Newspaper Page Text
Friday, April 2u, 1941
.. Continued from papa 1
originates In the division of the
Kingdom of David into two king
doms in 030 BCE after which the
Judeans stressed Jerusalem’s
Tile fact that in the Books of
the Prophets and in other parts
of the Bible except the Five
Books of Moses, there is no
mention of the holiness of Mount
Gerizhn, shows that the authors
'of the scriptures, most of them
priests in the Kingdom of Judea,
deleted all reference to the
Mount’s sanctity.
"The Passover sacrifice,” said
Benyamin Zedaka, “a reminder
of the Exodus, is the only one
made in practice by the Samari
tans because it is the only one
that had been offered before
Moses put up the Tabernacle
(Exodus 12-14). All the other
sacrifices are connected with the
•Tabernacle and without it they
may not be performed. —We are
not merely a small sect, but the
remnants of a people, possessing
three characteristics of a nation:
language, alphabet and historical
The language is Hebrew,
spoken in an accent which lingu
ists say has not changed much
since ancient times. The alphabet
too, is an ancient Hebrew one.
The history goes back to Joshua
and “since then the Samaritans
were and are an inseparable part
of Israel.” .
The Samaritans believe in one
G-d and in Moses the son of
Amram, the High Priest, the
prophet without compare. They
also believe in the Pentateuch.
They do not celebrate either
Purim or Chanuka as these festi
vals originated in the period of
the Second Temple — the schism
between the two kingdoms.
In the past the Passover sacri
fice was celebrated by far greater
numbers than today: In the
period of the Second Temple,
there were 400,000 Samaritans,
in 200 CE 800,000 and in 500 CE
400,000. In the 12 th Century
there were 50,000, in the 14th
11,000. From the time of the
Turkish occupation the numjbers
dwindled to just over 100. Since
1920 however, there has been a
revival thanks to two people —
Jephet Zedaka, the head of the
community in Israel for the last
40 years and tbe 2nd President
of Israel, the late Itzchack Ben-
The Samaritans are gratified
at the Israel occupation of the
town of Nablus since June 7,
1967, and show a definite Israel
National pride.
(Israel Ban Feature Service)
Will Boycott
20-Year Fetes
TEL AVIV (JTA) — Former
Prime Minister David Ben-Gur
ion has turned down invitations
to attend the Independence Day
Parade on May 14 and to deliver
the principal address at a festive
session of the Knesset (Parlia
ment) on that occasion, it has
been reported.
Mr. Ben Gurion also has re
fused to accept the “Israel’s
Award” which was to be con
ferred on him at Independence
Day ceremonies in recognition
of his lifetime’s service to Israel
and his role in founding the
The 82-year-old Israeli leader
gave no reason for rejecting the
invitations which included the
honor of inaugurating the Inde
pendence Day celebrations by
igniting the first fire on Mt
Herzl. Sources here indicated
however that the former Prime
Minister was piqued by the pro
posal to grant him “just another
Israel’s Award.” Eleven awards
are given each Independence
Day to scientists, scholars, artists
and stage actors who have
achieved prominence in their
In a letter to the Minister of
Education who is responsible for
the awards, Mr. Ben-Gurion said:
“I am told I am to receive Is
rael’s Award for my lifelong de
votion to Israel. I see no reason
for such an award. All I did was
to fulfill my duty to my country
just as tens of thousands of
others did.” Mr. Ben-Gurion sug
gested that the Minister find
another suitable recipient for his
Boston Jewry Presents Two
Buildings to Negro Community
BOSTON (JTA) — The Com
bined Jewish Philanthropies of
Greater Boston announced it had
purchased two buildings valued
at $1,125,000 and contributed the
structures as a gift of the Jewish
community to the Boston Negro
community for cultural and edu
cational use. The buildings, for
merly the property of Temple
Mishkan Tefila, are located In
what Is now a predominantly
Negro neighborhood.
Bernard D. Grossman, CJP
president, emphasized that the
funds to buy the buildings were
obtained from private sources
and that no funds from the cur
rent CJP fund-raising campaign
were used. One of the buildings
is a former synagogue with a
1,500 seat sanctuary, a chapel and
a social hall. The other, a school
building now occupied by the
New England Hebrew Academy,
Rid Writers
Join Bias Fight
national conference of Hebrew
writers ended its first session
here with a resolution urging
writers and poets the world over
to raise their voices and use
their pens to fight anti-Semitism
wherever it may arise, in what
ever form.
The writers urged their col
leagues abroad to support the
security of Israel and back ef
forts for peace in the Middle
East and an understanding be
tween Jews and Arabs. The con
ference also discussed the con
frontation between the old and
the new generation of writers.
The second session will open in
Tel Aviv next month.
Two Israeli Youth
‘‘Shalom-20" Tour
One of Israel’s •Shalom-20”
teams was in Atlanta Monday
and Tuesday an a special good
will project in conjunction with
a 40-city North American tour as
part of their nation’s 20th Anni
versary Year.
Sara Gershon and Danny Cza
Csaznik, just turned twenty them
selves, were the centers of hon
or and interest at several spec
ial events.
One of these was a oall upon
Vioe Mayor Sam Massell Jr. for
presentation of a special gift from
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek
an authentic Byzantine lamp in
use in the Holy Land more than
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In turn, Acting Mayor Massell
presented the pair with official
souvemirs of the municipality of
which he is the City Council
He also proclaimed tbe day
“Israel Youth Day” in recogni
tion of the “development of the
State of Israel as a symbol of
hope for freedom-loving people
throughout tbe world,” in recog
nition of tbe role tbe young peo
ple have played in molding their
new country as an inspiration for
youth throughout the world and
marking “the 20th Anniversary
of Israel’s freedom and indepen
The pair, who arrived in Amer
ica only Sunday, made a public
appearance at a press conference
at the Atlanta Press Club
through the aegis of Adolph Ros
enberg of The Southern Israelite
and Moshe Shoshoni, Southeas
tern representative of the Israel
Tourist Office.
They also appeared before a
luncheon of Atlanta Jewish com
munal leader and at a reception
given by Atlanta BBYO.
The young man and woman,
both of whom were in active
service during the Six Day War,
expressed a keener desire to dis
cuss the opinion, of Israeli youth
and problems of their nation on
a broader perspective than simply
relating their military experi
Book Council Issues
3 New Publications
NEW YORK — Approximately
160 books currently in print are
listed in Selected Paperbound
Books of Jewish Interest, newly
published by the Jewish Book
Council of America, which is
sponsored by the National Jewish
Welfare Board (JWB).
Copies of the new publications
are available, pre-paid, from the
Jewish Book Council of America,
15 East 26th Street, New York,
N.Y. 10010, at the following
prices: the selected list, 204 each;
S. Y. Agnon reprint, 504 each,
r Nelly Sachs reprint, 204 each.
has 20 classrooms, an auditor
ium, gymnasium, and cafteria.
Miss Elma Lewis, one of the
Negro community leaders with
whom the project was discussed,
accepted the gift for the Negro
community. Transfer of the
buildings will become effective
July 1.
Dr. Benjamin Roeenberg, CJP
executive director, said be be
lieved the gift, was the first such
action by any community. It was
arranged after discussions with
Negro leaders in which the Jew
ish Community Council took part
A number of Negro community
organizations are coop eraiting
with cultural groups in plans for
a black Art Museum and Drama
Center to be boused in tbe build
ings. The complex also will house
temporarily Boston’s first inte
grated metropolitan academic
school. The Boston Museum of
Fine Arts, which will have a
major role in creating the blade
Art Museum, hailed the CJP.
The Boston Globe hailed the
the gift as “grounds for prayer
ful and universal rejoicing,” and
declared that “the importance of
this cross-cultural gift cannot be
overesimated.” The editorial
quoted President Grossman’s ex
pressed hope that the buildings
“will continue to serve as a
common bond that unites all men,
that they will be a source of
pride and their future use of in
spiration to our entire commun
ity.” The editorial commented:
“who can doubt that these hopes
will be fully justified and that
this gift will stand as a perpetual
testament to the brotherhood of
all men?”
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