The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 26, 1977, Image 17

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==== NEW YORK - (tTA) - The transformation of as in dividual’* aoa through surgery is forbidden by Jewish Religious Lear, accorabg to • Yeshiv* University authority On the Talmud. . ' ‘ ■ ’ Rabbi J. David Bloieh, professor of Talmud at the un iversity’s Rabin Isaac Elehanan Theological Seminary and at Stern College for Women, made that assertion in a new book, Contemporary Halakkie Problems. The book is described as analysing modern social, political, technological and moral problems from the perspective of Jewish law. He declared that there are about 10,000 transsexuals in the United States, persons born with the anatomy of one sex but who have an identification with the other sex. He said it was es timated that some 1,500 trans sexuals have changed their sex by surgical means. Dr. Bleich cited Leviticus 22:24 in support of his conten tion: “And that which is mauled or crushed or torn or cut you shall not offer to the Lord, nor should you do this in your land.” He declared this wsa an explicit biblical prohibition of sex- change operations. He also noted arguments by rabbinic scholars who intei Tennis star Renee Richards, nee Richard Raaldnd, is a no- no. as referring to any action uni quely identified with the op posite sex, the commandment: “A woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment.” (Deuteronomy 22:3). Dr. Bleich added that once a sexual transformation has taken place, a host of practical halachic questions arise, hinging on “the crucial conceptual problem of whether or not a change of sex has indeed oc curred from the point of view” of Jewish Law. He cited as the most obvious questions those in Aliya from Britain to Israel on rise by Maurice Samualaon LONDON, (JTA) - A sharp rise in immigration to Israel from Britain is revealed in the latest statistics published by the Jewish Agency’s Aliya and Ab sorption Department in London. In the first seven months of this year, 436 people went to set tle in Israel, compared with 277 .in the same period of last year, a rise of 65 percent. The increase would have been even higher if it had included the 150 people go ing on aliya this month, the most for August since 1970. Moshe Yotvat, the Aliya department’s director, has no simple explana tion for this significant increase, which coincides with the end of his own two-year tour of duty here. He noted, however, thst there has been a "complete change of atiposphere” towards aliya in the organised Jewish communi ty. In a briefing in Israel before his appointment he had been warned that Aliya was “a dirty word” in Britain. Now, however, the aliya department was deal ing with 3,000 to 4,000 serious in quiries a year. The new atmosphere was also reflected in the community’s es tablishment of an umbrella organisation, the National Aliya and Volunteer Council, which will have responsibility for all aspects of promoting aliya from Britain. The new body, headed by Eric Moonan, MP, and MP Trevor Chinn, grew out of a “Solidarity for IsraeP* con ference last year. The Board of Deputies of British Jews, the community's representative council, is associated with it, as are many other organisations. Among the 112 immigrants in July there is a wide range of professions and occupations. Teachers, of whom there were 12, were the main group. In dividuals included an oil rig steward, a telex operator, a physiotherapist and a college ex ecutive. Most were also in what Yotvat called good age groups — between 18 and 49. There were 39 under 18 and only 11 aged over 50. This was Yotvat’s first civilian job since retiring from the Israel army as a Brigade Commander. He is to be replaced here next month by Hannan Haniel, a lawyer, who previously served as an aliya emissary in the United States. “Soutt of France” A Country French Restaurant and Sidewalk Cafs Time* Loach 11:31 a.m.-2:M pan. DWt 8:30-11:30 p.m. Breakfast til closhag Served Tu^day thru Sundae nm aSe—q’lwi < (Mr UN's In) ' Td. 325-6063 volving marriage, divorce and the performance of religious obligations. He also declared that while Judaism does not sanction sur- gieal reversion of sex, -trans sexual!am is considered a dis order "which should receive the fullest measure of medical and psychiatric treatment consistent with Halacha.” He asserted that trans-sexuals should be encouraged "to un dergo treatment to correct en docrine imbalance, where medically indicated, and to seek peychiatrie guidance to alleviate the grave emotional problems which are frequently associated with this tragic condition.” Dr Bleich also commented on “the uniquely American phenomenon of changing neighborhoods” which he allied “of utmost significance” to Jewish communal life. He asserted that "at least a portion of the responsibility for the malaise of American Jewish life” is due to this mobility. He reported that for decades, rabbinic authorities, in company with lay leaders of the Jewish community, simply reacted in helpless grief to what appeared to be an irreversible sociological trend. More recently, he aseerted, a significant attempt has been made to stop migration from Jewish neighborhoods by demonstratiiv that such action is undesirable not only on the basis of soda) considerations but also often involves violation of halachic precepts. He cited various rabbinic positions on the issue. * gfrsjj FRIDAY ANO SATURDAY 12 T0 9 ML • SUNDAY 12 to • P.M. •Terrific Detection of Dried end SUk Flowors •Shop With Us and Save up Ui 50% on Regular Pricea •Bring your Container and Jerry will make an Arrange ment or Centerpiece FOR THK COST OP MATERIALS ONLY - While you wait! 8EE JERRY GOLDOFF Mmmx. VU/gsA WIIUC5L... *J6 ♦/**h ms*** & & AMW/IE3 IN trmot JWIANUD. :.j/& *IP pgffltK Mineral waLg CPVlfX iSAPPITWNAl. KjNRO * 3*1TUP m IN^LUPWdRfVW. HAFIJRKJ ft *- FOOL) AND BEVkRAGbi? 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