The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 17, 1970, Image 10

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i /■> jiAK^EfeRYoBi v , Israel’s Dilemma of Decision > 1 •, TfftWl HWl* 1 -'***^ * •*• ■■I _y - i/>. HAIFA — The National Unity coalition government forged by Golda Meir, bringing to gether in one Cabinet all the major political points of view from extreme right to exreme left, has served country welL It has assured the Government of support for practically all its policies, without the nagging and needling of opposition parties who must opposed on principle because they are “the outs.” But the coalition is beginning the Cabinet is too large to func tion effectively. It has 24 mem bers, one fifth the size of the Knesset. Furthermore, the broad spectrum of diverse opinions which makes the Cabinet a na tional blessing also contains a built-in fault; it neutralizes de cisions. If every participant must agree, it is difficult to adopt any striking, new policies. Critics charge that Israel's failure to come up with a de cisive, clear, unequivocal peace to to sl*ns of staa md »>“ «* *• "“f* **L£ strain. Issues have been raised Which dangerously test the point of tolerance which can be ac cepted by each extreme. The latest test was on a religious issue, but there are more im mediate critical issues. The ques tion of 'Jewish settlement in the occupied areas; relations with the U. S. and with Russia; re action on the borders; peace ges tures, all have a ishare in pushing the Cabinet tp the brink of showdown test. . Ij,. '• Criticism has been voiced that OSHER MARSEILLES ii SOT.n Ocean at 17 St.. Miami Beach fla. (a daily per perssn < v|| double occupancy □ 20 OF 113 ROOMS MODIFIED AMERICA* PUN Complete Breakfast S Deluxe Dinner FREE: 21” TV IN EACH ROOM RES. FOR HIGH HOLY DAYS ATLANTA: 255-1000 Dietary Lawn Strictly Otoaerved Elegant Dining OWL ROOM Lounge West Paces Parry ML at Northeast 1 Opoo l.*M p*. LENOX THEATRE-I Charlton Heston, Geraldine Chaplin in “THE HAWAHANS” LENOX THEATRE—II “FELLINI SATYRICON” Lenox Square Shopping Center 233-0338 caused by this need to satisfy all partners. It is commonly understood that Gahal, the second most powerful party in the country, will withdraw from the Govern ment and go into opposition if any policy program is adopted which uses the word “withdraw” in any form whatever. On the other hand, Mapam serves as the most dovish ele ment, and strongly opposes any decision which would seem to commit Israel to continued oc cupation, as for example permis sion for Jewish youth groups to settle in the Hebron area. There is a natural affinity between the dominant Labor Party and the Socialist Mapam, but the latter has been sorely trying the patience of the Prime Min ister. Technically Mapam is a member of the Coalition, and entitled to Cabinet posts. The Ministries of Health and of Im migrant Integration have been held for Mapam, but the party Undersea Seder Conducted Aboard Atomic Sub USS GEORGE C. MAR SHALL — What may have been the first Seder to be conducted under water took place aboard an atom-pow ered submarine which re cently surfaced after com pleting a patrol duty mis sion. Four Jewish crew members and six guests par ticipated. In reporting on this uni que Passover observance, made possible “only through the assistance of the Com mission on Jewish Chaplain cy of the National Jewish Welfare Board, which pro vided both the essentials and the necessary guidance,” Commanding Officer James C. Hay of the submarine USS George C. Marshall, stated: “In the past, efforts in this area were stifled by the be lief that only in a family atmosphere could the true spirit of the Seder be ap preciated. This proved false. The bond between submar ine sailors proved analogous to the bonds between family members and close friends. ‘The mutual sharing, sac rifice, and purpose that form the very basis of the family bond are intrinsic qualities one also finds within a sub marine’s crew. The Seder proved a great success — meaningful to all and most enlightening to the guests." VISIT TWO ART GALLERIES For Your Shopping Pleasurel Near All Downtown Hotels Fine Linens From All Over The World •I, Danish Christmas PlataS, Paintings, Fumltora, . ry f Jade, Rosa Quarts, Oam Stents. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 9 Saxony Galleries Saxony Gifts Henry Grady Hotel (Grady Room) Dinkier Plaza Hotel (Lobby) 5*5-8221 524-4457 has not, even after more than seven months, come around to nominating its men to hoed theee Ministries. The effect of "toon* leadership" on the smooth opera tion of important Government Departments may well be imag ined. This policy of one foot in, and one foot out gives Mapam the privilege of still exercising its independence, and claiming a certain freedom from coalition discipline. . The broad gamut of political, diplomatic, social and religious views found in the Cabinet also results in occasional issuance of policy statements by individual Ministers which not only do not represent the Government, but are in direct conflict with statements issued by other min isters at about the same time. Little wonder what foreign ob servers are sometimes puzzled as to what Israel Government pol icy really is. really is. The leaders of Israel are today facing up to the need to come to decision. Which is better: to maintain a wall-to-wall coalition of national unity and harmony, with at least common denomina tor and thus keep the semblance even at the cost of neutralizing decisive action—or to opt for a firm and decisive policy, com manding at least majority sup- . port, and to weather the bitter objection of the loyal opposition? If official policy follows the hawkish line of Gahal, it will result in the opposition crystal lizing in a domestic peace move ment commanding the support of Mapam and certain intellectual and bohemian circles. If official policy is conciliatory, and speaks even tentatively of “compro mise” with the Arabs, it will solidify, in reaction, a nationalist movement in . which Gahal and the religious elements will find common ground. &Iim ipac . “ r • • - V * ■ V. \ •' . by Swiss • Trim International Now, in tho privacy of your own homo you too can lose those unwanted Inches tho same aasy way as Hollywood •tart hove baan doing lor years. There's no exorcising, no rigid dieting, no machines, and no pills. You simply wrap yoursalf in our secret solution, reclino for ono hour, and Ihon unwrap to find yourself amazingly slimmer. Each Slim-Pac contains sight professionally planned home treatments and detailed instructions for your personal use. Slim-Pac regularly sells for $14.95, but now by mail only. plus $1.00 handling. SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TODAY TO Swiss - Trim International C&S BANK BUILDING, 6075 ROSWELL RD., ATLANTA, GA. 30328 PLANNING ANEW WAREHOUSE? Got the facts about our combination cooling and heating package We have all the facts and figures on a com bination Airtemp-Modine package ... year ’round comfort for your offices and warm, flowing “Modine-Air” in your warehouse. Call us today and let us show you, your architect and engi neer the advantages of an Airtemp-Modine installation. Airtemp'Division, Chrysler Corporation 1356 Chattahoochee Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30318 "OSS®* Phone (404) 355-0116 MODIN