The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 08, 1961, Image 10

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ftn «m Friday. 8«pL I, INI sk®* New Year's Greetings to all our friends Tfjff New WorU CMJ ATLANTA, OA. —Where We Study A New W<jfl<J— ROBERT SCHARF President CE. 3-0136 ERIC JACOBSON Secretary W. GREETINGS and BEST WISHES fqr % HAPPY NEW YEAR , t<r># PIONEER WOMEN’S Organization of Atlanta Chapter I * and Golda Meir Chapter ATLANTA, GA. New Year Message Opportunity — Not Miracles By RABBI SYQffEy K. MOBSMAN SPIRITUAL LINDER SheuiUi Iwael Syn^*.Ifr AMV 1 * Most of us either conscious ly or subconsciously are wait ing for miracles. Some get up loth hoping that the prob lems of t£e <J*y tyUl miracul ously disappear; others just close their eyes and wish for the miracle; still others get into as comfortable a position as possible and pray for the miracle. Probably the great est disappointment of the present era is that we elected Kennedy and not a single miracle has taken place to cure the world of its critical ills. The Cold War goes on and the Iron Curtain is still U V sped Then fe have even set aside I cial days for miracles, ere is Mother’s Day, the day when mothers expect that a miracle will happen and their children will bo perfpct, their frustrations end ed and they will live happily for ever after. Then there is Father’s Day, the day when fathers expect a miracle tp happen and tljeir children will d4 pfctfect, their frustra tions ended and they too will live happily for ever after. Tijen there is Rosh Hashonah anij Yom Kippur, the days when Rabbis expect that p mlrfSle will happen and from tppp on their synagogues will bo jammed every Shabba*, l&eir culturals will be filled with eager adults, their con gregants will bring about ap overflow of every activity and they too will live happily ever after. The Cold War goes on; the Iron Curtain is still up; Ken- mothers jthers are are frus trated and even the miracle wishing rabbis are frustrated- Evqn on Rpsh Flash on ah anjd Yom Kippur, the two most sacred holidays of the Ameri can Jeff's calendar, no mir acles occur. Yet without miracles we somehow continue to coexist l^lew l^ear Atlanta Chapter Women's American ORT MRS. JACK BRESSLER, President BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR ¥ Congregation Beth Jgpob Rabbi Emanuel Feldman Officers and Trustees Rev. Philip Rosenblatt Beth Jacob Men’s Club with Russia, stay married, rear children, and congrega tions still function- unfor tunately dP^evgr, they all seepi to be existing 93 the same level of anxiety and frustration. This is tragic. Fqr there fpay not be very much that ippst of us can do about solving the problems of the Cola War and bringing down the Iren Curtain, Dpt surely it within our means to solve pjany of the previews that confrqnt us as human beings with regard to our re- latftjnslpp tq other human be ings and to our G-d. These require no miracles. They take a little extra effort, 9 little deeper understanding, a little ipore dftiire |q dq some thing abopt them. If only we CQpid get rid qf this “miracle” fantasy and get down tq repj- it L " Rosh Hashqnah ap4 Y<MO Kipppr cquje as reminders of the realities of life qqt as days for fqncifpl dreaiR^s; they remind us that reality can be lived jyith. They hopeful days |qr roqn qpi re pent, man can be sorjry, map can he fqrgiven pnd ahqve all that mqn is capable qf change. Tedious, qftifpes ihh" QfiqUs, perhaps abppst insyp- mquntaple.are tjp? elements apd aspects of inper but Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur are there to give us the hope that it can happen. Not through a miracle, not through w thinking, fat by effort, by understanding and inner integrity. Thqy present the opportunity to bring down the ilun Curtain that many have erected be tween tbeipselvqs and thflir fellow man; they are the days when our own Cold War with our faith cpn be brought to a peaceful ppd G-d bless all of you with the courage to face the reali ties of yopr lives in the com ing year; G-d grant you the fortitude to achieve victory. 1961 5722 uron rate nj In the book of life, blessing, peace and gqqd sustenance, may we be remembered and inscribed, we, and all Thy people, the House of Israel, for a happy life and peace. THE ATLANTA CHAPTER WOMEN OF AMERICA Tovab Tibasem HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO The Atlanta Jewish Community FROM Congregation, Beth El Atlanta’s Youngest Synagogue Abffthajp Qfrren^tfip, I$aty>i Rojaqd Skhlesinger, Prudent and Beth El Sisterhood and Beth El Brotherhood opt) njw|> May the New Year bring to you and your family health, happi ness. peace and prosperity. OR VE SHALOM Congregation and Sisterhood 1855 La Vista Rd„ N.E. *