The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 02, 1968, Image 4

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Pag* Four. THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Friday, Aug. 2, 1968 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE BEHIND UN SCENES by David Horowitz Published weekly by Southern Newspaper Enterprises, 390 Court land St, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia 30393, TR $-8249, TR. 6-8240. Sec ond class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia. Yearly subscription $7.50. The Southern Israelite Invites literary contributions and correspond ence but is not to be considered as sharing the views expressed by writers. DEADLINE is 5 P.M. FRIDAY, but material received earlier will have a much better chance of publication. Adolph Rosenberg, Editor and Publisher Kathleen Nease, Vida Goldgar, Edward M. Kahn Kathy Wood, Paul Warwick, Harry Rose Betty Meyer, Gertrude Burnham Georgia Press Assn. MIWSPAMR *3>c0r0. inMw:ngma 7 Arts Features Jewish Telegraphic Agency World Union Press Piracy of the High Skies % It comes as no surprise that a mass of public opinion is spontaneously arising in America and elsewhere condemning without any reservation the act of the hijacking of the Israeli plane. 'Though many of the passengers have by now been re leased, the crew, five Israeli citizens and the plane are still under custody. Release of the plane, however, cannot end the episode. The deed is a sheer act of piracy of the high skies—not on the high seas and where coincidentally in days of yore Algeria was the fester spot for the Barbary Coast brigands. Specifically and broadly, it endangers the avenues of com merce. No wonder pilots, commercial travel groups and country after^ country are condemning the hijacking. The affront is jKjf'simply to tiny Israel. It is an insult to the freedom of the skies wherever decent countries engage in normal com merce. At the base for such deeds lie dangers for international consequence of a nature we can only shudder to contem plate. There was an agreement among people of goodwill and good purpose to honor the freedom of airports and air travel as a sacred and inviolable trust which has been one of the major achievements of our modem age. It produced an inter change of people and mercantile possibilities which had breathtaking possibilities—£S long as_there was honor among the nations engaging in air travel. Now this covenant has been broken. Who is surprised that the culprit is an Arab nation? Liberated Passengers Spin Own Tales of Skyjacking TEL AVIV (JTA)—An Israeli passenger on the hijacked El A1 Boeing on its way to Lydda Air port, who was among those flown to Paris from the Algiers airport because he had kept an Austrian passport, described here how he had quietly eaten piecemeal during the flight to Algiers a picture of him and Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan which he feared would cause his detention. Dr. Jacob Low of Zichron Yaacov had been on his way home from Tokyo where he had attended an international con ference. After the Arab terror ists took control of the airliner over Italy, Dr. Low began eat ing the photograph and managed to finish the “meal” before the plane was landed at Algiers air port. Because of the Austrian pass port, Algerian officials consider ed Dr. Low a foreign national and released him. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Peppo, of Columbia, began their honey moon here one day late because they had been passengers on the El A1 airliner. The Peppos ar rived at Lydda with four other passengers from the hijacked plane—an American girl of 18, an American-born naturalized Israeli woman and two Libyan Jews migrating to Israel. The two Libyan Jews, Kino and Asher Rakah, had been living in Italy since they left their native country after the June 1967 war. They said that after the Arabs seized control of the plane, they secretly destroyed their Libyan passports and the Algerians gave only « cursory inspection to their Italian iden tity cards. A 27-year-old Brooklyn, N.Y., housewife, Mrs. Rina Uziel, was to have flown from Rome to Lydda earlier but could not get a seat and had to wait a day. She was born in Israel and holds Israeli and United States citi zenships. She ascribed her re lease to the fact that she spoke only English, not Hebrew on the plane. Gabriel Giaz, of Long Beach, Cal., told reporters at Lydda that the conduct of the El A1 crew and hostesses had been exemplary. Both she and Mrs. Uziel confirmed the reports that the plane’s first officer, Mzoz Porez, had been injured by the hijackers. Miss Giaz praised the hostesses for the manner in which they calmed the passen gers and administered first aid to Mr. Porez. Mrs. Uziel said that two of the hijackers, armed with re volvers and hand-grena d e s, threatened the passengers while a third entered the pilot’s cabin. All the passengers, she said, with the exception of seven Catholic priests, were ordered to keep their hands up for two hours. Mr. Porez emerged from the pilot’s cabin, she said, . with blood streaming down his face from a head injury. One of the Arabs, she said, dipped his finger in the blood, licked it and remarked, “it tastes good. It’s Jewish blood!” In Paris, Father Eugenio d’Al- lensandro, an Italian priest, said that the Arab had carried a bowl out of the pilot’s compart ment and said, “this is blood." Then, after dipping his finger in it and tasting it, said “Israeli blood taste good!” Nasser’s Stratagem UNITED NATIONS (WUP) — Gamal Abdel Nasser, in his first speech to his nation since his six-day visit to the Soviet Union, told the Arab world last week not to be provoked premature ly into another war with Israel but to have “patience in order to score victory in. the end.” This “victory,” he vowed, would come “even if we have to sacrifice a martyr for each inch” of the territory lost last year and he disclosed that he is spending $690-million a year on arms, but the time for revenge, he made clear, is in the future. The day following his speech, which was also bitterly anti- U.S., a dispatch from Cairo re ported that Nasser had told King Hussein that the Egyptian arm ed forces will not be completely rebuilt and ready to do battle with Israel before 1970. The dispatch was based on informa tion received “from well-inform ed Arab sources.” Now Nasser may be telling the truth or possibly a half- truth about the potency of his armed forces. But, as this writer sees the situation—and as has been stressed in this column on several recent occasions — the Egyptian 20th-century Pharaoh, a descendant of a people re nowned for their witchcraft, is putting on a cunning show in an attempt to hoodwink and dis arm those whom he considers his enemies, namely, the West find Israel. His Machiavellian strata gem is to outwit and deceive them into the belief that he and his Arab partners are too weak at present to embark on a new venture against the Jewish State when in reality he has it within his dark satanic heart to launch a surprise attack in the manner of Israel’s June 5, 1967 maneu ver which stunnecl "the~world. This is exactly what the sly Egyptian meant when he said: "... We will not be provoked. It is we who will make the de cision” about renewing hostil ities. In other words, “we will not wait for Israel to start; we ourselves will launch the blitz.’ But the general intent of his speech was to befool the world into thinking that the UAR is “unready” for any war and that Cairo would prefer a “political settlement” to the Middle East crisis under the mediation of U Thant’s envoy Gunnar Jar ring.” In the same seemingly self contradictory speech Nasser quite bluntly stated that under no circumstances would Egypt negotiate directly or sign a peace treaty with Israel . . . While some Western diplomats may be taken in by Nasser’s trickery and also allow them selves to be hoodwinked into be- lieveing that he seeks a political settlement of the crisis, some of the Israeli leaders, fortunately, who know only too well the psy chology of the Arab mind, are not so naive. Gen. Moshe Dayan, among them, made some interesting comments on Nasser’s speech worthy of mention. He said that the speech made it crystal clear that even if the Israelis gave up all the territory occupied in the Six-Day War, the Egyptians would still not recognize or ac cept Israel’s borders. The noted General warned that the con flict with the Arab world has entered another critical stage. The New York Times, which on more than one occasion has failed to understand the Israeli position as presented in the UN, took a more realistic view fol lowing Nasser’s “belligerent speech” which, it declared edi torially, “undermines the faint hopes that were generated by the more conciliatory statements voiced during the recent Egyp tian peace offensive.” The Times, apparently, had taken the UAR “peace offensive” seriously and voiced optimism when the news came out of London relative to Cairo’s willingness to accept a UN peace force once again. Not so this correspondent who sounded a warning in a recent column against Egyptian treach ery. Now, however, the Times has at last come to its senses. “The Egyptian President’s address,” said the Times, “and Algeria’s intolerable action, can only strengthen the position of hard- Tourist Director’s Mother Dies in Israel Mrs. Estelle Rozenzweig, 67, mother of Moshe Shosani, S. E. Tourist Director for Israel in At lanta, died in Israel July 22. A native of Poland, Mrs. Roz enzweig had moved to Israel in the nineteen thirties. Mr. Shoshani flew to Israel for the July 24 funeral. He is expected back in his office on Monday. Mrs. Rozenzweig is also sur vived by a daughter Mrs. Han nah Krispin and four grandchil dren. Jewish Calendar •TISHA B’AV August 4, Sunday •ROSH HASHANA Sept. 23-24, Mon. - Tues. •YOM KIPP UR Oct. 2 Wednesday •SUKKOT Oct. 7-8, Mon. - Tues. •HASHANA RABBA Oct. 13, Sunday ♦SHEMINI ATZERET Oct, 14, .Monday „ .. •SIMIIAT TORAH Oct. 15, Tuesday ‘HOLIDAY BEGINS SUNDOWN PREVIOUS DAY liners in Israel who have argued all along that the Arabs will never conclude an honorable peace and that therefore Israel must hold on to the conquered territories.” Indeed, thus the case stands! Israel, which has no alternative but to be on the alert at all times, “must hold on to the con quered territories” — which, in reality, constitute parts of the historic Eretz Yisrael—until the enemies sue for peace—on Jer usalem’s terms. Nasser may have his strata gem but it cannot equal the stra tagem behind the Force in Is rael’s behalf that maneuvered the Six Days. OPPORTUNITY Saleswoman wanted to sell advertising. Com mission and salary. Exp. as sales person preferable. Help also if transportation owned. Part-time phone sol icitor also needed to sell subscriptions. THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Apply in person only. 390 Courtland St., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. FRUSTRATED? Don’t be!! We have on display a com plete selection of the Latest Fashions in Summer Wear— • Summer Shorts (novelty prints - fully lined) - compare at $6.98 - Our price $3.98 • Nationally advertised Brands - SPORTSWEAR OUTLET of TUCKER Bank Americard C & S 3994 Lawrenceville H’way 939 - 2314 Ruby Hill - Owner and Manager