The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 11, 1980, Image 4

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PAGE 4 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE April 11, 19M The Southern Israelite The Weekly Newspaper For Southern Jewry .. . Our 56th Year Vida Goldgar Editor <nd PuMohcr Faith PoweM Ammok Editor Linda Lincoln Advertising Dncloc Mark Nicholas Production Manager Published every Friday by The Southern Israelite, Inc. Second Class Postage paid at Atlanta, Go. (ISSN-00388) (USPS-776060) Mailing Address P.O. Boa 77388, Atlanta, Georgia 30357 Location: 188 15th St., N.W. Phone: (404) 874-8248 Advertising rates available upon request. Subscriptions: $15.00 - 1 year; $25.00 - 2 years ' Member: Jewish Telegraphic Agency; Religious Net's Setwce. American Jewish Press Assn.. Georgia Press Assn., NaiMasai Newspaper Assn. A solemn hour - This Sunday at 1:30 in the afternoon, Atlantans will come together in Greenwood Cemetery for a solemn hour to remember the millions who died during the Nazi Holocaust. Fifteen years ago, a small group of men and women who had personally survived the horrors of the Holocaust saw the realization of their determination that in Atlanta would stand a permanent memorial to those who had not. The Tombstone-Monument, with its six towering torches symbolic of the six million Jewish lives systematically exterminated, was dedicated in 1965 by Eternal Light-Heinshech, Organization of Survivors of Nazism. This small band of people served as our community conscience in days when too many of us failed to recognize that we are all survivors. Only quirks of fate and geography spared us. Today, hundreds gather each year, in a community-wide tribute to the memory of that flourishing Jewish world that was wiped out. This year, especially, must be no exception. For just an hour or so, forsake the golf course, the lawn mower, the lure of the lounge chair. Come to Greenwood Cemetery Sunday. If we don’t remember, who will? Israel’s response No one doubted that Israel would respond to this week’s PLO attack on Kibbutz Misgav Am; the question was how and when. At press time, it appears that the Israelis have elected a low- key response. Without firing a shot, armored columns with perhaps 250 soldiers have crossed into south Lebanon. They are digging in to guard against further terrorist raids. It appears that the terrorists slipped through the Irish and Nigerian peacekeeping forces, so Israel will do the job itself. As usual. Vida Qoldgar terror I’m incensed—«ad I know you are too—at the latest outrage of the PLO. While India and Austria play footsie with~Ya»ir Arafat and even France, Great Britain and West Germany ate drawing closer to recognition of the PLO, what it that band of terrorists up to? Attacking children and murdering civilians. Business os usual. Tell the parents of Eyal Gluska, the toddler who was killed Monday at Kibbutz Misgav Am that the PLO is “moderate”—tell the wife of Sami Shaniy the kibbutz secretary who was killed as he was changing a burned-out fuse—tetl the six children and their supervisor who were held hostage for nine hours of fear and uncertainty. (n (974, it was Kirynt Shemona. Half the 18 residents slaughtered there were between the ages of two-and-a-half and 19. A month later it was Ma’alot. Twenty of the 27 killed when terrorists invaded the high school there were teenagers. Seventy others were injured. The terrorists targets can be recited like a litany: • Tourist bus in Jerusalem • Apartment building in Nahariya • Downtown Natanya, a resort city • Tourist bus on Tel Aviv-Haifa highway • Amusement park • Supermarkets • Savoy Hotel, ■Tel Aviv • The Olympic Games at Munich That’s only a few. The statistics are grim indeed. In the ten yean preceding a 1978 report, |he Palestinian Liberation Organization and its partners in terror had killed 1,131 people—wounded or maimed 2,471 and held 2,753 hostage. At least half of the terrorist victims at that time were Israelis. The two yean since have increased that number. Despite that Moody record, the United Nations has legitimized the PLO, free nations give them credence and our own State Department beads over backwards to push Israel into accepting this png of terrorists aad murder's is “tb*' legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.” The timing of this attack was not accidental Israel, under pressure from Egypt and the United States to give in once more on autonomy issues, will, of necessity and right, stiffen its fiosition on security. And, like a Greek Chorus, the voices will rise—“Israel is intransigent.” If all concerned aren't careful, the PLO will have exactly what it wants—an end to the fragile peace with Egypt. > Meanwhile, the Israelis bury their dead... Again. YAD VASHEM Martyrs’and Haloes’ Remembrance Authority Jerusalem, Israel AMERICAN FEDERATION OF JEWISH FIGHTERS, CAMP INMATES AND NAZI VICTIMS, INC. LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK, N.Y. INIS 4 1S Til IT UN^rnnu A Page of Testimony THE MARTYRS AND HEROES REMEMBRANCE LAW. 5713— mi determine* in Article No. 2 dint — The lert of YAD VASHEM la to gotfwr veto the homeland Nurt enemy aad toil no Hahn n- torg. and to perpetuate thear that ol roynd because .they wrre YVa Photo 1953 l"’C7n Dfl'T — mi31 rw DlpDIR r® pJFTJK Oil Tsm ORT : 2 “mi iK'iunwi r* t»vo d5vos wm jt’ v5k pd pirns on Turion ra wtaeir's rw btvt pc sdsio-i* n insi on DVro-yinrpois t» P* oonspsi .lrisi mi -era ri jaw .risen inn .orno'oci'K ps ovwuuws n jnytw ri jrwris pa .-webe.-w-n* pa stir in s ri»D:» rwri" ms mrart* ■an* ariia rsssws arm mn «* *• .--eft v-gmAites ,j»nrr Yrta r* is* ■e'.J TWfWrt) Family name (of It*1 nsJsmpstnw pe irsarrrimss .1 Firat name 1 maiden name) jsoai Tsifsrtst 2 Name of mother umo Tin pe t*DS3 .4 Place of birth tnllfl pe T1S> p* ins A Name of father iross tW ItTOSl .3 ZBSV0CT13W J Residence before the war rran?B in -so wriian Residence during the war TinSo m m -lroTPinsTi Place and date of death mo t?b d~i in tnx G%w^nc«l of death ms r» r»3wow Name of wife j husband of donoaod D»i»m?vio)s rw iso \rrw in pe pmu) Children dec caved under the age of 18 tst is pa -mv i» lroat I the undersigned residing at latmnahgi to decraaed •wo»"rwo«* tft .TR (ems T»Vd) Dl’lSll OST lie / vsispsa / Tvoispst s / <n>anp ■ hereby declare lhat thia leatimony la coetect to the beat of my knowledge ,trtne »5s ori issirnsaw m sun ra om m-r» n is min -ivb^-in . .T’lyoivp PS IDTl 1VOOV3 wri spwr s PS Signature _ .... „ Place and date . Registration is made jointly with : om»t) ps msstp p*t tsTtHwap nstosp rrn*» rranMnss wmipim AMERICAN FERCRAnON IT JEWISH FIGHTERS. CAMR INMATES AND RAB VICT»B.RK. ... „ , oonr-won* ... , , ....soar pa ms v ) v ■ on Tin Tvmisions mm iriaTtxrun n 5ignatore of Registrar f ■Wirigwan ))■ eanmsona Yad Vaehem, the Martyrs snd Heroes Bsaassabraars Authority lu Jamsalws, is toUaufog to collect Pages of Teetteoay like the owe above from reiativse of the Six MBHon wIm inrikbfd ttoc Holoeawt.Persoas who have aotyetfflfodovt a pogeofTesthwoay for retedvee who died at the howds of JheNajfoaw^htafa^agei^ro^h^Atkinte4etrie^Fed«mioiB^73-W«^^^^^^^^^^