The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 12, 1960, Image 6

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hUlf, Awgr—< It, IMt i«‘i iSiXiLiti 'mum Leningrad's Synagogue (Continued from page 6) scientists a?e Jews,” he contin ued. "Our government values their knowledge and they are treated accordingly. Voroshilov has a Jewish wife, Molotov's wife is Jewish, Kirov was mar ried to a Jewess, even Khrus- chev's own son was married to a Jewish girl. No, my friend, we don’t tolerate antisemitism in the Soviet Union!” As I listened to the services, observing the bearded faces of these Jews wearing over their shoulders faded, tattered prayer shawls, holding in their gnarled hands old prayer books, I was thinking of the future of the Jews in Russia. The people in the synagogue were the last, if not the final, remnants of Judaism in the powerful Soviet empire. The two new generations of the Jews 573 Peachtree St., N. E. TR. 6-3677 has everyi fintsl fc thirty for tht zt wtildit liny A oomplete rental service from dress shirts to dinner Jackets . . . and we'd like to serve yon .. Coleman Medintz brought up since 1917 are all atheists and have long since severed connection with the Jewish faith, culture, traditions and even an outward manifesta tion of the faith of their fathers. When these old men and women, some of them looking for all ‘the world like Rem brandt painted them over 300 years ago, are gone, who is to succeed them? There won’t be any young Jews to take ”p the flickering light of Judaism and carry it on. I may sound too pessimistic, but facts are stub born things and the ever in creasing intermarriages tend to hasten the ultimate decline of the Jewish religion in the So viet Union. One should not be overly alarmed over this, for the Jews, the people of Jewish heritage, will continue to live, work, suf fer and rejoice side by side with other peoples of the vast and rapidly moving forward Soviet Union. One can’t turn back the tide of history. COOL EATING PICNIC POTATO SALAD (Serving S or more) 10 medium si*e potatoes 1 cup finely diced oelery (minced leaves included) >A cup minced green onion, optional l A cnp minced parsley 3 hard cooked eggs, chopped or diced fine 2 tablespoons prepared must ard 1 cup home-made French Dresing (or other kind of your choice) Salad greens Wash potatoes and cook in jackets in enough cold water to amply cover. Add 2 tablespoons salt as soon as boiling begins then cover and cook over mod erate heat till tender—time de pending on size of potatoes. Test with fork or toothpick for done ness. Drain, let cool and peel. Combine the other, listed jn- gredients except salad greens, mixing well in a large bowl. Add the sliced or diced cold po tatoes and mix lightly wih two forks. Chill at least one hour be fore packing salad greens on top in the same bowl. When ready to serve, just turn a large flat plate over the bowl of salad, invert and the potato salad will come out on top of the greens in a nice mound. Covering the bowl with aluminum foil will make it easy to transport, too. HARD OF HEARING? see the new SIL-O-ET BY TBANS-AUDIO CALL JA. 5-7792 • Weighs lass than Vi ox. • So small it can't bo ttoa o Yot so powerful it will fit sovere hearing loss fO* TOT AND DEAMINATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION TRANS-AUDIO Complete line of conventional and eyeglass bearing aids. SfSCIAL hearing aid fjatteriee, RM 40(1, RM 67S. 28c (ACM HEARING CLINIC Suite 1*7 Medical Aria Bid*. I □ Pleat* *end me FR(I Beeklet an Hearing Problem* and what te da abeut th am. Name *- Addi 01pr— Pfcane fcj e® fl?<r Now Playing Newport Jem Festival Filmed on the scene in exciting color #fth: Louie Armstrong Jack Teagarden Mahalia Jackson Gerry Ntaftigan Anita O’Day panies is a matter of great con cern to our Government. The Government of Kuwait’s letter will be cited as we continue to register our Government’s dis approval of Arab boycott activi ties. Meanwhile, we shall contin ue to do what we can to facili tate progress toward a solution (rhvertirtient Concerned Ovfer Boycott of U. S. Jews. NEW YORK, (JTA)—Discrim ination by the Arab Govern ments against American Jewish firms is a matter of "great con- cei-n” to the United States Gov ernment, the State Department said last week in a communica tion to Louis Segal, General Secretary of the Farband-Labor Zionist Order. The communica tion was an answer to a com plaint that the Government of KuWait has addressed letters to American enterprises requesting information about their relations with Israel or Israeli firms. Mr. Segal referred specifically to a letter addressed by the Boy cott Affairs Department of the Kuwait Government to Samuel Shulsinger, head of a New York printing firm engaged in the printing of Jewish books, periodi cals and other printed matter. He attached a copy of this let ter to his complaint to the State Department. Kuwait, a sheikh dom* on the Persian Gulf, has seht such letters to American firms all over the United States warning them against doing business with Israel on pain of Arab boycott. Pointing out that these letters are “an outright example of the Arab boycott which is being conducted in the United States against American citizens,” Mr. Segal asked the State Depart ment to advise him as to what action can be taken “in this most serious and urgent matter.” In a, reply received from the office of the Near Eastern Af fairs of the State Department, Mr. Segal was told the Kuwait letter “will be cited” by the State Department" as we con tinue to register our Govern ment’s disapproval of Arab boy cott activities.” The reply add ed: “As you know, the boycott is only one of several disturbing problems arising out of the Arab-Israel conflict ft is our conviction that, as progress is made toward a general solution of the basic conflict, such prob lems as boycotts, transit restric tions and homeless Arab refu gees will disappear. We believe that effective and peaceable pro gress toward a resolution of the fundamental problem can be made only through a spirit of accommodation on both sides, facilitated by the efforts of the United Natjons. Our Govern ment continues to support in fullest measure all such efforts. “You may be assured that dis crimination by the Arab Govern ments against Shulsinger Broth ers and other American com- of the root problem from which these unfortunate boycott and blacklisting practices stem.” Across from Hopper Sr Neely Pharmacy 1963 Howell Mill Road , - Phon* tti-MTH *K “JAZZ ON A SUMMER'S DAY ENROLL YOUN CHILD NOW! - , in the HEBREW INSTITUTE OF ATLANTA 1140 University Drive, N. E. SERVING —THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY PROVIDING —THE BEST IN AETERNOON JEWISH EDUCATION . * f Fall Registration Now In Progress FOR INFORMATION CALL—TR. 6 8043 During August, Institute Office Hours—Sunday-Friday, 9:30 A.M.-1:30 P.M. J. L. SHUCHATOWITZ, Principal “OIVE YOUR CHILD A JEWISH EDUCATION! m