The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 25, 1958, Image 1

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The Southern Israelite A Weekly Newspaper for Southern Jewry — Established 1925 XXXIII ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1958 B, Gurion Asks Reds For Disarmament Policy in Mid-East JERUSALEM, April 20, (JTA) —The Israel Cabinet approved today Premier David Ben Gur- ion’s reply to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s plea to Is rael, among other nations, to support the Soviet call for an international ban on further nuclear bomb tests and the pro duction of nuclear weapons. Mr. Ben Gurion reportedly suggested that the principle of disarmament be applied to the Middle East region to diminish the possibility of an outbreak of war in the area. The gist of the reply is thought to be: Israel favors the banning of nuclear weapons tests but believes that this can only be put into effect by a decision among the Big Powers. TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The anti- Jewish sentiments expressed by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush chev in his recent statement to the Paris newspaper Le Figaro were sharply denounced here last night by Moshe Sharett, former Premier of Israel, in an address at a mass meeting of immigrants from Russia held here. Speaking in Russian, Mr. Shar ett expressed astonishment that such statements as those in the Khrushchev interview in Le Figaro could be made by people who claimed to be the most pro gressive. He added that the Khrushchev actually demon strated five points which refuted all assertions made by former Soviet leaders with regard to Jews under Communism. Enumerating the five points, (Continued on Pago 4) *«wrh Atlanta Communial leaders (I. to r.) Abe Goldstein, Barney Medintz, Ben Massell and Rob ert Travis watch Tom Gregory, executive secretary to Governor Marvin Griffin, sign the official “State of Georgia” Proclamation declaring April 21-25 “Israel’s Founders of 50-Year-Old Arbeiter Ring in Atlanta Tenth Anniversary Period.” Mr. Medintz and Mr. Travis who are co-chairmen of the Atlanta Jew ish Community Council’s Com mittee for Israel’s 10th Anniver sary Celebration, also announced that a similar proclamation, re printed on Page 4 of this issue, has been issued by Atlanta Mayor William B. Hartsfield. U.S. SENATE HEARS MACON RABBI WASHINGTON —Rabbi Chas. M. Rubel of Macon, Ga., gave the invocation in the United States Senate April 22, praying that the United States “may al ways be the torch bearer of true international love and friend ship.” Rabbi Rubel is spiritual lead er of Congregation Sherah Israel in Macon. He opened the Senate Monday at the invitation of Sen. Herman E. Talmadge. TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The cel bration of Israel’s tenth anniver sary of independence opened of ficially April 20 with huge pub lic meetings through the length and breadth of the land. Mem bers of the Cabinet and other public officials addressed the gatherings. The chief meeting was held here, with Foreign Minister Golda Meir as the featured speaker. Mrs. Meir took the oc casion to reply to Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev, to whom she merely referred as an "important world statesman,” characterizing as “sheer nonsense” his recent remarks that the Jewish people could not work together and could not make any contribution whether to industry or collec tive agriculture. The achievements of Israel and of its working people, she said, was sufficient reply to these “timeworn canards.” As for Mr. Khrushchev’s charge of the “exaggerated intellectualism” of the Jews, Mrs. Meir said that if this were a sin she was prepared to plead guilty. Similar meetings in Jaffa, Na- thanya, Ramath Gan and other towns were addressed by Kadish Luz, Agriculture Minister, Be- hor Shitreet, Police Minister, Pinchas Saphir, Minister for Trade and Industry, and others. Meanwhile, preparations are pro ceeding throughout the Israeli city and countryside for month long celebrations. In as far apart centers as Beersheba, in the Negev, to Ramat Gan, on the coast, streets were being decorated and floodlit. NEW YORK, (JTA) — More than 10,000 American Zionists are expected to visit Israel dur ing its current 10th Anniversary Year, it was announced here at a session of several hundred members of the national execu tive council of the Zionist Organ ization of America, governing body of the organization, as sembled from all parts of the country. Addressing the session, Dr. Emanuel Neumann, ZOA presi dent, accused the U.S. Govern ment of attempting to whitewash President Nasser of Egypt with the purpose “to rehabilitate the Egyptian dictator in Free World opinion.” WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Israel is entering its second decade with perfect confidence, Am bassador Abba Eban said here at a B’nai B’rith dinner honor ing Israel’s 10th anniversary at which he was presented with the Presidents’s Medal of the or ganization. ,'3C?S£-K' ~ ,es*. .- / — W Atlanta Arbeiter Ring (see page 3) on Sunday celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of its founding by this group of pioneers. Taken from the folded page of an old yearbook, the group includes (1. to r.) B. Merlin, Samuel Yampolsky, Morris Merlin, Michel Merlin, N. Golden, D. Davis, I. Sweet, M. Russ, W. Kuniansky, J. Moret and J. Libowsky. INTERNATIONAL STAMP CONTEST JERUSALEM, (AJP—The Ministry of Posts has announced an International Prize Competition for the design of a new set of post age stamps in conjunction with the Tenth Anniversary celebration of the State. The condition of participation in the competition is that “the design must portray a biblical subject (old Testament). Also that the stamp bear the inscriptions: “Israel” in Hebrew, Latin and Arabic characters. The top award to the winning artist is $1,000. The second and third prizes are $500. and $250. Entries must be submitted to the Office of Philatelic Services, Ministry of Posts, Jerusalem, Israel, not later than May 15, 1958. ISRAEL ISSUES ANNIVERSARY MEDALS AND COINS JERUSALEM, (AJP)—Tourists to Israel during the Tenth An niversary Year will be able to buy a wide choice of specialized souvenirs commemorating the event. Among these are anniversary medals, commemorative coins, minted by the bank of Israel, badges with attractive emblems, flags and pennants. Khruschev Says Jews Dislike Collectivism; PARIS, (JTA)Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khruschev came out with a severe attack on Israel and on the “Jewish distaste for collective life.” He charged that Jews are “born individualists” and scored Soviet Jewry for fail ing to settle in Birobidjan which was proclaimed a Jewish auto nomous region in the pre-war years, but is now no longer offi cially considered as such. The anti-Jewish views were expressed by the Soviet dictator in an exclusive interview with Figaro, a leading French daily newspaper which is publishing a series of statements by lead ing world political figures. “Israel,” Mr. Khruschev de clared, “has not adopted a posi tion favorable to the Jewish peo ple at large. The Soviet Union had voted in the United Nations for the creation of Israel and supported the state from birth. But Israel has shown itself un grateful and has made a mis taken choice. Israel plays the game of the imperialists and enemies of the Socialist coun tries,” he continued, “We buy from Israel only a few oranges and can do without them,” he boasted. The Soviet Premier was even harsher in his judgment of the experiences of the Jews in Birobidjan. After praising the choice of an area assigned the Jews—“rich, fertile and with a temperate climate” — he said: “From all over Russia the Jews Hits Israel, Soviet Jewry came to settle there. They ar rived inflamed with enthusiasm, but soon most of them left.” Commenting on the Jewish “distaste” for collective work and group discipline, Mr. Khru shchev said: “For ages Jews worked as artisans; they don’t like collective work like indus try, or construction or group work. They’re born individual ists. Aside from the new State of Israel, Jews never could re solve to live among themselves and on their own resources.” The Soviet Premier and Com munist chief also stressed what he called the intellectual inclina tion of the Jewish masses which, he said, “tears them away from other occupations.” Other na tionalities in the USSR have made a success of their com munal national life, he added, while the Jews have failed. ‘This is the reason I am skepti cal about the future of Jewish collectivity.”