The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 29, 1975, Image 7

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God’s Light By Rabbi Alvin M. Sugarman The Temple, Atlanta There is a very beautiful yet rather quaint rabbinic legend that I would like to share with you at this season of our New Year. As the tale goes: When God created the sun and moon, the moon, wanting to be the only source of light, protested: "Why should two kings have to share the same crown?" For her arrogance, the moon was punished by being made smaller than the sun. She then complained: "Do / rT3IV W to K’lal Yisroel at these High Holy Days 1975 - 5736 BETH JACOB Congregation — Sisterhood NCSY-Teen Group Atlanta, Ga. i JWB i The Officers, Board of Directors and Staff of the Atlanta Jewish Community Center extend to the Jewish community of A tlanta our sincere wishes for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. It is our earnest hope that the opening of the Fall program of our Center will con tribute to the tradition of this joyful season and bring a greater measure of satisfaction and enrichment of Jewish living to every home. Atlanta Jewish Community Center SIDNEY PARKS President DAVID DUBIN Executive Director deserve such punishment simp ly because / asked a sensible question?" "Very well," said God. "I shall give you the stars to shine with you at night." But the moon was still dissatisfied. " You give the sun 365 days a year, and me only 355. Why should 1 have ten days less than the sun?" And to pacify the moon, God said: "I will take away ten days from the sun for Myself. These shall be known as "The Ten Days of Repentance.' They shall be My light. These ten days shall commence on Rosh Hashana and end on the Day of Atonement. On Rosh Hashana, when / judge man and the world, man shall have ten days in which to repent and improve his conduct. Man, who often lives in spiritual darkness, shall have My light to see the truth, the goodness, and the joy of life. To help him see by My light, he shall repeat morning and evening, during the High Holiday season, the words of the Psalmist: The Lord is my light and salvation, whom shall l fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1). The above midrash is indeed a very beautiful and fitting one for the High Holy Day season. So often we are all blinded by the press of our everyday ac tivities. We run and we run and we run. Sometimes 1 wonder if we really know where we are headed. But, thank God, we as Jews have been given ten days every year to, in a sense, stop the world, get off for a few moments, and see just where indeed we are headed — to think about what it is we really want to accomplish with our life, and to ask ourselves if we are reaching deep within the human potential that each of us carries within our bosom. With the help of God’s light may each of us during this coming New Year season in deed find our true direction and our true purpose for being on this earth. L’Shona Tova and a YEAR OF PEACE To Jewry all over the world and to the Jewish Com munity of Atlanta. From Hemshech, Organization of Survivors From Nazism rQt£5 Atlanta HADASSAH Chapter Mrs. Edward Sternberg, President GROUP PRESIDENTS Bat Ami: Bat Shalom: Tel Chai: Shoshanlm: Avivah. Shirah: Sabra: Tikvah: Aliyah: Northwest Professional: Mrs. Leon Steinberg Mrs. Hyman Shapiro Mrs. Maxwell Eidex Mrs. Howard Schulman Mrs. Martin Milstein Mrs. Sanford Karesh Mrs. Jack Bauman Mrs. Joseph Viness Mrs. Hiram Sturm Dr. Nanette Wenger New Year Greetings To Our Members and to the Jewish Community May the sound of the Shofar usher in a year of peace, and contentment and happiness for all. AHAVATH ACHIM CONGREGATION SISTERHOOD MR. & MRS. CLUB MEN S CLUB and All Departments DR. HARRY H. EPSTEIN, Rabbi DAVID H. AUERBACH. Associate Rabbi ISAAC GOODFRIEND, Hazian S. HIRSCH JACOBSON. Ed. Director IRVING M. GAI.ANTY, Executive Dir MRS. MARTIN GOLDSTEIN Sisterhood President GERALD COHEN. President DR. Will JAM E. SCHATTEN, First Vice President RALPH L. SAUL, Second Vice President SIDNEY KAPLAN. Treasurer NORMAN DIAMOND, Recording Secretary MR. AND MRS. ALVIN ROGFL Social Club Presidents PAGE 7 — THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE, August 29, 1975