarket in Israel will be op ened in Tel Aviv next April over the vigorous protests of grocery operators. Superzol, Ltd., a primarily Can adian concern, will build the su permarket without local capital, according to B. Loeb, company chairman. A crowded meeting of grocery owners here decided to protest to the Government against the innovation after hearing a warn ing from K. Ben-Ephraim, chair man of the Tel Aviv Grocery Owners’ Association that "super markets threaten our very exist ence.” Asserting that the entrance of supermarkets into the Israel re tailing economy was an attempt to impose “foreign economic pat terns” on Israel, the grocer as sociation leader said that small retailers in the United States and Europe have been wiped out fol lowing the introduction of super markets. ed to arrive, Joshuah decided to go into the village of Rehovoth, just to smell out the situation. As he drove down the sandy road, not far from the Weizmann house, he saw two young men slipping into the groves on either side of the road. Passing the place where they had been, he noticed a thin wire trailing trough the sand, He broke into a cold sweat. At first he thought they were laying for Dr. Weizmann. Then he realized they were out to get Gen. Gale. He turned the car and raced back. The boys had disappeared. He cut the wire, went up to the house and brought back two guards Together they went over the road on their stomach, feeling every inch of the way with their hands, until they found what was hidden under the sand It was a home-made land mine, made of 4-inch pipe stuffed with dyna mite. The boys hiding in the par- dess would have exploded it under Gen. Gale's car, and it would have looked as if Dr. Weizmann had decoyed the General to his house for that purpose! Joshuah put the bomb in the back of Dr. Weizmann’s car and disposed of it in a distant field, returning just in time to lead Gen. Gale in friendly welcome, up the sandy path. Dr. Weizmann only learned about it much later, and Gen. Gale doesn’t know of his narrow escape to this day. Dr. Weizmann was so confident of Joshuah’s devotion, that he made a special stipulation in his will with regard to him. The Weizmann house at Rehovoth is to be turned into a national mon ument, and as long as Joshuah lives, he is to be in charge of it, to see that it is maintained ex actly as it was in Dr. Weizmann’s life time. A special flat is being built for the Harlaps over the gateway to the estate, so that Joshuah should be right on hand, day or night, just as Dr. Weiz mann liked to have him when he was alive. WE TOP ’EM ALL "50th Year of Business Integrity GHAS. N. WALKER ROOFING CO. JAckion 2-5747 141 Houston St., N. E., Aflonto, Go NY Official Deletes Line from Display of Lazarus Poem NEW YORK. (JTA) — A line from one of the World’s most fa mous poems, “The New Colos sus,” by Jewish poetess Emma Lazarus, has been eliminated as "offensive” from a plaque at Idlewild Airport, it was disclosed this week. The line is ‘‘The wretched re fuse of your teeming shore." It was ordered deleted from an in scription of the poem on orders of Austin J. Tobin, executive di rector of the New York Port Au thority, which operates the huge airfield. Instead of the five lines which appear on the base of the Statue of Liberty which have been me morized by countless thousands of school-children, only four lines appear on the Idlewild plaque. Mr. Tobin said the deleted line “had meaning during the mass mi grations of the 19th century but it has no meaning now and might be offensive to the fine people of Europe — they might not re gard themselves as ‘wretched re fuse.’ ” He added that he did not think the poetess, who wrote the famous lines 70 years ago, would have objected, remarking “I think she might have done the same.” New Rochelle Shule NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. (JTA — Beth El Congregation of this city yesterday dedicated its $1,- 000,000 community center on the northern outskirts of the city. Eventually the 1,000-family Con servative congregation will move its synagogue, school and gym nasium from their present down town location to the new site. The dedication services featured a Hanukah lighting ceremony. Chemist New Mayor of Waterloo, Ontario TORONTO, (JTA) — Harold Paikan, a Jewish chemist, has been elected Mayor of Waterloo, a city of 17,000 in Central On tario. Mr. Paikan won out over three opponents in an area where a major part of the population is of German descent. COMPLETE PEST TR 5-4541 WORLD'S LARGEST One Stop Service H I Hour Cleaning \ Specialty A \ * N ’ O 1008 Peachtree, N.E. At Tenth TR. 6-0616 LADIE’S and MEN’S HATS GROWING TOGETHER Over our 30 years in this specialized savings field, we have made loans to buy or build more than 25,000 homes which have built a “city” with over 75,000 population. Our savings members have earned rich dividends through this tremendous development of our area. Businesses have grown and thrived. Our members, all part own ers in this institution, can look with pride on the “city” they have built. ■L'ederal Savingg and. Loan Association Main Offico: 103 SYCAMORE ST. • DECATUR, GEORGIA Branch Offica: 541 CANDLER ROAD A. C. White TRANSFER & STORAGE Co., 660-666 Edgewood Ave., N. E. Inc. • BONDED EMPLOYEES * SHIPMENT BY RAIL • INVENTORIED AND SEALED AT • COMMERCIAL STORAGE • PACKING AND CRATING CONTAINER^ STACK • OFFICE RECORD STORAGE * SPECIALISTS IN OFFICE MOVES* CONVENTION DISPLAY STORAGE Atlanta’s MOST MODERN WAREHOUSE MU. 8-1888 Agents UNITED VAN LINES