The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 15, 1966, Image 2

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r »«e Two T ■ K lODIIIIN I1BAILITI Friday, April 15, 1%€ LEGAL NOTICE GEORGIA _ __ FULTON COUNTY cOV** OF TO THE SUPBUO* ^ FULTON WUNTV. « ZION, The petition <***%>* WILLIAM W. JOHN J. TAHUTO^- ItAKHAM r^p^tAJiT for themselves, Petition*** assigns, to be ln- their Mf90CU***t tbe laws of the cor F orm /^Lorgi» f° r * P ertod of ^Irty < 55S» *nth the right of re- j /rom time to time under the " a nd style of n *3IlDWEST PRODUCTS CO., INC.” v 2. The object of said corporation Is pecuniary gain and profit to Its stock holders. 3. The general nature of the business to be transacted is as follows: The manufacture, assembly processing, mixing, compounding, storing, dealing in, purchase and sale of roofing, siding and waterproofing compounds, mix tures, substances and materials of every kind and nature whatsoever used for said purposes, either on its own behalf as principal, or as jobber, or on commission, or as a broker, or as a commercial and general agent and factor for any person, partner ship, association, or corporation, and generally to transact business of a general or similar nature, and the power to do all other things which ay be necessary, desirable, or con venient to the successful operation of Its business. 4. The corporation shall have the power, generally and without any limitation or restriction whatsover, to hold, purchase, own, deal in, mort gage or convey real estate and person al property In this State and In any other State or Country. The corpora tion shall have the power to enter into, or became a partner in, any ar rangement for sharing profits, union of interests, cooperation, joint-venture or otherwise, with any person, firm or corporation now carrying on or about to carrv on any business which this corporation has the direct or Incidental authority to pursue. The corporation shall have the further power to enter into any kind of co operative or profitsharing plan, pen sion plans, retirement plans, deferred compensation plans and agreements, incentive plans of any kind or nature whatsover. 5. The corporation shall have the pow er, generally and without any limita tion or restriction whatsoever, to bor row money and make loans secured by any or all corporate assets, as well as the right to make unsecured loans. 6 The corporation shall have the pow ers now or hereafter given by law to every corporation bv virtue of its existence as such under the laws of Georgia except insofar as said powers may he added to or limited herein. 7. fa> There shall be one class of stock, to he common stock of $10 00 par value. There shall be five thousand (5.000* shares authorized. tb) The minimum amount of cap ital with which the said corporation mav commence business shall be $200 00 8. The principal office of said corpora tion shall he In Fulton County. Geor gia, hut petitioners desire the right of establishing branch offices and places of business elsewhere, both within and without the State of Georgia. 9. The address of each of the peti tioners for charter is 1505 William Oliver Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray that thev he Incorporated under the name and stvle aforesaid with the rights, powers, privileges and Immunities as are now or may hereafter be allowed by law to corporations. TARLFTON & ZION By s Marvin H. Zion Attorney for Petitioners 1505 Willlam-Oivler Building Atlanta. Georgia 30303 523 2706 ORDER The within and foregoing petition read and considered, and it appearing to the Court that the same is leg itimately within the purview and In tentlon of the laws of this State gov erning the granting of corporate char ters, and It further appearing from the certificate of the Secretary of State presented to me that the name of the proposed corporation Is not the name of any other now existing corp oration registered In the records of the Secretary of State; IT IS. THEREFORE. ORDERED that said application be and the same is hereby granted, and petitioners are hereby incorporated under the name and stvle of “MIDWEST PRODUCTS CO. INC.” with all the rights, priv ileges and Immunities prayed or now or hereafter granted to similar corp orations bv the laws of this State. This 11th dav of April, 1966. RAI.PH H PHARR. JUDGE. Fulton Superior Court Apr.l 5,22,29,May6 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTS' OF FULTON TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID STATE AND COUNTS' The petition of ROY O BRANTLY, CAROL N. BRANTLY of 1934 Rollin wood Dr.. S E., Atlanta, Georgia, and JAMES K BRANTLEY of 2035 Memor lal Drive, S. E., Atlanta, Georgia, res pectfully shows: 1. Petitioners desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated under the name of “EXECUTIVE MORTGAGE A INVESTMENT CORP ” for a period of thirty-five years with the right to renew at the expiration of said time. 2 The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to Itself and ita stock holders. The general nature of the business to be transacted Is that of en gaging In the buying and selling of mortgages and promissory notes, dis counting same, making loans on both real and personal property, brokering loans of all type* and charging a fee therefore. Petitioners desire the right for said corporation to deal with all type* and kinds of contracts and pol- lciea of Insurance, to act aa agents for others In the sale of insurance policies, to act as insurance brokers, and gen eraliy to deal with Insurance contracts and policies of all kinds and descrip tions in every proper and legitimate manner according to the usages and customs of the business. The buying, selling, exchanging, leasing, subdlvid lng and Improving real estate, with all the usual and necessary services for itself and others; the construction, erection, repairing and remodeling of buildings and structures of all types for Itself and others. 3. The principal office or place of busi ness of said corporation shall be in Fulton County, Georgia, but said corp oration shall have the right to estab lish branch offices or places of bust ness elsewhere, both within and with out the State of Georgia. 4. The capital stock shall be FIVE HUNDRED shares of common stock with a par value of TEN DOLLARS per share, and the minimum amount with which this corporation shall begin business shall be FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS. 5. The corporation reserves the right to accept cash, property or services as payment for stock. 6. Your petitioners show that the pro posed corporation name is not the name of any other corporation on file in the office of Secretary of State of Georgia. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to he incorporated under the name and style aforesaid and that they he granted this charter with all the rights, pow ers and privileges herein set forth and all others allowed by law. BURDINE AND FREEMAN Bv: si Essley B. Burdine 428 Title Bldg. 30 Pryor St., S. W. Atlanta. Ga. 30303 524-8897 ORDER The within and foregoing application for a corporate charter having been read and considered, and it appearing that said application is legitimately within the purview and intention of the laws of the State of Georgia, and it further appearing from the certifi cate of the Secretary of State that the name of the proposed corporation Is not the name of any other existing corporation registered in the records of the Secretary of State, and it fur ther appearing that the applicants have complied with all provisions of law relating to the granting of charters; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND AD JUDGED, that said application be and the same is hereby granted, and that the petitioners be and they are hereby incorporated under the name and stvle of EXECUTIVE MORTGAGE & IN VESTMENT CORPORATION for a per iod of Thirty-five years, with all the rights, powers, privileges and immun ities whch are set forth in said pe tition, as well as those now or here after allowed to corporations of like character by the laws of the State of Georgia. This 28th day of March, 1966. s RALPH H. PHARR Judge, Superior Court Fulton County Apr.1,8,15,22 LEGAL NOTICE APPLICATION FOR AND ORDER GRANTING CHARTER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF FULTON TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY: The petition of VINCENT R. VAL LES, whose post office address is 1464 Willingham Drive, Atlanta, Geor gia, LARRY 1). LEWIS, whose post of fice address is 1038 W. Peachtree St., N. W„ Atlanta, Georgia, and ALVIN N. SIEGEL whose post office address Is 1038 W. Peachtree St., N. W., At lanta, Georgia, respectively shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and as signs, to be Incorporated under the name and style of SKOTCH KLEEN INDUSTRIES, INC. for the term of thirty-five (35) years. 2. The principal office of said business shall be located In Fulton County, with the right and privilege of es tablishing branch offices and places of business elsewhere, both within and without the State of Georgia. 3. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its stock holders. 4. The general nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be to operate a general business in purchasing new and used equip ment, metal, wood and materials of every kind and character; manufac ture, construct, remodel or Install all types of automatic, semi automatic and manual vehicle washing machines and all types of manufacturing and to do all and everything Incidental to carrying on said business. 5. The Capital Stock of said corpora tion shall be $50,000.00, divided into five thousand (5,000) shares at the par value of $10.00 each, all of which shall be common stock. 6. The amount of capital with which this corporation shall begin business Is $200 00, and all the capital shall be paid into the corporation in money, property or a combination of the two. 7. To acquire and pay in cash, stocks or bonds of this corporation or other wise real and personal property. The goodwill rights, assets and profits, and to undertake or assume, In whole or any part thereof, the obligations or liabilities of any person, firms associ atlon or corporation. 8. To issue bonds, mortgages, deeds to aecure debt, other indentures for the purpose of securing any obligation of said corporation. 0. Said corporation shall be authorized to issue stock for any consideration, either money, property or services, which Is at least equivalent to the full par value of the stock so to be Issued. The valuation of any property or services for such purpose will be fixed by the Director of the Corpora tlon and such method of valuation will be conclusive 10. The corporation shall have the pow er to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision of Its Charter In form or substance upon the vote of two- OFF THE RECORD by Nathan Ziprin Arbiters and Peacemakers (A Seven Arts Feature Some time ago, Mrs. Ruth Richman, executive secretary of the Jewish Conciliation Board of America, invited this writer to sit in an arbitration session of a three-man panel consisting of a prominent lawyer, a rabbi and a businessman. One of the disputes the panel strove to resolve that evening was of a parted couple whose children were a divided house. The mother complained “the children always are siding with him’’ and the husband re torted “this is not so, I left her because she is a jealous woman, and even now she is dragging me before you only because she is jealous that the children come to see me and treat me as be fore.” After counselling with the judges, the couple left together* followed by a group of children who were visibly hopeful that the breach between their parents had been broken by the three wise men of the panel. At the end of the session Mrs. Richman told me that an exam ination of the minutes of the hearing that have been held by the board since its founding forty- five years ago would furnish an intriguing document for histor ians of the Jewish scene in Amer ica. Under the presidency of Dr. Israel Goldstein for the past thirty-five years, she said, the board has not only been an arb iter of disputes, but a peacemaker between families, between hus bands and wives, between chil dren and parents, between chil dren and children and between societies and members. “Our function,” she remarked, “is not only to arbitrate but to counsel and advise, to act as therapists in a way.” There is a Talmudic dictum that when two men hold on to a talis, prayer shawl, one shouting I have found it and the other claiming he found it, the law is that it must be divided. But how does one divide a talis? Obvious ly this is a matter for Jewish hands. Not all disputes that are brought before the Jewish Con ciliation Board of America are within the frame of reference of the talis, but most of them are of such indigenous Jewish cha racter that it is doubtful even the most expert of jurists would feel competent to handle them. When Jews quarrel about mundane legal issues their place of course is in the courts. But what hap pens when the issue transcends thirds of its outstanding common stock, and all rights conferred upon stock holders, directors and officers herein and granted subject to this reserva tion. 11. Applicants desire that the said corp oration shall have and enjoy all the privileges, rights and powers en umerated In Chapter 22-18 of the Corp oration Act of 1938 of the Code of Georgia, and as the same may be here after amended, and all of the powers and privileges, enumerated therein all made a part thereof to the same ex tent as If the same were enumerated herein. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray an order to be granted Incorporating them, their associates, successors and assigns, under the name aforesaid, with the powers and privileges as may be necessary proper or Incident to the conduct of the business for which pe titioners are seeking Incorporation, and as may be allowed for private corporations under the terms of the Act of January 28, 1938, authorizing the chartering of corporation. SIEGEL A LEWIS Ry: ALVIN N. SIEGEL Attorney for Petitioners GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY ORDER The within and foregoing application for charter of VINCENT R. VALLES, LARRY D LEWIS and ALVIN N SIEGEL having been examined by me; and IT APPEARING, That the appllca tlon Is legitimately within the purview of the laws of the State of Georgia; and IT APPEARING, From the certifi cate of the Secretary of State that the name of the proposed corporation Is not the name of any now existing corporation registered In the records of the Slate of Georgia. TT IS HEREBY ORDERED, That said corporation Is hereby created under the name of SKOTCH-KLEEN INDUSTRIES, INC. with the powers therein sought and the privileges and lmmunltloa provided vlded by law to corporation of stm liar nature. This the 18 day of March, 1968 s RALPH H. PHARR Judge, Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit Mar.13, Apr. 1,8,13 mere legalism? A good illustration perhaps is a dispute over the disposition of Torah scrolls, sacred tomes and religious articles of a synagogue that had closed down. The ruling in this case was that priority in the distribution of the sacred scrolls be given to neighborhood synagogues, with Israel having the next preference. Another recent case centered around a young couple that had come from Rumania. Both hus band and wife were attractive people with good backgrounds, but the hardships of providing for the family and the agonizing marks .of survival had seemingly produced tensions that were be yond handling by the parents, who were rapidly losing control over their three children and themselves as well. Here marri age counselling was advised and since then, I have been inform ed, the couple has made signifi cant strides toward saving the family unit. Another case involved a Polish family that rescued a Jewish cou ple during the Nazi regime of ter ror, hiding them for a period of eight months at the risk of their own lives. When the Jewish cou ple was finally able to come out of hiding and embark on a jour ney to America, both husband and wife promised their benefac tors they would bring them to America and help them get start ed in a new life in a free coun try. However, shortly after coming to the U. S., the Jewish couple separated and ultimately became divorced. In the mean time, however, the woman kept sending money and money to the Polish family without any help from her former husband. However, when the hearing was held, the husband appeared voluntarily before the panel. Using persuasion and psychology, the panel prevailed upon the hus band to accept its judgment—that he give his wife the sum of $1,500 within thirty days. Although the husband complained that the as sessment was too high he paid it in full within several days. The money of course was immediate ly turned over by the board to the Polish people. “It is truly re warding,” Mrs. Richman told me, “when we can resolve problems of such a nature in privacy, and thus avoid bringing ‘shame on the Jewish name’.” Among the most painful mat ters coming up before the board are those dealing with dissolution of societies, landsmanschaften, the just distribution of assets and what to do with cemeteries of ex tinct or vanishing congregations and fraternal orders that were once the backbone of Jewish communal life. Often the dispute is not about an event that hap pened but about a situation that is still to develop, such as the contemplated dissolution of an organization or the closing down of a synagogue. Whenever there is such a development, division of opinion is sharp. Dissolve now or later? Close the synagogue down now or live in hope of re juvenation for the neighborhood? Often the task of decision is agonizing upon the judges, for no responsible Jew ever willingly lends his hand to doom. Whatever the decision, it is always an agon izing one for the judges. The tradition of avoiding secu lar courts in disputes among Jews has its roots in many causes. While they do not exist in free America, it is good that the tra dition is not extinct with respect to disputes of purely Jewish col oration. WE TOP ’EM ALL Ov«r SO Tears Of Iwsinosi Integrity CHAS. N. WALKER ROOFING CO. JAckarn 2-57*7 111 Hni.tlnn St N F Atlanta Ga TUXEDO PLUMBING & HEATING • Service • Repair • Installation 305 Pharr Road N.E. 237-5556 aave wun Budget ^** k a full 24 nciu-H-oai 'Buy only the gas you use. c rr, a mile* the cars are the same! The price is the difference! (Same Insurance Coverage) hour day Businessmen and vacationers know the importance of keep ing expenses down. So does Budget. That’s why our rates *5 per 24-hr. day, 5c per mile are less. You can save up to C* I I r c* j- * £ a v 40% by calling Budget! Vj/YLiLj Free Pick-Up and Delivery at All Hotels and Airports! budget* Rent-A-Car of Georgia Dinkier Plan Hotel. Riviera Motel, Atlanta