The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 01, 1961, Image 6

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0 u 'ear Cjreetingi to JWf 6 ft mope income on •urplus funds this safe way* Start now! • Individual accounts • Credit Unions • Building funds • Pension funds • Legal trust funds • Corporate accounts • Church, lodge or Union funds Each account her* la aaft .. . Insured safe to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpo ration. a permanent agency at the U. S Govern ment. If you are responsible for funds like these it will pay you to open a Standard Federal account now Open your Account by Mall or In Person We pay postage and furnish free envelopes on Mail Accounts. ASSETS OVER $55,000,000.00 Standard Federal •AVINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 44 Broad Street, NW - MU. $-6619 - Atlanta, Ga. We are Bonded and Insured Carriers Georgia Highway Express INCORPORATED 2090 Jonesboro Rd., S. E. ATLANTA, GA. Phone MArket 7-7371 TERMINALS Macon, Georgia Chattanooga, Tennessee Thomas ton, Georgia Cartersrille, Georgia LaGrange. Georgia Cordate, Georgia Albany, Georgia ThemasvtUe, Ga. Americas. Ga. Rome, Georgia VaMoota. Georgia Griffin. Georgia Col tun bos. Georgia Knoxville, Tennessee Dalton. Georgia Ttfton. Georgia Calbonn. Georgia Cleveland. Team. Weat Point. Ga. lar, with his insight into the great religious and philosophic traditions — with the public servant and the businessman who have born broad responsi bilities in the world of affairs. Out of this kind of moral in quiry can we not now take stock and head into the future with fresh determination and dedication? I believe we can. We must renew the American covenant; that covenant under which our forefathers estab lished a new nation and pur sued a dream. This covenant— this dream—has meant differ ent things to different people —but to all it has represented man’s inalienable rights to ex ercise freedom. This covenant must be re pledged by the individual, by the family, and in the home. It must be renewed in our churches and in our syna gogues. Above all, it must be renewed in our heart and with all our soul. As it was written of King Josiah of Judah in 622 B.C.E.: “And the king stood by a pillar, and made a coven ant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments and his testi monies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were writ ten in this book. And all the people stood to the covenant.’ We need — each of us — to make a commitment; to have a sense of commitment. We must each care. It is not for the other fellow to serve on the school or hospital board; it is not for the other fellow to serve his community and his nation. We both must — each in our way. Certainly, if we are not charged with seeing the United States a vital and pro gressive society in all its as pects, and a beacon of inde pendence to all those nations who wish to join with us as equal partners in the work of mankind — we can hardly ex pect other people to make the hard decisions that the high road to freedom and liberty will increasingly require. The Rockefeller Panel Re port No. VI had this to say: “Democracy is a powerful idea because it both assumes and is built upon the moral commitment of its supporters. It will require all the power this commitment can generate in the decades ahead to deal affirmatively and courageous- _ ly with the vast and pressing problems faced by all coun tries of today’s world.’’ It is my conviction that the American people are prepared to make this commitment; to renew the covenant. I am cer tain that it will be sustained by deep reservoirs of pioneer spirit and spiritual purpose. Best Wishes For The Rosh Hashonah Holidays Carla Qay Dress Co FACTORY 150 Garnett St., S. IV. JA. 3-6653 ATLANTA, GEORGIA The Southern Israelite