Newspaper Page Text
Yoffe — Slotin
Miss Mindy Rae Yoffe and Marc
Morris Slotin, formerly of
Savannah were married
November 23 in Temple B’nai
Israel. Rabbi Max Stauber of
ficiated. 1
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Earl B. Yoffe and the late
Mr. Yoffe. The groom is the son
of Mrs. Sylvia Cooper and Albert
Slotin, both of Savannah.
Given in marriage by her
brother, Michael S. Yoffe, the
bride had Miss Carol Fran Yoffe
of Athens as maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. George
Althen of Savannah. Miss
Deborah Slotin of Athens, Miss
Debra Hesdorffer of Jackson,
Miss., and Mrs. Michael S. Yoffe.
George Althen of Savannah
was best man. Ushers were
Ricky Tenenbaum of Atlanta,
Joe Jergensen and Teddy
Kogaklis, both of Savannah, and
Saul Tenebaum.
After a reception at the Spar
tanburg Memorial Auditorium,
the couple left for a wedding trip
to Gatlinburg, Tenn. They will
live in Spartanburg.
Bob Evans
To Speak
At Synagogue
Bob Evans, former CBS News
television and radio correspon
dent in the Soviet Union will be
speaking at the Ahavath Achim
Synagogue, on Sunday, Dec. 14,
from 11 a m. until 12 noon.
His topic will be “The Military
Strategic Aspects of the Arab-
Israeli Confrontation.”
Mr. Evans has a masters in
juris prudence from Oxford
University in England and a
Chinese certificate from the
Yale School for Far Eastern
Languages. He has covered
Western Europe, Eastern Eu
rope, Middle East, and Far East.
He served as bureau chief in
Moscow for the entire Soviet
Union. Mr. Evans is currently
president of Televans Produc
The public is invited.
Bock Family
Has Reunion
The Bock Family celebrated
the Hanuka holiday Sunday,
Nov. 30, at the Hidden Branches
Clubhouse in Dunwoody. The
gathering, coordinated by Beth
Isikoff and Lynn Ruskin,
featured a buffet supper and
Over fifty members combined
their efforts to prepare the meal
highlighted by the traditional
potato latkes.
The clubhouse decorations and
original contests and games
were created, designed and
engineered by “Uncle Mike”
The "Latke" Committee in
cluded llene Zier, Shirley Gluck,
Iris Ruskin and Shirley Ruskin.
"Newest member” Richard
Salenfriend was welcomed of
ficially to the family group.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eisler of
Atlanta announce the marriage
of their daughter, Hannah
Strenger, to Waldemar Kogan
on November 27, at the Shearith
Israel Synagogue.
Mr. and Mrs. Kogan will
reside in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Gershberg of Parsippany, N.J.,
announce the arrival of a
daughter, Jennifer llene, on
Tuesday, Nov. 18. Mrs.
Gershberg is the former Gay
Singer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Singer of Atlanta. The
paternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Gershberg of
Fairlawn, N.J. Mrs. Anna
Amkraut of Teaneck, N.J. is Jen
nifer’s great-grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kosmal
Jr. of Decatur announce the
birth of a son, Burton Charles,
on November 17. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abel of
Miami and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kosmal of Natrona Heights,
Penna. The Bris was performed
by Rabbi David Epstein.
Dr. and Mrs. Stepheq R. Fred
of Rockville, Md., announce the
birth of a son, Matthew Ross, on
September 27. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Golub of
Alexandria, Va., and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack C. Fred of Atlanta.
Great-grandparents are Mrs.
Susan Schlager of Brooklyn ahd
the late Morris Schlager and Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Golub of
Brooklyn. The Bris was per
formed by Mohel Charles Weiss.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Wahnish
of Marietta announce the birth
of a son, Todd Andrew, on
November 11. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wahnish of
Orlando and Mr. and Mrs.
Maury Goldstein of Jacksonville.
Rabbi David Epstein performed
the Bris.
Scult At Emory
Professor Melvin Scult of
Brooklyn College will speak at
Emory University Monday, Dec.
1, at 7:30 p.m.
His lecure in Room 360
Chemistry Building is on
“Religious Naturalism in
Contemporary Jewish Thought:
Mordecai Kaplan.”
Professor Scult appears at
Emory under the sponsorship of
the department of religion as
one of a series of lecturers on the
Jewish faith. The lecture is open
to the public.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R.
Greenspan of Atlanta announce
the birth of a son, Adam Joshua,
on November 19. Grandparents
are Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Uden-
friend of N. Caldwell, N. J., and
Dr. and Mrs. M. William
Greenspan of Ottawa, II). Rabbi
Juda Mintz officiated 1 at the
Bris, which was performed by
Rabbi David Epstein.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Feuer
of Dallas, formerly of Atlanta,
announce the birth of a son,
David Eric, on November 18.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Nat Kalka of Miami, and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Feuer of
Atlanta. Davis is the great-
grandson of the late David Slann
of Atlanta.
Epstein PTA
Dr. Jack Megenity will speak
at the Rabbi Harry H. Epstein
School PTA at 8 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 11, at the Ahavath Achim
Dr. Megenity, professor of
curriculum and instruction at
Georgia State University, will
speak on “Role of a Teacher.” He
is a consultant to the Epstein
The public is invited to attend.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S.
Kammer of Phoenix announce
the birth of a son, David Jacob,
on November 26. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conn of
Atlanta and Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Kammer of Phoenix.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Berman
of Tucker announce the birth of
a daughter, Jennifer Marie, on
November 17. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Berman of
Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs. Ber
tram Cohen of Chattanooga.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reznik of
Atlanta announce the birth of a
son, Jeffrey Michael, on
November 13. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reznik of Bir
mingham and Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Manaker of Babylon, N.
Y. Rabbi Wilson officiated at the
Bris, which was performed by
Rabbi David Epstein.
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Page 19 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 5. 1975