Newspaper Page Text
The Southern Israelite
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The Weekly Newspaper For Southern Jewry
Our 54th Year
Atlanta. Georgia, Friday, July 14, 197*
Atlantans protest Soviet trial
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by Vida Goldgar
tod wire genre* report*
In Atlanta, almost 400 persons
gathered in front of the Atlanta
Jewish Welfare Federation
building on Peachtree Street
Monday evening to express
concern for the fate of Anatoly
Shcharansky and 1 Alexander
Grouped on the lawn were
young, old, and middle-aged—
black and white—Jew and non-
la response to an urgent call
from the National Conference
on Soviet Jewry, several
Atlantans will join Jewish
leaders fro* around the
country in Washington
Wednesday, July 19, to meet
with State Department officials
and Congressional delegations
for discussion of the worsening
situation of Soviet Jews.
Jew. They eagerly crowded around
a table to sign petitions protesting
the trials. Many of the
community’s rabbis and
organizational leaders were there
to relay the message to those
unable to attend.' There had "been
little time to spread word of the
rally after the trials were suddenly
announced last week.
Rabbi Juda Mint/ opened the
official program by blowing on the
Shofar “the clarion call of the
Jewish people over the ages.”
Youngsters from the Yeshiva
High School, the Hebrew
Academy and elsewhere joined
voices to sing Kachol VLavan, a
tribute to the blue and the white of
the Israeli flag, written by a Soviet
Jew. They werew joined by the
audience in a spirited Am Yisrael
Chai. “The People Israel Live."
Nancy Sigal led the singing.
Willis Johnson, president of the
Christian Council of Metropolitan
Atlanta, pointed out the
universality of the protest against
“yet another serious attack on
fundamental human rights....
“Atlanta’s Christian commun
ity,” Johnson added, “joins hands
with our Jewish friends in
lamenting any and all political
systems which stifle and suppress
personal and religious freedom.”
He expressed concern that events
taking place in Russia “may be
misinterpreted by many as a
’Jewish* problem,” adding that
“Christians by the thousands and
those of other religious faiths
suffer the same domination and
suppression under Godless
Russian communism.”
Turning to one of the posters
which said “Soviet Jews Must Be
Free," Johnson said, “I am sorry I
don’t have a placard saying ‘Soviet
Chrkwians Must bef
Others vriio
program included
Wilson of Congregation Shearith
Israel, Gerald Cohen, Federation’s
vice president of community
relations, Cantor Isaac Good-
friend, and Ben Rabinowitz,
chairman of the Federation's
Soviet Jewry Committee.
Rabinowitz gave an impassioned
plea to the audience to “Make your
voices heard. Do it! Do it!” And
the shofar was sounded once more.
At a meeting of the Synagogue
Council of Atlanta this week,
emphasis was placed on
strengthening congregational
commitment to Soviet Jewry.
Special prayers will be offered at
area synagogues and temples this
weekend for Jews in the USSR.
Elsewhere, public opinion was
being mobilized in the United
States, Israel and Western Europe
on behalf of Shcharansky, who
went on trial Monday.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
strongly condemned the trial of
Shcharansky and other Soviet
dissidents and Israeli Foreign
Minister Moshe Dayan instructed
all Israeli ambassadors to alert the
countries to which they are
assigned to the importance of the
Moscow trial as a violation of the
United Nations Declaration of
Human Rights and the Helsinki
Accords. Shcharansky’s wife,
Avital, arrived in Paris Sunday
See Protest, page 21.
Senator Henry Beilmon of Oklahoma said on 2 October 1969 If the TAXPAYERS 0
ever discover that the Internet Revenue Service operates on NINETY PER CENT BLUFF the whole
system would collapse ^
learn how you can save up to ONE HUNDRED PER CENT of your Personal In
Learn how you can defend yourself against IRS Agents who are schooled in d
Learn what Washington. Jefferson, and F
n has to say about T a>
Come on Americans WAKE UP' end get the original SPIRIT OF 76 and d
have done and REVOLT against your Tax dollars being used against
communistic programs and GIVE AWAY welfare and »*d programs that d
r her PATRtOTlC DUTY to writ!
P O BOX 70342
by Lisa Redaction
In the past several weeks, you
may have gotten into your car after
shopping and found a disturbing
piece of anti-Semitic literature on
your windshield.
“Jewish Taxes Illegal" is
bannered across flyers recently
distributed in various shopping
centers around Atlanta.
The flyer purports to tell how
“you can save up to one hundred
percent of your Personal Income
The insidious literature says, in
part: “the l.R.S. operates on Un
constitutional grounds since it
comes under the Jewish originated
Federal Reserve Act, which is itself
Un-Constitutional. Learn that the
Jewish controlled Federal Reserve
System of which the l.R.S. comes
under, is privately owned by
International Jewish Bankers who
don’t have the interest of the
United States at heart.”
The flyer also cautions that
Americans need to “wake up and
revolt” against the tax dollars
“being used against you to
promote Socialistic-communistic
hit Atlanta
programs and GIVE AWAY
welfare and aid programs that do
more for our enemies than the U.S.
The piece is signed by an
organization called “The National
Spirit of 76 Tax Study
Foundation," shown as located at
a post office box in St. Petersburg,
Fla. The flyer invites inquiries “for
more information.”
The flyer also quotes Senator
Henry Beilmon of Oklahoma as
saying “if the TAXPAYERS of
this country ever discover that the
Internal Revenue Service operates
the whole system would collapse."
Marvin B. Schpeiser, of the
Atlanta Jewish Welfare
Federation, wrote to Senator
Beilmon requesting that he
“disassociate himself from the
contents of the flyer” and “take
some official action in trying to
determine who the individuals are
behind this slanderous flyer.”
Senator Beilmon replied that the
quote was falsely attributed to
him, saying he referred to the
quote in testimony, but the
statement was not made by him.
The senator also wrote directly to
the “National Spirit of 76 Tax
Study Foundation" denying the
Senator Beilmon also referred
the flyer to Senators Lawton
Chiles and Richard Stone of
Florida for further investigation.
The Anti-Defamation League in
Atlanta is obviously concerned
about the leaflet, as are many
others in Atlanta.
“We’ve got many people calling
who are upset. As far as I know a
new group is passing around the
material but it is unfortunately not
a new concept when Jews are
accused of controlling taxes,” said
ADL Director Stuart Lewengrub.
Where exactly are the flyers
being found in Atlanta?
“It is pretty well distributed.
There were complaints that the
literature was being distributed in
the Piedmont-Peachtree Crossing
Shopping Center, Ansley Mall,
Broadview Plaza and across from
Sears on Ponce de Leon,"
Lewengrub said.
Martin Kwatinetz of Atlanta
became so upset that he sent a copy
See Flyera, Page 21.