The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 03, 1979, Image 18

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Page 18 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE August 3, 1979 WE BUY & SELL .... EZEBEBSEa Sl .v TRANSMITTAL SEC. CORP. 80 WALL ST., N.V., N Y. 10005 TEL. (212)344-8245 CALL US FOR OUR BEST PRICES TOLL-FREE NO. (800)221-3158 NASD 4IMELIES GIFTS, Inc. imported fine china crystal and glassware copper and brass ware 1 KUTSTHENRZUTHFJ1 Atlanta. Ga. Lenox Square Ph. 233-3920 (Peachtree entrance) CHINA PALACE Igl RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Recently Featured in The Atlanta Journal & Constitution as “A large restaurant where a friendly staff complement excellent food.” 6 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ATLANTA Steady customers place our cuisine on par with New York City and San Francisco Chinatown Gourmet and Family Dinners LUNCHEON & DINNER SERVED DAILY BANQUET FACILITIES TAKE-OUT-SERVICE FAMOUS MANDARIN CUISINE AND POLYNESIAN DRINKS OPEN 7 DAYS 952-1389 1829 COBB PARKWAY, Marietta U S. Hwy 41 - Next to Treasure Island Windy Hill Exit Off 1-75 CRAFTS ART NEEDLEWORK WICKER BASKETS RATTAN FURNITURE OFFICE SUPPLIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES HARDWARE HOUSEWARES VARIETY PARTY GOODS NOTIONS PICTURE FRAMES GIFTS SILK FLOWERS IMPRINTING GREETING CARDS STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS ball/ uAduentuAe (a SiopfrtAg 3756 Roswell Rd., N.E. Parkaire Mall Dunwoody Village 237-5186 973 5985 394-3362 STORE HOURS: Mon —Sat. 9:30 in 6:00 p m. Name game A Jew by any other name... by Roy Gordon The Jewish Veteran Was Shakespeare right “A rose by any other name...?” Certainly the Jewish custom of naming infants after deceased ancestors caused a problem in the days when there were more infants than ancestors to be honored. So several infants wound up being named Itzik, or Rose, or whatever. And, since most of them were in the same family—cousins—and had the same last name, how were they told apart? And the answer, loud and strong, via Minsk and Pinsk and Vilna: Usually by some characteristic, or occupation, or special quality, such as Rosie the Farmerkeh, Rosie the Butcherkeh, Rosie the Nayer. (Farmer, Butcher, Seamstress.) Then there were such outstanding individuals as Beryl der Gesusener, Beryl der Kleiner, and Beryl der Tzadick. (The Short, the Small, the Smart.) But what happened when a shadchen (matchmaker) entered the picture and love matured, so that we had Beryl der Gesusener hut geliebt Channeh de L.angeh? (Bernard the Short loved Hannah the Tall ) If you have no other clues when you are doing your search through old records, beware of the same name:- Bernard Cohen was probably several people several First cousins—all named after the same common ancestor. But which line are you descended from? Thus, the need to find out the nicknames of all such ancestors. Otherwise, you run the danger of finding out eventually, that you are really a cousin to yourself. Jews did not always have the types of surnames we take for granted today. The system — custom—grew with the growth of Yiddish. Yiddish started in the Moishe Cohen. She is also the niece of Bernard the Short and Hannah the Long. If you have a surname which was changed to a form more familiar to Americans, do not feel slighted. Jews have been making these ‘...beware of the same name: Bernard Cohen was probably several people—all named after the same common ancestor.’ Ilth century in the Rhineland where a lot of Jews blunjet on their way to wherever they were going. The Jews used the local vernacular and wrote it in Hebrew characters, and, lo and behold, we had instant Yiddish By the 15th century it was the basic Jewish language on the continent. Isn't it wonderful how a good thing can get around so quickly? One way to keep up your Yiddish connection almost on a daily basis is to substitute Jewish words for English words. Take a TV "'■ws broadcast. One could go this way: Good evening, this is Walter Sickness'with the news. Today Lester Gentleman married Ida Birdman, brilliant and beautiful niece of Rabbi Moishe Priest. She is also the plemenitzeh of Beryl der Gesusener and Channeh de l.angeh. Translated loosely, that means: This is Walter Cronkite with the news. Today Lester Edelman married Ida Feigelman, brilliant and beautiful niece of Rabbi changes through the generations as they moved about. Most of the names were taken from locations or occupations, or occasionally, a characteristic, like Edelman Or something poetic, like Feigelman. But some of the names of our Jews make you ponder: Why would anyone want to be known as Bilik (Cheap) for instance? Yussel the Cheap Not much honor and glory in that But there can be a lot of charm chayn in nicknames based on things people do and which are broad enough in meaning so they do not have to be changed from week to week, like, for instance, laundry...There could be Tessie the Toasted, George the Grilled. Samson the Smart, Debbie the Actress, Yetta the Writer, Manny the Tailor, Maxine the Farshluffeneh (Sleepy), Oscar the Oysgevaygt (Washed Out - usually applied hy a Jewish Mother to a plump and robust youngster), and Peter the Plapoon (Not-too-hright). Or Yudis the Oysgelunken Yudis the Sprain ed. Italian Continental Restaurant I93I Cheshire Bridge Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30324 Phone 874-6505 Monday-Saturday 5:30 to 11 00 p.m. Sunday 5:00 to lOJX) p.m. INF TREES GIVE SOMECH MORE THAN THEY COST JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 3 Piedmont Center, Suite\416 Atlanta. Georgia 30305 ' 404-237-1132 1 Stanley Isaacson, D.D.S. (tikes plectstov in announcing be is note PRACTICING DENTISTRY at J400 Peachtree Roacl, I-enox Timers, Suite 339, Atlanta, Georgia 30326 Office boars by appointment 237 2916