The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, June 23, 1961, Image 2

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Fridaj, Jim M, IMI THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE LEGAL NOTICE application OFF THE RECORD—By Nathan Ziprin A POETS FANCY.. .TN3 aadMARION D. ikl lictir, umnniii, did} ihon: That they deal re hr < aaaodataa. wmwiri ha incorporated undar style of . "NENONO OOBP." for the term a# thirty fir* (SO roan. The principal offico of said hnalnaaa ahall be located in Fulton County, Georgia, with the right and privilege of trtaMMUng branch offiooa and place* of hawtaaaa atomhora, both within and without the State of Oeor- fia. *. The object of aaid Corporation la gej!|mlary gain to ltaolf and lta atock- L- The general nature of the buatneas to be transacted, and the corporate powaao daatred are: (a) To tnvoat lta fundi in property of all kinds, both real and perwonal, In' particular rotating to lands To econlre, improve, manage, . mortgage, encumber, sell ex change, dispose of, turn to aoeount and otherwue deal in all rlamaa of real and personal property of nature whatsoever. reTTo acoutre and stocks or Mods of fits, and to undertake or nowimo. In whole or My part thereof, the obllga ttoau or UabOftlM of any persoo, firms, aaeodatlao or corporation. (d) To Issue bonds, mortgages, deads to secure debt, or other Indentures far the purpose of securing any obli gation of said corporation. By the time this appears in print the three-man court sitting in judgment over Adolf Eich- mann may well be pondering the butcher’s fate. The evidence against Eichmann has been so overwhelming that the only re maining question—at least from this comer's point of view — is what to do with him. There is no punishment that fits his crime. He could be hanged. But wouldn’t that be too merciful an exit from the world for such a fiend? A young American Jewish poet who has been a frequent contri butor to the Anglo-Jewish press under the name Ben Nathan has a unique proposal. In a letter, he writes: “I am not suggesting that you jet to Jerusalem this instant and pound on Ben Gurion’s door with the urgent weight of my proposal, but I do ask that you consider it on its own merits. But in the event that you do in tend to beat on Ben Gurion’s for In cash. pro- 99 The Capital Stock of sold Corpora tie* ahall be S2S.OOO.SO divided into lj«> aha re# of tha par value of 910.00 each, all of which shall be common The amount of capital with which this corporation shall begin bust la not lees than SSOO tO, mid all capital shall Be paid halo the oorp tlon in money, property or a com bination of the two. ». Said corporation shall be authorised to lame Mock for any eonstdoratlon. prMUfBfl., rlfkU powers mob- _ a, and as the same may bo bam amended, and all of the power* privilege* enumerated therein all a a part hereof to the aaaaa an as If the same w* , , . Petition era pray an eg assigns, under the namt ‘ b the powers and prlvltedee as may SSETi.SgtijFK'S,* be allowed Air . tador the terms of the act of January IS, IMA authorizing the chartering of corporations. SOCOKL A LEWIS By: Alvin W. Btegal Attorneys for Petitioners OBORGIA, FULTON COUNTY hT-aSE? Tars' asasst LMora in. Mu,HI D 8,, terfleld. having bean examined by me; IT APPEARING, That the application Teen Glamour For “All Ages At Lido Spa The Lido Spa Hotel, one of Miami’s leading health resorts, is offering a program this summer designed to help the young lady shed unwanted pounds and enjoy herself while she does it The program, under the direc tion of Edith Zipp and called Teen Glamour Holiday, promises to help a young girl to look and be at her best. The schedule in cludes figure control, visual and social poise and physical and social recreation. Included, of course, are diet gymnastics, courses in posture, walking, wardrobe and accessory co-ordination, voice and person ality development athletics and dancing, winding up with a trip to Nassau in the Bahamas. Planned also are sight seeing tours, shopping trips, boat out ings, cook outs, theatre, concerts and water shows. There will also be classes in the use of make up and social etiquette. Is lMltfcnately within the purvtew of the Uw» of the State of Georgia; and IT APPEARING. From the certifi cate of the Secretary of State Mat the lame of the proposed corporation la not the name of any now existing corporation registered in the reoorda ° < !T l *tS S mE!l*BY < OIufi8iKD. That said application la hereby granted and said corporation U hereby created under the name of "NTNOMO CORP." With the powers therein sought and the privilege and Immunities provided by law to corporations of a similar nature. This the SSrd day of May. 1001. Judge, Superior Court. Atlanta Circuit May M. June X. 9, H door, let me make the proposal. The proposal stems from my awareness that the decision reached by Israel in the year 1961, the thirteen th year of its maturity, as concerns the pun ishment of a figure intended to represent in the body of one man the total concentrated embodi ment of 2,000 years of anti- Jewish virulence, is one that en joys the opportunity of becoming a historic enunciation. Conse quently I am aware, too, of the care and caution by which it must be expressed, lest its true intent be wilfully misconstrued. In view of the cross-fire to which Israel opens itself to, in virtue of whatever verdict is rendered, I propose that she expose the mat ter to universal consideration. Let her call in conclave worldly chieftains, Kennedy, MacMillan, De Gaulle, Khrushchev, Mao Tse Tsung. Let this conclave not only be composed of the secular heads but composed as well of the re ligious orders—the Pope, the Dali Lama, the head of the Anglican Church and others. Hindu, Mo hammedan and African. Let these cite their conceptions of the just ice the little wax man in the glass case deserves. And do not fail to include the German peo ple themselves in the task. Re quests for consideration should in fact be given universal call. Let opinion run from every cave and corner of the planet. Ima gine, were those opinions com piled! The resultant document would prove the most exciting of the twentieth century. It would represent mankind’s ulti mate collective statement — the summation of its experience and a confession of what that experi ence has served and has come to mean.” As a humble journalist, I will not comment on the thought. I am merely the vehicle of trans mission, the intermediary be tween him and his world. This is, of course, in keeping with the ethics of my profession—to state fact, be objective and to keep one’s own opinions strictly to himself. ABOUT ANOTHER POET , . . Many honors have come to Chaim Grade, noted Yiddish poet and novelist, for his distinguished contributions to a literature that counts proportionately more masters than any living tongue even though its burgeoning is of comparatively recent origin. Highest on the list perhaps was his singling out by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America for the honorary degree of Doc tor of Hebrew Letters. In our English-speaking world that is the Jewish community of America there is, unfortunately, too little awareness of the artist ic outpourings that have come mm BY HENRY LEONARD INSURED SAVINGS Tim* Find* $5.00 Up SAVE BY MAIL MIYI-Ur WINDOW amtlc famine PEACHTREE federal savings jfam ^MMlaWsa JOJV KACHT9H *0„ K W. ATLANTA 5, «A “But, Rabbi, why doer my husband insist on giving mo each week more money than I need?" Cepr. 1W0, Oeyeee rreOecSee* from the pens and easels of our Yiddish-tongued who were raised on almonds and raisins and grew up to the tune of poverty and learning and striving for ascen sion. We have come to know some of the Yiddish classicists and neo-classicists. Sholom Alei- chem is no stranger to us because he was brought to us by a great master of the pen and the trans lation, Maurice Samuels. Through him largely we have also come to know Sholom Asch, even as we have come through other translators to know Singer and Mendele and Peretz. But great as they are, these names by no means exhaust the list of Yid- lish greats—in fact they do not even scratch the surface. Men dele, Sholom A 1 e ic h e m and Peretz are the masters only in the sense that they are the rishonim, the first. The achronim, the latter, by no means suffer by comparison with the rishonim. It is always the fond hope of the teacher that his pupils will ex cell him. If the three classicists of Yiddish literature were alive today they would rejoice in the literary heritage they left, in the pupils. There is temptation, but no room, to list the Yiddish greats who are carrying on amazing literary creativity both here, in Israel and throughout the world where Yiddish is not spurned. But this is Grade’s page and he alone shall have it. It Was wise of the Jewish Theological Seminary of Ameri ca to honor Chaim Grade. For Grade is not only a poet and novelist of unusual vintage but a scholar as well. By honoring this unique poet, whose “Moth er’s Sabbaths,” in the opinion of this writer, is the finest monu ment to the memory of our peo ple who perished under the hand of the unmentionable, the Jewish Theological Seminary of Ameri ca has brought honor to itself as well. The true reward will come to Grade if the Seminary’s ges ture serves to stimulate interest in Yiddish creativity among our young, and older folks, in Ameri ca. icientific Ur ! 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