The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 09, 1963, Image 4

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p »*t h«r IBI SODTBIIN ISRAELITE Friday, August 9, IMS Comments . . . —WUP— KENNEDY’S HISTORIC MOVE Five years ago a Senator named Kennedy wrote a pamphlet the theme of which was summed up its title, “A Nation of Immigrants.” As so many others have done before and since, he pointed out that the post-World War I immigration law was discriminatory because of its national origins quota system, whose only test was whether or not an immigrant was bom in the right place. And then he concluded: The most serious defect in the pres en law is not that it is restrictive but that many of the restrictions are based on false and unjust premises. President Kennedy strongly supported his own long-held views on immigration ... in his message to Congress calling for the abolition of the quota system within five years . . . The diversity of America’s population is one of its strengths. Immigrants from everywhere conquered this vast country, created its riches, contributed to its armed forces in war and peace. Today we know that each immigrant’s worth is best judged by personal qualities and skills, not by group Ptereottyt>es(. Adoption of the President’s wise recommendations would be an act of justice and wisdom, as well as evidence that we fully under stand the true nature of the changed world- now grown so small—in which all humanity lives New York Times KHRUSHCHEV ON KENNEDY’S SPEECH In conclusion I should like to say that as a whole President Kennedy’s speech makes a favor able impression. We have noted with satisfaction the call for better relations between the U.S. and the USSR—his pronouncement ‘‘that we must re-examine our own attitude toward the Soviet Union.' We agree with the President’s statement that the peoples of our countries have a mutual interest in the maintenance of peace. The people of the Soviet Union respect the gifted and indus trious people of the United States and want to have friendly relations with them. We are pro foundly convinced that President Kennedy’s call for better relations between countries and an end to the “cold war,” for better relations between the peoples of the Soviet Union and the United States, will have the support of the absolute majority of the American people, and the peoples of the Soviet Union have always stood and do stand on these positions. We strive for the practi cal application of good relations between countries but to achieve this it is necessary to stint no effort in the struggle against those forces that stand on positions of the “cold war” and a solu tion of disputes through engineering wars . . . Nikita S. Khrushchev, Replying to Newsmen’s Queries Talmudic Treasures COLLECTED AND TRANSLATED By JACOB L. FRIEND - i Three different types of remedies cure chills, depending on the individual: fat roasted meat and strong wine; bathing in exceedingly hot water; exercise. (In the Old Country a good schwitzbad (Turkish steam- bath) was an excellent remedy. Elisha the prophet resuscitated the Shun- amite’s son, who had heat prostration and died, by covering him and then breathing into his nostrils and administering artificial respiration. When the lad’s flesh became warm, he walked him up and down until the boy sneezed seven times, and then recovered. (II Kings, xi.) Spleen should be chewed and then thrown away, as it is good for the teeth, but bad for the intestines. Leek should be cooked and swallowed without chewing, as it is good for intestines, but bad for the teeth. Straightening infants’ limbs through chiro practic methods was known in talmudic times, as is recorded in Volume Sabbath 147b. Jewish Law, and its interpretation by the ancient sages of the Talmud is concerned not only with the religious or moral aspect of behavior, but also with the physical, as is clearly stated by Rabbi Pinchas ben Jair in Volume Avodah Zarah 20b who declares: “Physical cleanliness leads to spiritual pur ity,” and Rabbi Hillel in Va’Yikrah Rabbah 34 says the following: “It is a religious duty to pay attention to hygiene. For if someone is paid to clean the statues of kings, how much more should I, who am created in the divine image and likeness take care of my body!” In volume Sabbath 50b it is stated: “One should wash his face, hands and feet every day out of respect for his Maker.” THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE and THE SUNCOAST JEWISH NEWS Published weekly by Southern Newspaper Enterprises, IN Court land 8t„ N E„ Atlanta 1, Georgia, TR. • S24>, TR. I nil. Second claw portage paid at Atlanta, Ga. Yearly subscription five dollars The Southern Israelite Invites literary contributions and correspond enre but la not to be considered as sharing the views expressed by writers. DEADLINE is 5 P.M., FRIDAY, but material received earlier will have a much better chance of publication. Adolph Rosenberg, Editor and Publisher Gustav Oppenheimer, Kathleen Nease, Jeanne Loeb Georgia Press Association Jewish Telegraphic Agency 7 Arts Features World Press Atlanta Center Pioneers With Outstanding Day Camp Facilities We’ve grown ecstatic of late years over such recent addi tions to Southern camping as the Young Judaea camp at Hendersonville, SEFTY camp at Cleveland, Ga. and the Barney Medintz camp in the same vicinity. Now, comes the day of the Atlanta Jewish Community Center and we’re beside ourselves with praise for the modem facilities, the spaciousness of its play-study buildings, the beautiful pool and the expansiveness provided at 40-acre Zaban Park. The community owned day camp fills a long-felt need for Atlanta youngsters and the men and women who guided its development had an ambitious eye on the future as well as on contemporary requirements. Location and facilities offer vision and potential for use by Center members beyond the summer months. Probably the most outstanding day camp site in the nation today, AJCOMCE has an adaptability and scope which can expand in the decades ahead with an expanding community. We congratulate AJCC officials for this fine addition to their city’s communal facilties. It can well serve as a model for other communities in the south and nation. McCarran-W alter Horror Must End President Kennedy follows in the footsteps of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower with his proposals for the revision of the McCarran-Walter Act which has brought much dis grace upon our country and the provisions of which have been responsible for many hardships. The numerous detailed recommendations for the liberal ization of the measure that was born of a lack of apprecia tion of human values and possibly of much malice are less important than the serious intention to put an end to legisla tion that is so unfair that it distinguishes between peoples of differing origins, that places obstacles in the path of people who seek havens of refuge from the most threatening perse cutions, that makes it difficult for people to defend their just rights even in the freest countries because of the stigmas it imposes on people under suspicion. Because of the injustices that are inherent in the Mc Carran-Walter Act, this nation has been held in contempt in many European countries. The medieval ideas incorporated in this anti-immigrants law militate more to the detriment of the United States than anything else for which we are blamed abroad. The McCarran-Walter Act made it possible for bigots to raise the Communist bogey against non-citzens whenever they chose to institute a witch hunt. It created fear and in stigated terror among immigrants seeking admission to our shores and in the ranks of non-citizens in this country against whom all kinds of libels could be instituted under the exist ing law. Will President Kennedy succeed in securing the coope ration of both houses of Congress in his request for changes in the McCarran-Walter law? His predecessors failed because the anti-immigration forces embrace both parties and are especially strong in the South. Let us hope that previous skepticism regarding the possibilities of assuring liberaliza tion of the immigration act will vanish as a result of Presi dent Kennedy’s emphatic request for an abandonment of the discriminations inherent in the existing law. —JEWISH NEWS, DETROIT Moscow Jews, Sentenced for Selling Matzoh, Appeal; Judge Dodges Newsmen LONDON, (JTA)—The three Jews who were given prison .sentences by the Soviet authorities last month, for allegedly selling home-baked matioh before last Passover, have lodged an appeal against the sentences in a Moscow court, It was reported here from Moscow. The three, appealing the sentences for alleged profiteering in the sale of matioh, are: Golko Bogomolny, a shochet, who was given one year in prison; and two women, Mrs. Klavdiya Blyakh- man and Mrs. Malka Bri, who were sentenced to six months each. A fourth Jew, Emil Katz, 82, was convicted along with the others, but was set free because of hLs state of health and his age. Judge N. A. Ryasky, deputy president of the Moscow court, declined to reply to inquiries by newsmen over the appeal. The Jews were compelled to bake matioh at home for last Pasa- over because of a ban Lssued two years ago by the Soviet authori ties preventing the public bakeries from producing matioh. Opinion . . . ZIM’S DILEMMA The Zim lines are hardly to be blamed for wanting to install a non-kosher kitchen in their newest vessel for the American trade—the Shalom. Place yourself in the seat of the Zim executives, and see if you wouldn’t very likely come to the same conclusion. The non-Jewish trade of course isn’t interested in kashrut . . There remains the US. Jewish passengers. 85 per cent have long abandoned kashrut in their homes . . There you have it—logic is on the side of the Zim officials. But logic doesn’t always provide for situations. And this is the mistake ''f those who are taking their stand for a dual kitchen . . . The American Jewish community that is, the official community —has taken the stand that wherever the com munity as such is involved, the meals should be strictly kosher. A community like Indianapolis, where the Orthodox element has no leadership, still ignores the feelings of the Orthodox, but in Chicago or St. Louis and other centers where the Orthodox leadership is significant, the meals of the federation, the Bnai Brith and other agencies, are strictly kosher. From our viewpoint, then, the mistake Zim may be going to make is not that they will alienate the Ortho dox, although of course this their present plans will do, but that the Jews who don’t keep kosher at home, will somehow feel that traveling on the Shalom is no different than the Greek Lines or the French Line, so why not go the whole hog and travel in the accomodations offered by the larger non-Israeli lines. Gabe Cohen, National Jewish Post ESHKOL AND THE U.S. I am convinced that the purpose of U.S. policy in the Middle Blast is to promote peace and stability in the area and the maintenance of the territorial integrity and independence of all the countries in the area We attach great importance to the state ments made by President Kennedy and his repre sentatives on this subject. There may be different views on how these goals should be achieved but there is no questions about the goals themselves We appreciate the aid we have received from the U.S. and the concern of the U.S. for our security. I believe that the best contribution the United States could make would be to take measures in order to prevent the creation of circumstances which may make a military attack on Israel poss ible. It would also be helpful if the U.S. would perseverse in its efforts to persuade the Arab countries to abandon their illegal policies of be- belligerency and war preparations and conduct a policy in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations . . . Levi Eshkol Staement to the Press ISRAEL AND UNTSO With the arrival in Jerusalem of the new Chief of Staff of the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), there may be an opportunity to improve the strained relations between this Organization and the Israeli authorities. For the last ten years, ever since the Belgian Major-General de Ridder de Bennet was replaced by the Danish General Bennike, the Organization has fallen foul of the Israelis. The reasons for this are complex. One is undoubtedly the fact that whereas Arab attacks on Israel have tended to be local and desultory, frequently with their governments’ connivance but seldom at their direct orders, Israeli reprisals are massive and undertaken on direct government responsibility . . . The Israelis are so utterly con vinced that the right lies with them and that the Arabs are obviously guilty of aggression, that they assume UN legalism to be either evasiveness or politics. They harrangue the UN reprentatives and soon write them off as hopelessly biased, whereas the Arabs are more pragmatic in their approach. With the arrival of General Odd Bull, a new man, Israel has the chance to make a fresh start. (This somewhat apologetic editorial seems to indicate that even the editors of the Jewish Chronicle have been taken in by the insidious Arab propa ganda. It also shows how little informed the Chronicle is of the actual facts of the situation on Israel’s borders. -—WUP Editor). JEWISH CALENDAR •ROSII HASHONAH Thursday, Sept. 19, 1963 (First Day) *YOM KIPPUR Saturday, September 28 •SUCCOT Thursday, October 3 (First Day) Friday, October 4 (Second Day) ‘HANNUKAH Wednesday, December 11 •Holiday begins preceding evening*