The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 15, 1977, Image 23

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Pa*e 24 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE April 15, H*.. by Howard S. Paaaal On Sunday, Arlette Fischer has arranged for Consul General of Israel Nahum As tar, to meet informally with those who are interested in Israel’s foreign policy. This is another in a series ol meetings on aspects of Israeli culture and history sponsored by THE FORUM. Each of the previous meetings proved quite informative and stimulating. If you are planning on attending, this meeting is at 184 Triumph Drive NW (Cross Creek Apartments), at 7 p.m. Arlette can be reached at 355-2892. Call her for directions to her apart ment. Don’t forget the Jewish Book of the Month Club meeting at Harriet Schwart’s on Wednes day, April 20, at-8 p.m For details, call 355-3486. • • * The last few months have seen the initiation in Atlanta of an exciting new development which could yield important dividends. The first B’nai B’rith lodge to in clude both women and men has been formed. If you are in terested in learning more about this pioneering group, send me a note c/o The Southern Israelite. Keep reading this column for further details. The ATLANTA LEISURE CLUB is sponsoring a Pizza and Rum Punch party on Saturday, Apr. 16, at 8:80 p.m. Call host Eddie Wexler at 434-5972 for details. • * * The Cross Creek Apartments invites all singles to their monthly singles night, which this month will be on Wednes day, Apr. 20, at 7 p.m. Call 351- 4561 for info. • • • Saturday, Apr. 16, also provides the opportunity to par ty with KALEIDOSCOPE at Ronnie Silverblatt’s in Tempo It’s a Spring SERVICE SPECIAL from HOPKINS and Mr. fioodwrench LUBE, OIL and NEW FILTER 5§> Special Price M2 69 TUNE-UP SPECIAL Special Price $ o 02 Including parts and V Q labor on any GM, 8 cyl. car with air. Reg. Price $56.76 Offer provides 8 factory fresh AC plugs, Delco points and condenser (except HE I systems), carburetor adjust ment, ignition timing, road test and safety inspection. PLUS A SPECIAL AIR CONDITIONING OPTION With tune-up, you may have air conditioning check for only $16.00 plus freon. Reg. Price $22.50. Includes charging system, leak and performance check. 1 AUTOMATIC I TRANSMISSION 1 SERVICED *2l #N £ 3 Replace filler, pan 1 fj O'* 088kof, clean sump J [7 replenish fluid. H 10 P Kl II a %/ IN THE HEART OF ATLANTA 359 WHITEHALL STREET 688-5000 THE ONLY DOWNTOWN CHEVY DEALEk Continental. 261-7527. And on Tuesday, Jen Leviaoo leads a workshop at the AJCC on choos ing a mate. Call 875-7881 during business hours for information. • • * You gourmands would be in terested in the* THURSDAY SINGLE’S WINE AND CHEESE TASTING PARTY. This event takes place at Sherry Greenspan’s home. Call her at 252-1165 for directions and in formation. Enjoy! Do synagogues serve singles? Frequently being single can mean being left out — or (sometimes inadvertantly) kept out. Not intentionally made to feel unwelcome, but just not thought of. For example, synagogues periodically have special func tions organized around a theme: father and son or mother and daughter outings, young couples clubs, special events for the elderly. But how many syn agogues make real efforts to in terest and serve the unmarried members of the community? Having spoken to people who represent various synagogues around town, I was told repeatedly “Our congregation has successfully integrated the unmarried members, so we do not need to have special singles’ programs.” Are they copping out on us? Is the problem that temple- sponsored singles groups is the only kind of special program ap propriate for a synagogue? And does a special singles-only group tend to isolate the unmarried adults in the congregation? Or is it true that there is no problem? At present, I have no proposals in mind in answer to these questions. It seems to me that there must be additional, creatively different ways of making the unmarried Jew feel, as well as be, welcome. Let’s have your opinions on this subject. I would especially like to hear from congregational leaders to find out what they are doing for our segment of the population. Macon Memo Temple Beth Israel will hold an adult retreat at Camp Coleman May 27 - 29 on the theme: “Judaism Is for Adults Too.” The retreat activities will include study, worship, book reviews, movies, and guest speakers. The Bar Mitzva of Phillip Tapper will take place at 8:00 p.m. Friday, Apr. 29, at Temple Beth Israel. A congregational kiddush will follow. Phillip is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tapper. Temple Beth Israel will hold its 118th annual meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, at the Temple. THE At) I5EI.OW IS WORTH 814.00 TREAT IT ACCORDINGLY AT The Barn Dinner Theatre I In- ILirn Diiint-r I heat re offers Southern Israelite readers an I \ < I I s | \ | |)| \\| |{ 111! VI HI H< )\ f -s TTt"< (M \ I I 1 \< K \< .1 . I our tickets for I he pru e of three. ( omplrte delirious dinner >atlir- da\ niuhl performance. Reservations nnl> I’Hi-iiJtiJ lot i lie lx)mis discount I iv JOSEPH fit I US and Pf t ( R DeVHIf S GOOD THRU APRIL 30 Please remember In mention the Southern Israelite when m.ikim: \out I'arn Ihealn dinner theatre i sei 'aliens Mrmu this ail In the I5n\ t M’fice.