The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 11, 1959, Image 7

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Friday, September 11, 1959 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Page Seven ■ REID MOTORS New and Used Cars Atlanta’s RELIABLE Used Car Dealer 1298 SPRING ST., N. W. (at 16th St.) For a good-clean second car, from $200 to $3500 or a good DEAL on any make New car —see or call us! Same location for 7 years - Under same name REID MOTORS Spring at 16th St., N.W. CALL W. R. REID or ROBERT McCAIN TR. 4-0742 BEHIND UN SCENES—by David Horowitz Summit Stirs Nations UNITED NATIONS, (AJP)— All appeared strangely quiet on the Middle East front tne very hour the whole world was shak ing with the news of a “corner- turning” in Moscow-Washington relations. When in recent weeks your correspondent d e c 1 a r e d that events in the world were ripe for a peace move in the Middle East, he was looking at the pic ture in terms of the general world situation. We must never lose sight of the fact that the strategic Mideast is not only a part of the shrinking world. It is its very “crossroads.” This writer must confess, however, that while he saw the trend he did not foresee that events would develop with such speed and momentum. Within the short span of a single week of Nixon in Russia, the whole of East-West relations was torn from its monotonous orbit and hurled into a new orbit of what SAVE BY MAIL We Pay Postage Both Ways 4% Current Rate Accounts Insured to $10,000 by FSLIC Assets $32,500,000 48 Broad St., N. W. Grant Bldg. odeman A 573 Peachtree St., N. E. TR. 6-3677 has everything for the finest formal wedding A complete rental service —from dress shirts to dinner jackets . . . and we’d like to serve you . . :'iA He thinks he’s pretty good since Martin P. Cohen showed him how to create an estate A mm Most men think thry've got a long way to go before they ran accumulate enough to be railed an “eatate.” Hut once you start a life insurance program, you can l>e sure there'll he money in the future for you and • ir family. I^et me help you make it a good start. Martin P. Cohen 721 C & S Bank Bldg. MU. 8-3900 NEW ENGLAND o//fe/ LiFEissa: looks like a series of Summit talks. Now how will these talks af fect the Middle East? A cursory look at the agenda, as Moscow sees it, is the ques tion of foreign bases, or arma ments, of Germany. But these are only a few pieces in the over-all picture which includes other areas such as China and the Middle East. It has become something of a cliche that more progress may have been made in Arab-Israeli relations had the cold war not penetrated the area which then became a “no-man’s land” in the furious battle for strategic posi tions between Britain and the U S. on the one hand, and the USSR on the other. It does not follow that a Moscow-Washing ton honeymoon would at once turn Arab hatred into love for Israel. But it does follow that this was impossible so long as the cold war raged in Arabia. Thus the first step — and we are dealing only with first steps everywhere — to peace in the Middle East is a step to world peace. We have often said that the peace of mankind hinges upon the true biblical status and peace of the People of the Book in the Holy Land. Interestingly, even before the Summit meetings go into session, be they in two-somes or four somes, there are evident reduc tions in tensions everywhere. Let us note—it was not an acci dent or a coincidence that dur ing the week in which Nixon sang songs of love in the USSR, the Communists in Iraq called off their war against Kassim. It was certainly an astonishing performance, after a bloody bat tle in the North, to have the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party come out and repudiate further action against the Government. This, is an important manifes tation when it is considered that Nasser stands ready to move into an area in the Mid dle East which is an open vacuum for his repudiated but still dormant objectives. Nor is it an accident that the Arabs relapsed into an air-tight silence immediately after their growl over the Dayan incident. Events here at the UN this week indicated that Nasser is (Puzzle on Page 2) I s h m a e 1 ASsyria M e R i b a h T e 1 A v i v s e r p E n t e m e r a L d M a 1 a c h I again turning his face away from the Middle East tensions and making a more concerted move in the general direction of Africa. In the current sessions of the Trusteeship Council, the United Arab Republic delegate has maintained a steady initia tive on behalf of the Trust areas which are scheduled to become t free nations soon. These are the Cameroons and the Togolands. The Middle East is not, at this moment, fertile ground for UAR connivance, and in Africa Israel does not fear Nasser’s competi tion. The political conundrum is this: if the Middle East is the crossroads of the world and the cold war is at the crossroad, where is the Middle East? Events logically point in an inevitable direction. The turning point of the cold war constitutes a new chapter in the history of the region where Israel must fulfill her prophetic mission for her self and humanity. But this writer, viewing the whole world-scene from this vantage-point, wonderp: does the fate of the world really rest with the two giants, the U.S. and USSR? Little attention is given to a third rising giant, the mainland of China. It is a wer that even the Soviets lave reason to fear, and there’s no telling what surprising move it may make at a time of Occi dental bickering. K tnior T}(uor*ictnl INC. MAINTENANCE SERVICE ? Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures Wholesale - Retell Complete Lighting Maintenance Service Authorized Service for TRinity 5-2542 70 4th St., N. W. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WALTER FINK Modernize your home with our low cost Aluminum Screens 30c per sq. ft. complete. The average size window is usually under $4.00 Quick installation if desired Call JA. 4-8632 For Free Estimate A & K PAl NT and HARDWARE 652 Pryor St., S. W. JA. 4-8632 McCoy and White, Inc, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS GL. 7-3686 Does your home need re-wiring - need light fixtures - more outlets? We can finance — Up to 36 months to pay Call us for FREE ESTIMATES GOOD NEWS FOR THE ATLANTA JEWISH COMMUNITY THE REV. E. SLOTKI A qualified, experienced and licensed Hebrew teacher, also expert in preparing boys for Bar Mitzvah, is now available to give private lessons. TR. 6-0927 FEES MODERATE 209 3rd St., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. SALE Retreads Size Sale Price Reg. Price 670-15 / 750-14 $ 8.88 $13.95 710-15 / 800-14 9.88 14.85 760-15 / 850-14 10.88 16.80 800-15 / 900-14 11.88 17.30 820-15 / 950-14 12.88 18.85 Add $3.00 on Black and $4.00 on Whitewall if we furnish casing. 670-15 Exchange Plus Tax USING DIXIE CUP TREAD RUBBER WE SPECIALIZE IN RET RE APING ALL SIZES EOR FOREIGN & SPORTS CARS, S-hr. SERVICE Vandy Tire Sales TR. 6-9207 2045 Peachtree Rd., N. E. (Next to Darlington Apartments)