The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 26, 1963, Image 1

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Jewish Youth Among Arrested Nazis By Samuel Schreig SPECIAL TO THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Ian Lehr will have to raise $5,- 000 for bail if he cares to attend his brother’s Bar Mitzvah this week. Ian and seven others were ar rested on charges of “Conspiracy, attempting to incite a riot, Sulli van Law Violation and Anarchy.” The “Anarchy” charge stems from Ian’s association with the Neo-Nazi “National Renaissance Party” the Anti-Semitic organi zation which touched off a near- riot in the Yorkville section of Manhattan last May. The NRP has been dubbed a "Subversive organization that advocates the overthrow of the government.” The trouble began early this week when three members of the NRP, counter-picketing at the racially embattled “White Castle” diner in the Bronx, complained to police that their truck’s win dow had been broken by angry CORE members who had been the target of the Nazi hoods. Amazed cops, sent out to inves tigate the damage, found the panel truck to be a small arsenal of deadly weapons as well as a mobile library filled with Anti- Jewish and Anti-Negro hate lit erature. The complainants were immediately taken into custody. The rest of the Nazis were soon picked up in their homes. Police found additional weapons and ammunition in the home of another Nazi, Peter Krauss. James H. Madole, the 36-year-o'^ bachelor, head of the NP^ —turn to oA A 0 .3^ The So 11 flier 11 I seat -<e A Weekly Newspaper for Southern Jewry — Established 1925 Vol XXXVIII ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1963 NO. 30 Growing Ring of Desegregation Activities Involving More and More Je w ish Communities Throughout South Albany, Ga. ALBANY, Ga.— An attempted sit-in at the Temple here last Friday evening failed as ushers turned away two Jewish youth members ef the student Integra tion movement and a third per son described by members of the congregation m a srgro child of four or five. One of the Jewish youth was Miss Miriam Cohen, daugh ter of Gabriel Cohen, editor and publisher of the National Jewish Post, of Indianapolis. A report published In the At lanta Journal-Constitution Sun day described comments by mem bers of the congregation as say ing the second Jewish youth ap peared unkempt, somewhat of a beatnlck. What aroused additional con cern was a colored photographer lurking in the background, indi cating the incident was part of the demonstrations which have taken place in this community during the past eleven or twelve months. “I did not see the incident,” Joe Cohen, an architect, president of the congregation, told The Southern Israelite. I was with the rabbi at the time in front of the congregants.” Asked whether the state of dress of the trio was the reason for refusing the trio admission, Mr. Cohen said “this may have been mostly conversation. I heard nothing said of Miss Cohen’s dress.” The congregation, one of Geor gia’* oldest Jewish groups- has a policy of not admitting negroes to services, he stated. No, it would have made no dif ference if the negro had been an adult, he added. “How many Jewish negroes do you think we have in Albany,” he asked? “Not a single one, so it was obvious the child was not brought here for any purpose of worship.” He pointed snt that the Cohen girl had been present at previous services—“and welcomed.” If she comes again—or in com pany with other Jewish persons, she will again be welcomed, he suggested. “The matter of barring negroes from the Temple services is a policy of the congregation, estab lished by the board,” Mr. Cohen said. We have a right to run our congregation our way. Others can do as they please.” Later, he revealed that negroes had been present at previous Temple services, when as close friends of a family, they had been invited or come for an ap propriate purpose. “I have seen colored persons in our congregation service several times,” he said. “You know, if anybody would explain to me why this is a Jew ish problem ... It seems to me an American problem and one which we must tackle as Amer icans.” He disagreed with The South ern Israelite editor that moral and ethical values are of Jewish concern though they may not be specifically Jewish in nature. You may be sure, Mr. Cohen continued, that a solution to this problem will be worked out, but it will be an American solution, and “Albanians will honor the decision.” Charleston CHARLESTON—Desegregation efforts have come to this South Carolina seacoast and the Jewish residents are working with their Christian neighbors for the best possible solution. While Jewish leaders in some areas of the South are either working behind closed doors or refraining from participation be cause they fear anti-Semitism, this is not the case in Charleston. Chief holders-out, so to speak, in meeting the demands of the colored desegregation movements have been non-Jewish. A spokesman for the commun ity informed The Southern Is raelite that considerable strides have been made with several of the eating establishments and even hostelerles having been re cently opened without incident. The chief areas of decision now seem to lie in the field of em ployment with negro leaders wanting full and equal economic opportunities, at least percentage wise with the proportion of the population. Several stores, including Jew ish establishments, have added Negro salesmen to their staffs. Has there been evidence that the Jewish merchants of Charles ton or other leaders in any way fear anti-Semitism as a product of their part in desegregation ef forts? The Jewish spokesman denied such a possibility. The contrary is true, he said. “They are very willing and des irous of reaching a solution. “At sessions called by Charles ton’s cooperative mayor, and the SAIGON-VIET NAM By BERRY RITTENBAUM An Atlanta insurance man and communal leader most of the year, Mr. Rittenbaum roves around the globe two months every year. This is one of his reports on his current trip. Getting around in Viet Nam in July can be rather difficult as it is the Monsoon season and the rain really pours down In torrents. It is such a contrast coming here from Hong Kong where there was such a water shortage you could get water for a bath only every couple of days. I went down to the river front in Saigon to see if I could find Mr. B. David, its only per manent Jewish resident. He is about 70 years old, a batchelor and a millionaire. He has many varied interest and also maintains a home in Monaco, France. Un fortunately he was not avail able. Walking along 1 noticed a sign on a buiiding for “7Jm Israel Nav igating Limited.” I went in and introduced myself to the manager, Silvio Pellas, an Italian and not Jewigh. He is also agent for sev eral other shirtping lines. He explained most items brought into Viet Nam by the U.S. Government are by “A.I.D.” meaning “Agency International Development”. Practically all items are brought by American ships, but as Egypt will not allow any ship going to Israel to come through the Suez Canal, American ships are boycotted on bringing goods from Israel to Viet Nam (and to think the U.S. just finish ed paying Nasser 4 million dollars for repairing the Suez Canal). An arrangement has just been worked out with the U.S. and Israel to bring potash here and the U.S. will pay >4 the shipping cost. One Zim Ship was here in April and another in June. He understood they returned to Is rael with cargoes of Japanese products. The potash comes from the Dead Sea and is used for fertilizer. He also mentioned some Zim ships are hauling cop per silicate from King Solomon’s Mines at Eilat to Japan. Zim also operates a subsidiary line called the Gold Star Line, going from Tokyo and Hong Kong and return. The officers are Is raeli,the crew Japanese and Chi nese. Other affiliates are the Black Star Line, and the Burma Five Star Line. The latter with the cooperation of the Burmese Gov ernment. Mr. Pellas also mention a Jew ish man working for the U.S. gov ernment by the name of Solomon Silver. He is the deputy manager of government agency named “Agency International Develop ment”. It’s operation is with the development and of foreign coun tries needing aid. This is a divis ion of the United States operation mission. Mr. Pellas called Mr. Silver and made an appointment for me to meet him at his office at 3:30 p. m. the next day, July 12. 1 spent an hour with Mr. Silver, discussing the Saigon Jewish community and his work. As there is no Jewish chaplain in Saigon there is no organized Jewish activity. There was a visiting Jewish chaplain from —torn to page 4 Chamber of Commerce, Jewish merchants have volunteered for tasks of special assignment and responsible leadership. Would a negro be permitted to attend services at a Charleston synagogue? The spokesman believed they would—and nothing said or done about it. Savannah SAVANNAH — The Jewish community of this historic Geor gia seaport is participating ac tively In bringing a solution to the desegregation troubled pop ulation here. A spokesman for Savannah Jewry, Dr. William Wexler, pres ident of the Jewish Community Council, told The Southern Is raelite over the weekend that local Jews are taking a forth right part with other residents in working out a solution. At least two Savannah leaders, he said, are among the negotia tors who are meeting with rep resentatives on both side of the question for an amicable develop ment. He praised the “very fine mayor and City Council, as well as the police department” for the consideration they are showing in the matter. Savannah officials prevented the Klan from marching In the city, he said, although an incon spicuous meeting of the Klan was held downtown, without any manifestations. Jewish merchants and trades men have experienced serious loss in the unofficial boycott of the colored protest group, al though many of the merchants have participated with non-Jew ish merchants in meeting the de mands of the negroes. Although mass picketing or protest marches have been barr ed, representatives of the move ment are permitted to picket, one to a block. Many white cus tomers, rather than became In volved In any way, have indirect ly taken part in the boycott of downtown picketing, which Dr. Wexler indicated might be di rected only at a single store in —turn to page 4 Britain Sees Mo End of Arab-Israe! Arms Rare Without Pari With Russia LONDON (JTA) — The arms race between Egypt and Israel can be solved only if a general agreement to this affect is reach ed between the Western powers and the Soviet Union, British of ficials indicated here this week. Their observations were made in connection with reports from Cairo stating that tomorrow will be the day when Egypt will dis play new modern air and sea armaments created in Egypt by German scientists and technicians, or acquired from the Soviet Union. Tomorrow is Egypt’s “In dependence Day,” which will be celebrated with a display of su personic jet-fighters, Russian- made air rockets and Komar rocket ships of Soviet make. Foreign office circles here today pointed to the fact that the United States, France and, to a smaller extent, also Britain, are supplying srael with defense wea pons, with a view to keeping the arms balance in the Middle East. This, they said, is the second best of the two alternatives, since nothing has so far been done to bring about joint action on the part of the Soviet Union and the Western powers to put an end to the arms race between Nasser and Israel. Foreign Office officials also stressed the fact that the Tripar tite Declaration announced by Britain, France and the United States in 1950, guaranteeing the present Arab-Israel borders, has never been called off and Is still, formally speaking, intact. At the same time, they emphasized that no one knows how effective this agreement could be in any emer gency, adding that “this would not be the fault of Britain.” A report from Cairo published here today said that American diplomats in Egypt would not like to see the departure of the German scientists helping Nasser to develop his rocket program. According to the report, the American diplomats in Cairo feel that this might undermine the Western influence on Nasser, since he might then turn to Mos cow for Soviet technicians. One American diplomat in Cairo was quoted in the report as stating. “We have an influence here and a presence—and that is worth something if you are trying to keep the peace. What is more, the Middle East is a very cheap deal for the American tax payer. That is why anything which upsets the area—like the attempt to bar German scientists —must be carefully examined to see what its effect may be on stability in the area.” A Moscow report by the Soviet news agency, Tass, today, re vealed that Soviet technician, arc to start work soon on a new, 740-mile network of high-voltage electric transmission lines in Egypt. The lines will stretch from Aswan to Cairo, and from the Nile to the Red Sea, the Taas report stated. WASHINGTON (JTA)—David Bell, director at the U a Agency lor International Development, was subjected Tuesday to inten- —la Hff 4