The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 30, 1965, Image 1

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i'i Vol. XL The Southern Israelite A Weekly Newspaper for Southern Jewry — Establish"* ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1065 Bourguiba’s Call for Peace Talks Disrupts Arab Unity 0% uo. 9 VM V’Ad?* NO. 18 JERUSALEM (JTA) — The statements issued by Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, call ing for peace talks between the Arab states and Israel, have “disrupted the Arab summit at mosphere,” the daily newspaper El Hayat, of Beirut, declared. Bourguiba’s peace proposals, said the newspaper, “pose the ques tion whether Lebanon can risk the dangers inherent in the con tinuation of the Jordan River water diversion plans, while it is left without Arab backing.” While these fears were being voiced openly in Beirut, however, Lebanese tractors resumed their water diversion work near Is rael’s border. Earlier reports from Lebanon claimed that the tractors were being used for building only an irrigation proj ect. A report broadcast by Radio Damascus stated that the Arab League Water Diversion Board - — Passover Tourists Crowd Israel TEL AVIV (JTA) — Passover in Israel this year saw a record number of tourists filling the na tion’s hotels to capacity. Over 15,000 visitors arrived by air during the two weeks preced ing the holiday. On Friday, hours before the seder, 20 planes car rying 3,000 tourists arrived at Lydda Airport. At the same time three shiploads of foreign visitors docked at Haifa. Inside the country, transporta tion companies mobilized their largest fleets to cope with the nearly 1,000,000 persons traveling for Passover to visit relatives. The roads were also jammed with Israeli families on outdoor ex cursions to take advantage of the perfect sunny weather. Many tourists and over 50 for eign diplomats, including the Soviet Ambassador to Israel D. Chuvakhin, attended sedorim in kibbutzim. Board has decided that work on the diversion projects “be carried out in accordance with the schedule.” Arab fears regarding the Bour- guiba stand continued to be voiced in the Cairo press, where concern was indicated that Saudi Arabia, Libya and Morocco may be siding silently with the Tu nisian president. A1 Goumhouria, the influential Cairo daily, ask ed pointedly, in a lengthy feature article denouncing the proposals by Bourguiba: “Does silence on tho part of Morocco, Libya and Saudi Arabia imply consent on their part?” Jewry Prepar <*> lebrate Israel's 17th Anniversary Jews in Israel and in many ’• lands are preparing for next week’s observance of the seven teenth anniversary of the Jewish State. In many communities, city wide celebrations' will be con ducted while in others the birth day milestone will be marked in material ways through participa tion in campaigns for the United Jewish Appeal or for Israel Bonds. As the occasion approaches, an unwary atmosphere has been cre ated as backdrop by the unex- Readers Invited Detroit’s Slomovitz Speaker For TSI-THW Anniversary Phil Slomovitz, distinguished editor of the Jewish News of De troit, will make the principal talk at the anniversary dinner mark ing the fortieth anniversary of the Hebrew Watchman of Mem phis and The Southern Israelite of Atlanta. His talk will highlight the pro gram the evening of Thursday, May 20. Dietary laws will be ob served for the meal scheduled for 7 p. m. at the Atlanta Jewish Commifrut^ Center. Sharing the all-newspaperman program with Leo Goldberger and Adolph Rosenberg, editors of the Watchman and The Southern Is raelite, will be their colleagues in the Jewish newspaper field, in Atlanta for their 22nd annual convention. Reservations for the anniver sary dinner can be made cat $5 a person through the invitation —coupon elsewhere in this edi tion. Reservations for the two luncheons held during the con vention and also open to any of this paper’s family of readers can be made at $3.50 a person by calling TR. 6-8249. pected talk about possible Israel- Arab peace talks. Accustomed to the constant strain of forbodings from Arab danger, the sudden change in Mid Eastern tensions — no matter how these finally resolve — promises to bring a rare happiness to next week’s an niversary simcha. Several centers, such as At lanta, were surprised last year by the appearance at local an niversary celebrations of Israeli men in uniform from the Air Forces,, gathering at central con sulates to mark the occasion. It is now known that they had been in training for the flying and maintenance of the mus tangs which thd^ United States furnished for Israel defense. This year the Israel Air Force- men will not be present at the American celebrations because the mustangs have ■‘Since been delivered to Israel and are now on guard against enemy attack. In Atlanta, a special message commemorating the seventeenth anniversary, to be marked pub licly next Thursday at the Pro gressive Club, was issued by Consul General Shimon Yallon. It follows: Greetings from Israel on it’s 17th Independence Day. Seventeen years is a short span in the life of a nation. Israel can safely say that it has made good use of every day of these years. Jews all over the world who want to, or have to, can come to Israel’s shores and be free and self- respecting citizens. Since 1948 Israel has quadrupled it’s population and still there is a steady flow of immigrants. A fine Army guarantees the security of the country and the fast developing economy points the way into a splendid future. Israel science and arts have already found inter national recognition. Israel has become a center for Jewish culture and the Bible has come alive again in schools and daily life. Immigrants from wherever they may come, know their Bible; this is the basis from which they start their way to good, democratic Israel citizenship. Israel, together with its immigrants, has thus learned the science of developing Human Resources. This knowwledge, so urgently needed in a large part of the world, has enabled Israel to give a helping hand to many of the younger nations in solving their most pressing problems. So whilst still in the middle of the process of developing, Israel is a partner of the free world in helping with its own brand of “Peace Corps” work in leading the world to true democracy. The i7th birthday of Israel should be a day of pride for all who are near us and who will be with us in years to come May this Independence Day be a day of rejoicing. SHIMON YALLON, Consul General of Israel Tombstone-Monument to Six Million Martyrs Dedicated In Impressive Kites While in downtown Atlanta I ester Maddox, the Klansmen and the rabble-rousers who desecrate decency and Democracy were marching in protest over the implications of American civil rights, around 650 members of the Jewish copimnnity were gathered Sunday in a cemetery on the ont- skirts of the city to bemoan the results of rabble- rousing and to pick up what pieces were possible and patch-work them into a modus vivandl for current and future generations. The men, women and children gathered at the entrance of the Jewish section in Greenwood Cemetery during the waning daylight Sunday to dedicate a rather starkly majestic atone tombstone monument to the memory of Six Mil lion Jewish Mratyrs. With skies sullen and mom entarily and appropriately threatening to rain, the crowd heard representatives to Jewish groups, the rabbinate and Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen note the warning which the death of the Six Million holds for free men who remain silent and do not speak up for liberty. An unexpected part of the cere mony was the reinterment of a small casket of ashes of some—or several—unknown Martyr oer- tified from remains at the infamous Dachas ex termination ramp. These were symbolically bora to a final resting place, through the monament interior, by survivors identified from several of the concentration camps. During the ceremonies several persons broke into uncontrollable weep ing. At least one present had lost 70 member! of his families by the Nazi murders.—A.R. Photo courtesy Atlanta Constitution 1