The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 26, 1968, Image 5
Friday, April 26, 1968 .. » J mi ■~tOt p«9* Hv MILTON FRIEDMAN Black Power Extremist — tf.S. Neo Nazi Advocates W ASHIN GTON(— Black Power extremists have revealed that there is a method in the madness of burning and looting. Their stated intention is to make so-called ghetto areas of the District of Columbia and oth er communities “Judenrein” (free of Jews)—an aim of Hitler. Fanatics have disrupted meet ings in which responsible leaders, white and black, sought to plan a cooperative reconstruction of the inner city. One suah meeting, convened by D. C. authorities, heard an extremist denounce white merchants with the public charge that “no one puts the touch on the black man like the Jews with their 300 percent in terest.’’ A concept of Negro na tionalism was advanced with im plications for every city where a Negro ghetto exists. “This land will belong to its people . . . We can’t live with the white man who gyps us . . . let them go to their suburbs . . . We drove the moneylenders out of the temple before and we can do it again.” At another meeting here, the militants took over and actually ordered all white participants out of the room. Advocates at “Black ownership” proclaimed that white-owned enterprises will be burned again and again and again. “Since approximately one- half of the mercantile and prop erty damage sustained here was suffered by Jews, concern Is felt by Jewish businessmen. But an even deeper fear pervades the whole spectrum of Jews devoted bo integration and human equal ity. It is apprehension lest the Government appease Black Pow er segregationists to the extent of creating two nations, one white, another black. Jason Silverman, regional di rector of the Anti-Defamation League, has stated that a grave crisis has developed in the wake of the riots. It is his view that Jews are dedicated to an open society based upon integration and brotherhood. But black fa natics are denouncing the “Jew stores” while white extremists urge police state measures against Negroes. The concept of Negroes eon- trolling the business life, educa tion, housing, and other aspects of ghetto neighborhoods has been accepted by the Government. The U. S. Small Business Administra tion has announced that it will defer “disaster area” loans in D. C. until long-range plans are made for an inner city acceptable to Negroes. A master redevelop ment plan is being drafted by one Government-subsidized Ne gro group, Pride, Inc., that would give Negroes control of all busi ness, social and political activities in the area. Pride has demanded that disaster loans to burned-out merchants be suspended until the black control plan Is completed. Moderate Negro spokesmen, like the Washington representa tive of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference, have avoided all ref erence to Jews. But he tended to explain the burning as a blow against “exploitation” and a form of “instant debt reduction.” He said there was great “anger and venom” among Negroes againsty proprietors of stores that- sell ap pliances, clothing, jewelry, etc., on credit. The “Blackman’s Vol unteer Army of Liberation” does not mince wards. The enemies of the black people are “Zionist Jews,” according to handbills dis tributed here. Not all Negroes go along with such nonsense. One Negro businessman told an ex tremist that “You don’t own any thing on this street but your big mouth.” Federal authorities in Washing ton are adopting policies on the ghetto that will be reflected na tionally. The tendency now ap pears to attempt to oool down the riots by accepting the premise that Negroes can decide the fate of white businessmen who op erate in colored neighborhoods. This trend is troubling to advo cates of civil rights. They see a danger in the increased separa tion of the two races. The report of the President’s Commission on Civil Disorders voiced similar concern. On the other hand, ad vocates of elementary social jus tice see merit in the Negro drive to rid the inner city of exploita tive merchant* who prey on the uneducated and poor. Charles Y. Lazarus, one of America’s leading merchants, has charged the businessmen with “inexcusable callousness” toward explosive urban problems. Ltxa- rus, president of the American Retail Federation, said: “Just ask yourself how a whole generation of corporate executives could drive their Cadillacs through the slums of America and not knew that, one day, these ghetto poor would rise to threaten both the corporate balance sheet and the whole fabric of American life." Organized 1925 SAVE FOR YOUR FUTURE INSURED SAVINGS LIBERAL EARNINGS LEGAL FOR TRUST FUNDS .jr IAVIN8S * LIAN AltICIATIM 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOtJ 205 Auburn Ave. f N. E. 753-2164 2563 Gordon Rd., S.W. 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