The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 21, 1978, Image 8
Pali • THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE July 21, 1971 f Israeli adds dimension to Girl Scouts by Vida Goldgar The blue and white Israeli flag flying from the pole at Girl Scout Camp at Mablcton, Ga., may have startled visitors. The sound of Hebrew wasn’t exactly the everyday camp tongue either. This year, for the first time, the Girl Scouts had an Israeli counselor Shlomit Weksler, on staff. Shlomit’s uniform was different frbm the familiar Girl Scout “green,” but the fresh face, sparkling eyes, long brown braids and becoming modesty typified the best in the Girl Scout movement. A sabra, born in Jerusalem but living now in Holon, near Tel Aviv, Shlomit was one of 37 Israeli Boy and Girl Scouts chosen from a large number of applicants, to serve as good will ambassadors to American Scout Camps this summer. Another 20 Israeli youth toured the United States in two "Friendship Caravans," one of which also visited Atlanta, performing Israeli songs and dances at area camps. In addition to her regular camping duties, Shlomit set up an “Israel Comer” in the mess hall. With posters, pictures, stamps, coins and other items, she shared her homeland with young campers and staff. She has made felafel for the staff and taught Israeli songs. Through the cooperation of the Israeli Consulate here, each camper receives a small Israeli flag and a booklet written for children, telling what Israel is like. Since Girl Scout campers are in Mableton for only a week, Shlomit has had time between sessions to spend in Atlanta where she has been hosted by Dunwoody troop leader Mrs. Pat Pugrant and her family. They have attended services at the Temple and receptions for Atlantans who contributed to a fund which made Shlomit’s stay, and the visit of the Friendship Caravan, possible. Mrs. Pugrant, a member of the American Jewish Girl Scout Committee, also coordinated the Caravan’s visit, which has been spearheaded by Scouter George Goldman for a number of years. “I didn’t think the Scouts would be interested in Israel if they weren’t Jewish,” Shlomit admitted. She could not have been more wrong. Though most of the campers knew little or nothing about Israel, they were definitely interested and kept the questions coming. The campers didn’t learn only about Israel. They also got some insight into the Jewish religion. Shlomit and Mrs. Pugrant planned a Shabbat observance where they lighted Shabbat Israeli Girl Scout counselor Shlomit Weksler (left) and Pat Pugrant raise Star of DavM FRED’S DELICATESSEN & KOSHER MEATS 1403 N. Highland Ave.(across from Food Giant) 876-1029 Under Strict Orthodox Rabbinical Supervision —Price* * Effective Only July 23rd-July 28th WHOLE RIBS $1.69 lb. (cut & wrapped to order) at hanging wyht. HANGING TENDERS $2.19 lb. (excellent for Kabobs or London Broil) VEAL CHOPS $2.49 lb. (second cut) LUNDY’S (16 oz. pkg.) MUSHROOM STEAK PATTIES-$1.89 candles and recited the blessings, made kiddush (with grapejuice to conform to camp restrictions) and had a taste of the largest Challah Mrs. Pugrant could possibly make. The excitement has been two- way. Shlomit has found the stay exciting enough so she never really { /'fanezu i Instant got homesick, even though this is her first time away from her family. It is not her first time away from Israel, though. The Weksler family spent two years in Kenya (her father’s in construction) where a highlight was seeing the grave of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout, movement. There is quite a difference between scouting in this country and at homt, Shlomit said. “For one thing, in Israel, after seventh grade, we are not divided into Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. It is one organization.” Also, in Israel, leadership lies with the older scouts rather than with adult leaders. “It’s a youth movement," she said, “and youth run it." Generally, youngsters enter scouting in fourth grade and continue through 12th, when they trade in their Scout uniforms for Army uniforms. GOODBUY'S INC. 1170LaVista Road. Atlanta Ga. Next to Solo Foods HOURS 10 a.m. to 6 p m Everyday--Sundays 12-6 Warehouse Sale of Gifts 50 °80%OFF n ur n GAMES 13 Beach Bag Keg Ours » n r time Special 7 ■ VARE HERE — CLIP A MAIL THB JIKUSALEM YmI □ Please airmail 52 Issue* of The J*rv- -| For Israel I Lovers. I Because Israel la important to you, I you’ll love reading | The Jerusalem I Poet, the only Israeli newspaper I written In English. | Our International Edition is a weekly wrap-up of Impor tant political, flnan- | clal, cultural, mlli- j tary news...and the very human stories, too. Insider’s in- I formation. It’a the only way I to keep In touch, feel the pulse, I vitality, the heart- | beat of life In Israel l Because we don’t Just report the news. We live Itl tie (ast sent anwr NCW YORK, NSW YORK INn Hoaal Edition. 1 full year. My 00.00 check Is enclosed. □ One-halt year. 20 Issues. 117.00 it tncloted. □ Please begin gift subscription(s) at oer list attached. □ Ptoses send ms a •ample issue Bcii kijtimmon Set Ppppprmill set *5115 *■! Sdlild It «• But kt*ls 8 pt “' k Si’l Bone ( hin.i ( .i< hi* Pot retail <40 00 ours 520 00 retail 5 14.00 ours 56 75 retail 512.00 ours $5 50 retail > 19 05 ours 58 05 retail '1J 00 ours 55 00 retail 5 IS 00 ours 58 50 J Olft Subscriptions: List names and addrteass on I separata sheet and enclose payment. We’ll send our | l own artistic, frameable gift card in your nams and ■ begin their weekly paper. ^ Camping in Israel is not the organized variety we know. For instance, there are no permanent camps with mess halls or cabins. Twice a year, in summer and at Hanukah, Scouts pack up their tents and gear, head off to a forest, or perhaps to Eilat, and rough it. Whatever the differences—the ideas and ideals that comprise scouting are the same in both countries. More than one Mableton camper has already expressed the wish to be an American emissary to Israeli Scouts next year. L’Chaim series on WSB radio For the fifth consecutive year, WSB Radio and the Anti- Defamation League of B’nai B’rith are producing the “L’Chaim” radio series. Dealing with a variety of issues of interest to the Jewish and general community, “L’Chaim" is heard each Sunday evening at 10:30 p.m., on WSB Radio-750. The series will conclude on September 3. Two programs of immediate and special interest are: Sunday, July 23, “The Bakke Decision,’’ featuring Charles Wittenstein, ADL’s Southern Counsel, and Professor Tobe Johnson of Morehouse College; Sunday, July 30, "An Interreligous Mission to Europe” featuring 77te Southern Israelite editor and publisher. Jack Geld hart. Aubrey Morris of WSB and Stuart Lewengrubof ADL serve as moderators of ther series.