The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 12, 1979, Image 4

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Pi|> 4 THF MOI THKHS ISHiHllt: Oclnb.r 12. 1*79 jjfc GoMgar Odessa omens Puotsitec €un f 'kku i>* Hr S s Pm ^s«n. Gmf» Credit where due SCLC see-ms to have lemma< how iruck faith to pm m promise* from Ywo Aniat Lam month, all smiles and lovmlirv. the PLO leader had convinced Walter Fatnrntn . Joseph Lowery and other SCLC leaden that the PLO would stop ns terroristic acuvnies la reals), all Arafat did was affirm the already existing cease fire m south Lebanon Seasoned Arafat watchen were hardh surprised that he refused to call a halt to lerrorua incursions into Israel h » to SCTjCs credit that the organization reacted umncdiairfv by withdrawing as i uhiril mvaation to Arafat to visit thn country and rawcrllmg a series of formas oa the Palestinian question- We suspm this marks the begmmng of A hnef news report out of Moscow this week rrw ominous Soviet emigration authorities in wnai The report calked a “sudden and dramatic turnaround.' are up to then old tricks Thousand! of l kramtan Jews have ten denied permission to leave the countn Thu comes during what had here protected as a record year far exit visas to Sone Jews In fact, with almost ?5 .(WO visas granted m the fir* ox months of this year, it was anticrpatec that $0,000 Jews would gam freedom m 19' , 9 Than $0,000 would he just about one third of those pci mated to leavr m the entire 10 years from I9W! through 1977 hi 197B. for instance only 1.000 Jews were allowed to ieavr the Soviet I mere fa 1973. a new nigh was reached -35.000 After that it was downhill agam through ?9T7 Latch things have improved hut this latest news from the Ukraine sounds like 1974 and J975 all over agam. when emigration dropped from 35.000 to 30.000 to 13.000 Since the latest refnsmks are primarily from Odessa. Kharkov and Chernovtsky all in the Ukraine, n b entirely possible that the Soviets are plavtng a very cozy “pick and choose* game, directed more agama Israel Than against the Soviet Jews Statistics shorn that it a mostly Uktamian Jews who opt for resettle, meat in the l ntted States This is not particularly to the Soviets' liking They would much rather have greater numbers in Israel where some Soviet Jews find it more difficult to cope with the way of life- Any complaints create immediate fodder for the Soviet propaganda machine Whatever the reasons, official aad unofficial Soviet anti-Semitism is on the rise The official campaign against Zionism in the press, in hooks and propaganda, is heating up again, no doubt because the Soviets believe this will discourage people from emigrating Meanwhile— • Despite continual surveillance by the KGB. Jews, voung and old. crowded around the Association of Jewish Book Publishers' booth at the recent Moscow Book Lair • Refuvmk families take turns offering their homes for "Kabalat Shaba! * • Anatoly Shcharansky is starting his second year of a 13-year sentence on trumped up treason charges • Ida Nudel. whose crime was protesting the dental of her visa to Israel, faces another winter in Siberia where she has been exiled since July of 197k Sunday night. Atlanta and other communities nationwide will hold Si me hat Torah rallies of solidarity with Nudel. Shcharansky and the hundreds of thousands in the Soviet Lnion who long for freedom It's the least we can do' some serious rethinking of this volatile situation Who’s on first? Excuse us We've got worid series lever. We'ir not sure what inning H is. hut we know that it’s no game l raps Da van and Butros Ghah (Egyptian foreign affairs minister! are out m left field throwing around the old “who s bedding up the peace process” Self-appointed hat hoy Jesse, daydreams of pinch timing the winning home run. Ticker. mb-* are down. Seems the fans are losing interest in the home team Slick public relations for the visitors has caused confusion Home team captain Mannir Begin tries to rally the players bui no one wants lo be first at bat A line anve to ngin field by Viator Andy Sadat earned him three bases i one of which adamant borne plavers refuse to give r'aemmmenet Carter has temporarily Hi the trains to cjuitmie among themselves, while he carries on more friendly relations m safer ballparks. And now for the scare.. I s4 Thent-0 F P An angry black speaks Jokos Lester, who wrote ihn amrte for The Tillage I oire. Vow Tort, tearhrs as e Massarhuseiu unnerstn and is a forme* member of she Smdeni Aon-1 loiem Coorcimarmr Coerrminer Ldiior by Mms Lester And so. Jews are hong taed at scapegoats agam recent positions taken by Mack leaders cm the Mideas and hladl- Jewisti relations And 1 am angered by how self-righteous and arrogant Mack leaders sounded “Jews musi show more sensitivity and be prepared for more coasaltatioa before taking positions contrary to the best interests of the Mack community * While I undemand that such a statement comes from years of anger at active Jewish opposition to affirmative action, and bow deeply Macks were bun by this opposition to what was in our “best interests.* black leadership stiB seems to he ignorant of the fact that Jews have been hun hv Mack indifference to the fate of Israel 1 don't recall angry pro nouncements from black leadership when 18 Jews were killed at Qiryat Shemona by Palestinian terrorists I don't remem her black hands out in sympathy when 30 Jewish children were murdered at Ma alot where Palestinians held a school of children hostage When 31 Jews were killed in a Palestinian attack on a bus. Mack leadership did not gainer before the television o "veras and microphones to say. “No’ No’ No' Not another Jem can he murdered on this earth * Because Macks have been sakrn! while Jews continued to M murdered. I am appalled that they dare come forward now to aeff- ngbteoush lecture Jews to “show more sensrtivny* when Mack leadership is guilty of ethno centric insensitivity Arrogance is. however, a common fault of oppressed people when they believe that their states as victims gives them the advantage of moral superiority But morality b not found in lecturing others on morality Morality is painfully earned by constant awareness of one's own limitations, mistakes, and fragile humanity Morahtv comes by constantly adiwnng yourself and not others to “show more scnamity * h b the absence of sensitivity to point the finger at Israefs relations with South Africa when Mack leadership has failed to exemplify the least concern about the oppression of Soviet Jewry How dare Mack leadership thrust itself into foreign affairs on the issue of Palestinian rights after fading to take an interest when Jews were fighting against the expiration of the statute of limitations on Nan war crimes in West Germany' The lack of Mack sensitivity on matters of deep and abiding concern to Jews has wounded Jews as much as Jewish opposition to affirmative action has wounded ns However. Mack leadership not only wTaps itself in a cloak of moral excellence, n goes further and chooses sides in the M idea si confbct 1 shouldn't have been surprised by this, because, as Reveread Wyatt The Walker expressed it. “The Palestinians are the niggers of the Middle East * Such a statement is nckeamgiv obscene Any pro-Palestinian sympathies I might haw had died m Munich when 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were murdered But mayhe Macks have bccoaae so Western that ne don't think it b “to the best interests of the Mack onmmumry* to care Hut there are stiB people m the world who want to kiO Jews because they are Jews But who m the course of Western avihratton has ever cared when Jews were kihed* Why. then should Macks he different* Not being different. Mack leadership takes its stand for “human rights and aelf- determination for Pnkestimans * This sounds reasoeiaMe. hut something deep wit tun me ays Cnnlinnid an page $