The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 10, 1979, Image 2

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J ■ *401 #1 »'”■«> ill II* MM l *•*,! Grand Opening! featuring: The BEST of Better BAGS Names to excite you... Prices to delight you... Come See on histone Roswell Square 992-4455 M - Sat. 10-6 Thur. to 7:30 Carter nominee Goldschmidt active in Jewish community life to [>■* kd Friedman \£* YORK fJTA; Mayor s«a £. GoiOfcc.'tLmxli of Portland On *nc Prevalent farter has n.inmuaec U/ be Secretin of 7 'hU7i:irx« has always been iC-jKt a. :te PoniinC Jewish iiirnununT} Farm fmitnue. V <m of I tm pit Bert imcj toid the Jewish 7 ifrf iiy^— Apncj the M a> or is a 'tarjTit iem" wiso » a tnemoer of n» tx»egregjej-.>i auot!* ».ia ha ••lit VOtrere". Ha woe Jovcua xiiC ft>. : goier Rf*ai attend : he Rrrcm tsaigregatuoc's - r..p/ii WCtiOO. _r 'be ?*-vear-oid Gcodvcamsdr a £r-_i prarre Greg-.e.-i.'. a a men. be- of if air £f mt and a reeapsrtc of the aixaa award of Holocaust Commission study will determine U.S. memorial Coitorbmktf the Antt-Ilefamation League of BnaiBYith He a also a member of man) other Jewish organizations according to Rose Goldschmidt visited lirae! Last June as part of the Jewish National Fund mission but according to the rabbi be aho spent some time on a fcibfevt? stars ago Goldschmidt was firsr eteatd mayor in IV73 when at the age of '32 he wai one of ti*r nataur.i youngest mayors He has been credited for sast improvements in Portland t re-.itaii/icg the cas t neighborhoods, in the growth of the downtown and promotion of public transit A graduate of the I. "•st.mjty of Ortgon and the Lniveruty of California at Berkeley La» School, he quit a Capstoi HUJyob in I <>64 because of the Senates slow pace on civil rights <egjslat»cis to help Charles Esers reps-rer rural Blacks in the South to icitt The Senate is scheduled to an w ha nomination in September VIASHJNGTOS -JTAi- Membcrs A PreveJm: Carter's Commissure oe -_be Holocaust held a aaeaaxtas at Baw Yar m K <r. fast .rei for tens of thousands of Jews »3o were machinegunned there by Nazi troops The sen ace which was conducted by Cantor Isaac Announcing our opening destgner shoes at discount prices for .aches & rnen 375 Pharr Rd.\ 233-1536 SHOES Restaurant Francais r Goodfnend of Atlanta, included a spiritual. "Oh. Freedom." sung by civil rights leader Bayard Rustin. a member of the commission A »reath. stating for the first time that Jesss had died at Babi Yar. ssas placed at the monument The wreath contained English Russian, Yiddish and Hebreu inscriptions saying it ssas from a Presidential commission formed to establish a memorial “to the catastrophe that overtook European Jessn " Writer Elie Wiesel. chairman of the commission, said in a ceremony at the monument that when he first came to the site 15 years earlier there was no monument “We ail had hoped to find a metres! a! for ali the Jews who died as Jews as well as for all the others who died here." he said “But the Jews are not being remembered " Weisel sa«d that between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in 194!. more than 9O.O0C> Jews were machmegunned by Naz. troops The official estimate is "0.000 Ten members of the commis sion. accompanied by 34 advisors and others, are on a tour to studs what type of Holocaust memorial should be established in the l S Before coming to the Soviet Lnion. thes inspected Polish memorials at the Nazi deair camps at Maidanak Treblmka and Auschwitz, where museums made it esplieit that Jew s were murdered as Jews, uniike the Bab: Yar Memorial However, acoordtr.e to reports iron Moscow authorities in the l kraine and in kies made a special effort to accommodate the group Progress made at autonomy talks JERl SALEM i.lf Ai Participants in the filth round ot autonomy talks, which wound up in Haifa I uesdas afternoon, reported suscess in dialling a list ol issues to he negotiated in connection with the methods tor electing the autonoms authority for the W est Bank and Gaza Strip Egypt's chief delegate Premier Mustaopha Khalil, said “scry important progress" had been made at the two-day meeting He said the "misunderstanding" that had arisen during the talks should he seen as "behind our backs " dlWELIES GIFTS, Inc. n 11 \, A D IL . V IVT^ \\>\V . Atlanta Ga Lonox Squaro Ph J920