The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 26, 1966, Image 12

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DUNAWAY REXALL DRUGS • Drug* • Cosmetics • Baby Department • Gifts • Camera Supplies • Luncheonette & Soda Fountain FREE PICK l’P & DELIVERY ON PRESCRIPTIONS 112 BRYMANS PLAZA PHONE 278-6500 DALTON, GEORGIA Puts the Color in the Carpet ADVANCE FINISHING, INC. Dalton Ga BOH JOHNSTON & CO. Mechanical Contractors & Engineers Heating, Plumbing, Air Conditioning, Boiler Plant Equipment P.O. Box 17 300 Bishop St. Phone BR. 8-4305 DALTON, GEORGIA THE CHALLENGE OF AN IMMORAL LAW By Robert Donner When a southern Jewish merchant berates a visiting representative of a national Jewish organization because that organization has sent members to march with Ne groes for civil rights in that merchant’s town, the merchant raises a profound religious is sue. That issue is the problem of civil disobedience and what Jewish tradition requires of the Jew in situations of con flict between civil law and re ligious commitment. It is true that the merchant is raising the issue only vicari ously because he clearly has not the slightest intention of joining in such a march or of having even the remotest con nection with it. He may have overwhelmingly practical rea sons for condemning the Jew who does march but—in the view of one Reform rabbi—he violates Jewish tradition not only by rejecting a direct role in the Negro's civil right strug gle, but even more so for seeking to halt the marching Jew. Rabbi Samuel G. Broude of Cleveland has examined tin* problem in a recent issue of the Journal of the Central Conference of American Rab bis. He opens his examination with notation of the fact that more rabbis have entered the struggle in the United States to help the Negro attain equal ity of opportunity and citizen ship. The rabbis have taken part in freedom rides, sit-ins, pray-ins, school boycotts and freedom schools. They have often violated local laws and have been arrested for so do ing. Some of their congregants have reacted with consider able nervousness about such rabbinical behavior, citing statements from some Chris tians to their spiritual leaders to restrict their activities to the church and stay out of politics. Rabbi Broude poses a series of questions: When is it right to defy the law of the state? Is it ever right to do so? On what basis? Who decides 7 What authority does one have for knowingly and consciously breaking a law? Is the issue one of individual conscience or does Jewish tradition impel Jews to take a stand? It is true that the issue is one of ultimate loyalty, but in practical terms the question G & S SUPPLY OFFICE 244 N. Hamilton St. Phone BR. 8-2411 DALTON, GEORGIA OWEN PHARMACY PHONE BR. 8-1731) DALTON, GEORGIA DALTON, GEORGIA 12 The Southern Israelite