The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, March 04, 1977, Image 5

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January rise in immigration to Israel JERUSALEM, (JTA) - A •light rise in immigration during January was noted in the monthly report of the Jewiah Spotlight On John Lewis * The Fifth District election takes place March IS. In response to The Southern Israelite's editorial of February 11, Wyche Fowler, Paul Coverdell and John Lewis have agreed to answer three major questions of Jewish interest. John Lewis' answer is the last of the series. TSI: Where de you stand on aid to Israel? LEWIS: First, I support and applaud President Carter’s overall objective of decreasing military sales abroad and attempting, in concert with other major world powers, to hold down the sales of sophisticated weapons to developing countries. I believe their resources are better used for economic development 'and food production. But I am strongly and une quivocally against unilateral reduction in the arms available to Israel or in the state of Israel’s security. I am committed to providing Israel whatever aid she needs to secure her against aggesssion, be it military or economic as long as those needs are substantiated. Israel is an outpost of democracy in the Middle East; she represents the pioneer spirit upon which the United States was founded. Assuring the con tinued strength of Israel is the only way to counteract the military buildup — financed ) with petro-dollan and supplied by the Soviet Union and France — that is occurring elsewhere in the Middle East. I believe the Congress should look closely at pending plans to supply military aid to Egypt, to see that we are not arming both sides of a poten tial conflict. Finally, the United States should continue its efforts toward a lasting and equitable peace in the Middle East arising from direct negotiations between the parties involved, recognising that the issue is tru ly the survival of Israel as an in dependent state. TSI: How would you vote on an anti-boycott bill? Lewis: Measures to protect Israel . . . and American Firms that do business with or in Israel . . . will be a major issue in the present Congress. Hearings were to begin in the U.S. House in February on anti-boycott legislation. I would support the Bingham-Rosenthal bill, which as it was written is a comprehen sive means of halting boycott- related discrimination against American firms and American citisens. The Arab boycott of Israel takes several forms. First, of course, is the refusal of Arab countries to do business with Israel, and that is a matter that addresses itself to those coun tries. But when the Arabs boycott American firms that do business with Israel or have branches there or when the Arabs tell one American com pany that it can’t do business with another American com pany because it does business with Israel — that, is in terference witjb. domestic American economics and that is intolerable. Another form of the boycott is simple discrimination, in which Arab nations attempt to exclude Jews from the ranks of American talent sent to provide expertise to Arab countries. I am familiar with that type of dis crimination: I like it no better now than I have in the past. Any boycott against Americans or American com panies by any foreign nation which places restrictive covenants on the eoooomie life of American business is repugnant to our Constitution and to morality itself. TSI: Would you actively pur sue the freedom of Russian Jews? Lewis: All people have fun damental and universal rights; these rights are outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document subscribed to by the Soviet Union at the Helsinki accords. The Nixon, Ford, and Kissinger foreign policy conced ed, for detente, that the right of emigration for Soviet Jews was an ‘'internal matter.” This violates written binding agreements and becomes a __ report of the Jewish Agency’s immigration depart- I ’"T’- •' " I ding In the report, arrivals I numbered HUH compared to BHwHBMHHMHHBW I 1506 during January, 157b It H I wax slightly lower than the I Januar > figure of 1747 I The number of immigrants I I mon leased ■ hut there was a small decrease fi in lhe "umber from all of f ' ,• Eastern Europe compered to the J.;' ~■ same month last year The pW ' Jewish Agency reported that the m ra,e of noshrim (dropouts) mill 11 Hit among Soviet Jews who reached Vienna was 58 percent compared \ --y {WM to 49.3 percent in 1976. Immigra- ^ tion from other f )arta of the P^^WmlUnjj world remained stable or show { U}.SHH ed an increase. Increases were v Apil registered among olim from v South Africa, according to Max 11 Miodownik, chairman of the \ . ? - Israel branch of the South African Zionist Federation. He 'U'j; said the Federation offices here now interview about 200 olim a week compared to 50 six months ■ Wit 1 ago He said that aliya activities «'■ to'll have increased to an extent that lllP’iP r ‘ vat e homes are no longer adequate to hold meetings. Niodownik predicted that the e John Lewis. number of olim from South zens to emigrate if they so African will reach 1200 this ose. I support the right of all yew, double last year’s figure, riet citizens to disagree, But he acknowledged that many thout harassment, with Jew* emigrated from 8outh ’eminent policy. And I sup- Africa to English-speaking coun- t the right of all Soviet tries, mainly the U.S. and zens to worship without Canada, rather than to Israel, ernment interference. There are about 120,000 Jewa in do not believe that we can South Africa and about 20,000 Congressional policy to work Israelii currently living there. THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE CENTER Services Available 1. Vacuuming Skin Therapy 2. Intensive Moisturising Facial J. Problem Skin Therapy Treatment 4. ' Courtesy Skin Analysis 5. Corrective Cosmetics 6. Firming and Muscle Toenng Facial 7. Waxing 8. Profcsaional Make up Artist ♦. Make-up Instruction 10. Oriental Technique Massage a* r/t/t/tce arm Ortia SOU PEACHTREE ROAD (Acroes from Sean) Atlanta, Ga. 231-2339 Jeanette Warshaw Hale and Barbara Hancock Consultants Women Men Teenagers JC ■ litv*r f. . Iniru S/r.9 rirvXw.w,/ d/xT/S . 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