The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 27, 1963, Image 2

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Tw IHl 80DTHI1N 18IABLITE Friday, Sept. 27, 196i LEGAL NOTICE APPLICATION POP AND OR Dm •BAHTIN# CHARTIR GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY To tha Superior Court of Mid Coun *r- The petition of BLAISE J. DAN- TON*. MBS. LILLIAN S. DANTONE and SABAH M. RINALDO, aU of wboee poet office addreM la 1041 Forayth Street, N. W , Atlanta 3, Georgia, raa- pectfully allows: t. Pelltloners dealre for themselves, their associates and aucceeaora, to be Incorporated under the name of “PEACHTREE COIN INVESTMENT COUNSELORS, INC.” for a period of thirty-five (Ml years, with all the privileges of renewal given to similar corporations by law. S. The object of said corporation la pecuniary gain and profit. I. The principal office of the corp oration snail be In Pulton County, Georgia but the corporation shall have the privilege of establishing branch offices and places of doing business elsewhere, both within and without the 8tate of Georgia. 4. The corporation shall have one -class of stock, which shall be common stock with a par value of |100 per share share. Each shall have equal voting rights, together with pre-emp tive rights. The corporation shall be authorized to have Issued and out- standlng at any one time a maximum of S00 shares of such common stock of $100 par value. I. The minimum capital with which this corporation will begin business win bs |1,000 6. The general nature of the business to be conducted by this corporation shan be to carry on research, Inves tigation and study In the field of numismatics; to Issue publications of interest to coin collectors; and to con duct advisory services for persons In terested In collecting coins. Petitioners also desire that they have all the rights, powers, privileges and Immun ities which are now conferred and whloh may hereafter be conferred upon Nmllar corportlons by and under tea laws of the State of Georgia. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray for an order incorporating them under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights, powers, privileges and Immunities herein set forth and such additional rights, powers, privileges and immunities as may be necessary, proper or Incident to the conduct of the aforesaid business, as may be In herent in, or allowed to, like corp orations under the laws of the State of Georgia, as such laws now exist nr mav hereafter exist. GKRSHON RUDEN A SCHWARTZ Attorneys for Petitioners 7M Healey Building Atlanta S, Georgia JA 4-4991 ORDER It appealing that the foregoing pe tition is within the purview and In tention of the laws of Georgia and further by certificate of the Secretary of State that the name "PEACHTREE COIN INVESTMENT COUNSELORS, INC.” Is not the name of any other existing corporation now registered with Its of fice, IT IS ORDERED that petitioners be , Incorporated under the name, terms and ooadjtjont contained In the fore- Hoinff petition. This 17 dav of September, 1963. CLAUDE D. SHAW Judge. Superior Court, Atlanta Judicial Circuit 9ept.Sy,OcM,!!,lt LEGAL NOTICE APPLICATION FOR AND ORDfR GRANTING CHARTIR STATE OF GEORGIA) COUNTY OF FULTON) TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY: The petition of KENNETH G. BURN- STTNE, JAY H. WEISS and BURTON R. LEVY of 160 Central Avenue, S. W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303 respectfully shows to the Court ss follows: 1. The petitioners desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns the privilege of Incorporating for a period of thirty-five (SS) years, with the privilege of amendment and re newal thereto, under the name and style of "SOUTHERN BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC." X. The principal office and place of business shall be In Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, with the privilege of maintaining branch offices elsewhere la accordance vrlth the law. 3. The object of Mid corporation Is pecuniary gain to itself and Its stock holders. 4. The general nature of the business or businesses to be transacted by the corporation Is to purchase, sell, assign, promissory notes, real estate mort gages, chattel mortgages; to act ss broker for purchases and Mies of the afore mentioned Items and to do what ever la necessary In the general busi ness of mortgage brokeraging and In the mortgage company and allied lines: lend and borrow money of every kind and nature, on such terms and con dltlons, and on such security, real or personal, as Its Board of Directors Shall determine; to draw, make, accept, endorse. Issue, discount, purchase or otherwise acquire promissory notes, drafts, bonds, stocks, debentures and other negotiable or transferable Instru ments, and to secure same bv mort gage, deed of trust, or otherwise; to purchase, take, own, hold, deal In. mortgage, or otherwise encumber, and to lease, sell, exchange, transfer or In any manner whatsoever dispose of real property; and generally to engage In any and all tvpes of buslnem In con formity with the laws of the State of Georgia, and to all and everything In cident to carrying on Mid business 8. The maximum authorised capital stock of the corporation shall be 100 shares of common stock without par value. # The amount of canltal with which the corporation shall begin business shall not be Ism than Two Hundred ($100) Dollars ? The stock may jie Issued and dis posal of for such considerations In money, prooerty or eerricee as may be fixed from time to time bv the stockholders at a»v stockholders' meeting or by the Board of Directors frornttaUto tuna when acting under reneral or soectal authority granted by the stockholders Pettthmers desire that mM corp oration shall bavsanjbe rights and powers and be »« **•■"£ tattoos fixed by the Corporate Act of let’s be by HARRY FLEISCHIRAN Notional Labor Service Institula of Human Relation! Mitzvah Corps Ten lucky teen-aged boys spent last month In Puerto Rico. Spon sors of their month-long trip were the National Federation of Temple Youth and the Social Program Administration of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth, two organizations cooperating in programs to help Puerto Ricans, both on the island and on the U. S. mainland. The “Mitzvah Corps” (in Hebrew, mitzvah means commandment to do a good deed) were selected for their fluency In Spanish, and as signed to replacing flimsy village shacks with hurricane -proof homes of reinforced concrete. The Government supplied mater ial and engineers, but villages provided their own labor, and help from ten husky youngsters was welcome indeed. In their spare time, the vistors managed to teach English, introduce pop ular American sports and lead group singing. Back at home, the month of international living will be put to year-round use. Each young traveler will head up weekend projects for teenagers in his own synagogue, lending a hand of help and friendship in the Puerto Rican neighborhoods in their own home towns. Here’s a splendid way to win new amigos right at home! Black Cargoes In 1562, Captain John Haw kins, by purchase and kidnap, acquired three hundred Negro slaves in a private raid on Guinea. When Queen Elizabeth heard of Hawkins’ venture, she said “It was detestable and would call down vengeance from heaven upon the undertakers.” Hawkins went to the Queen and showed Her Majesty his profit sheet “Not only did she forgive 138, as amended from time to time Insofar M the provisions of such Act sre applicable to the CorporaUon here by sought to be chartered. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray lo be Incorporated under the name and style aforeMld, with all rights, privileges and Immunities herein set forth, and such other as are now, or may here after be, allowed a corporation of sim ilar character under the laws of Geor gia. JACOBS A JACOBS Marrls Jacobs, Attorney for Petitioners 160 Central Avenue, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 SH—080 ORDER The foregoing appllcaUon having been presented, read and considered and it appearing to the Court that this peUtlon seta out the required declara tions under the law and la permissible under the laws of this State, and that the certificate of the Secretary of State as required by law having been pre sented to the Court and there appear ing to be no reason why application should not be granted. IT IS ORDERED that the prayers of the petitioners be and the same are hereby granted, and the petitioners are Incorporated under the name of "SOUTHERN BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC.’ This 18th day of September, 1963 (s) CLAUDE D. SHAW Judge. S. C. A. C. him,” notes Mannix, “but she become a shareholder in his second slaving voyage.” This is one of the basic observations of a remarkable and fascinating book, BLACK CARGOES: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1518-1865, by Daniel P. Mannix and Malcolm Cowley (Viking, $6.95). The book reveals how some black African chiefs cooperated with whites in enslaving other Africans. Almost all slave trad ers were “morally degraded be yond redemption . . . The guilt rests not wholly on the white race, or partly on the African kings and slave merchants, but beyond them ... on the appar ently inexhaustible capacity for greed and numbness of heart and the inflation of suffering that survives in the nature of man.” Progress? “Enlighten the people general ly,” Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend du Pont de Nemours in 1816, “and tyranny and op pressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” In those days, not everybody agreed. For instance, in 1828, school trustees in Lan caster, Ohio, denied permission for the use of a schoolhouse to debate “whether or not railroads are practicable” because “If God had intended his creatures to travel at the frightful rate of fif teen miles and hour, He would have said so in the Gospels.” How much better are we today? In California, a songbook was at tacked this year by would-be censors because it contained a song called “Swing the Shining Sickle.” This “Communist propa ganda” turned out to be an American harvest ballad written in 1897. And in Alabama, the Jacksonville News attacked a first-grade reader, Our New Friends, published by Scott Fores- man and Co. The reader included a story about squirrels storing up nuts for the winter. That, the News approved. But the story had an “objectionable and destructive lesson” about a squirrel named Bobby who played all the time ■ and wouldn’t store nuts. Instead, when winter came, the cold and hungry Bobby, observing the Redbird getting nuts merely by tapping the door of a birdhouse, decides to do likewise. Asks the News: “Have you ever heard or read about a more subtle way of undermining the American sys tem?” The first-grade reader, says the paper, is “a threat to the spiritual, moral and patriotic strength of Alabama children.” Wow! BY HENRY LEONARD wants that it should b« by Freud A Farmer’s Daughter Is New President of B’nai B’rith Girls WASHINGTON—This Is about the farmer’s daughter who was elected president of B’nai B’rith Girls. She is eighteen-year-old Judy Elaine Smith from Salt Lake City, a dark-haired and bouyant col lege freshman. Judy was elected head of the largest Jewish teen-age girls movement last week at its annual convention. She lives with her parents on a 30-acre poultry farm on the outskirts of the city. There are 30,000 chickens to be cared for. “But chores are strictly domes tic,” she says. “The hen house and I have never been on very good terms.” Judy dislikes eggs and chick ens make her sneeze. She is the first girl off the farm to become head of B’nai B’rith Girls in its 35-year history. She’s been active in the move ment since she was fourteen. “The B’nai B’rith Youth Or ganization is really the center of outside activity for the Jewish boys and girls In my hometown,” she reports. An older brother, Niel, had been active in the boys’ group. Judy, who begin her studies at the University of Utah this month, has some firm convictions about the role of a Jewish youth or ganization. “It should be an adventure in living, with the kind of group experiences that help you to dis cover and understand what Ju daism is about and how to apply it to your own life. “My friends in BBYO are eager to live Jewish lives. But many aren’t quite sure how to go about it. The BBYO program has an educating influence here." During her one-year term of office Judy will do a lot of trav eling throughout the United States and Canada visiting BBG chap ters. She comes from a B’nai B’rith family. Her father, Harry Smith, and her mother, Marjory, are ac tive in the parent organization ONE STOP SERVICE 1 Move ClMskit H a Simcuiht j azan Q Tailors A Cleaners 1008 Peachtree, N. E. At Tenth TR. 6-0616 Atlanta, Ga LADIES' in* MEN’S HATS GORDON’S PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS Doctor’i Prescription! Plllod In tho Latest F rams Fashions. GORDON'S OPTICIANS 713 Psschtroe •*., N.H. (Peachtree at 9th) TR. 4-7S94 For the ultimate in Prescription Perfection and frames designed for your facial contour, bring your doctor’s prescription to GORDON’S. W. CrtrnJ J Cordial Uhl to visit Atlanta’s OLDEST Genuine Chinese & American Restaurant WNG’ #0 ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “The Very Best!" 26Vk CAIN ST., N.E. 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