The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 27, 1985, Image 2

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PAGE 2 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 27, 1985 STEVE GREENBERG INSURANCE “"f** *4«t< * **■' 370-0674 (office) 373-0904 (home) Your independent agent who serves - j the community. % ■ PO Dox 5557 Arlonro GA 30307 AUTO-HOME-HEALTH-GROUP-UFE-DUSINESS-PERSONAL FOR THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Ron Weintraub 1 —— New and <*. i Jjji: m Best of Used Europe, Cadillacs Jaguar . ii Hennessy Cadillac Jaguar 3040 Piedmont Rd., N.E. Atlanta, GA 30305 261-5700 DIRECT FROM ISRAEL... ST. PETER S FISH Covenant Aquaculture Hies it fresh to you, from the water to your grocer in less than 48 hours, so it is as sweet and mild tasting as the St. Peter’s fish you enjoyed on your trip to Israel. This freshwater fish is raised in special aqualculture fish ponds developed by Israeli technology, and is only grain fed. This extra care eliminates that unpleasant fishy taste found in most fish. And is St. Peter’s fish ever so versatile. It can easily be broiled, baked, fried, grilled, blackened or sauteed. Usually it only takes 10 minutes to cook a fillet, with mouth watering results. And it’s low-fat too, only \ x /i% fat. St. Peter’s fish is available at participating food stores all over the Atlanta area. Have St. Peter’s fish for dinner tonight and relive your trip to Israel. For more information, call 636-1634. Covenant Aquaculture Available at: WINN DIXIE, CUB FOODS, SEAFOOD CITY, Carroll Ave., SEAFOOD CITY, Roswell Rd., BIG STAR, OGLETREE’S It’s been a busy, tense week as Israel acts on all fronts by Yaacov Ben Yosef Special to I he Southern Krnelue JERUSALEM The Syrian mis siles are still in place, still threatening Israeli overflights of Lebanon, but thus far a confrontation has been avoided. The American investigation in Israel into the Jonathan Pollard espionage affair has concluded with a reasonably favorable report card for the Israelis. Prime Minister Shimon Peres has flown otf to Geneva in secret to renew relations with the Ivory Coast, a key African state. Convicted child killer Zvi Gur picked up and walked out of prison last Friday and remains on the loose. The Cabinet pared another $ 180 million from next year’s budget. And opposition is mounting to the building of a Mormon university center in Jerusalem. So, it’s been a busy, tense week in Israel. As for the missiles, the Israelis continue to give warnings to the Syrians that their threatening presence could lead to a rapid deterioration of the situation. “Ifterror is stepped up—and we know that most of the terror bases are in the Bekaa—and the IDF acts against terror bases, let’s assume from the air, and if missiles are used, a situation is likely to be created where, without this side or the other wanting it, there'is escalation.” Those words came from Israel Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin on Friday to an IDF officer trainees meeting. The Syrians, for their part, say publicly they will not be intimidated. Syrian officials insist that they will not tolerate Israel’s continued “violation” of Lebanon airspace. As for the Pollard affair, the American probe into Israel’s role, led by State Department Counsel Abraham Sofaer, ended Friday. On Friday evening, the State Department issued a communique which, the Israelis believe, will go far toward calming the waters. Prime M inister Peres’ secret visit to Geneva last Tuesday took everyone by surprise. There he met with Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny and then later the renewal of relations between the two countries, broken off at the time of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, was announced at a news conference. Although Israel has diplomatic relations with five other African states, getting the Ivory Coast to Prisons Services for allowing this to happen; some 2,000 policemen joined in a massive search for the escaped prisoner but as of Tuesday morning he was still free. With respect to the economy, the Cabinet met Sunday and decided on a $ 180 million package of budget cuts; half of the package will lead to higher taxes. Families with one child in the education system will pay a S60 one-time levy; the fee for families with two or more children in the system will be $ 120. This will yield an expected $24 million. Other new measures: Childless breadwinners will pay more income tax resulting in another $10 million of revenue; maternity leave payment will be taxed at source and will yield another $5 million; handicapped people will be entitled to replace their cars tax-free only after 48 months instead of 33 months, saving another $5 million. The Cabinet already cut $400 million from the budget which is around $21 billion for 1986. With this extra $ 180 million cut approved. Finance Minister Yitzhak Modai said all of the austerity measures designed to enable his overall economic program to succeed were now in place. “It’s now time to give to the people,” he said on Israel Television Sunday evening. As for the Mormon center, the Cabinet decided Sunday to form a ministerial committee to examine the question; this may have satisfied the religious parties who oppose the building of the Mormon center on Mount Scopus for fear that it will lead the Mormons to step up their missionary work in Jerusalem. The Cabinet is split on the issue: supporters of the center argue that to cancel the center now' might induce Christian countries to impede the establishment or functioning ot a Jewish school or college. If the religious parties are still not satisfied, they may bring a no- confidence motion against the government that could lead to some of them walking out of the national unity coalition. That would not bring the government down (it has the support of 97 out of 120 Knesset members) but it would make it most unlikely that Labor Party Prime Minister Peres could form a narrow government with the religious parties should he feel compelled to disband the unity government. Yaacov Ben Yosef fall in line was considered a major breakthrough in Israel’s ties with Black Africa. “Houphouet-Boigny has enormous influence with the rest of Africa," one Israeli official noted, “and we hope that what is happening will have a chain reaction with the othiy African states.” The Ivory Coast was the last of a string of Black African states to break off relations with Israel at the time of the 1973 war. They did so apparently in response to Arab pressure: the Arabs reportedly threatened not to provide oil to the Africans unless they severed ties with Israel. The Ivory Coast was the third Black African state to resume relations with Israel; the other two are Zaire and Liberia. Israel has had diplomatic relations with Malawi, Swasiland, and Lesotho dating back to the 1960s. Another half dozen Af rican states may re-establish ties with Israel as a result of the Ivory Coast decision of last week. Meanwhile, one of the most gripping events occuring in Israel had to do with the dramatic prison escape Friday afternoon of Zvi Gur, the 38-year-old convicted killer of Amos Yarden in 1980. Gur had kidnapped the 8-year-old child; though he entered into a ransom negotiation for the boy’s freedom, Gur had already killed the child. The case shocked the nation. Gur was given a 59-year-prison sentence, the longest ever meted out to an Israeli. After five years of prison and good behavior, he was allowed tojoin an unsupervised work detail outside but near the prison; he was helping to paint the prison walls at the time of his escape. Gur’s breakout has unleashed enormous criticism against the Israeli In Buckhead In Buckhead ristorante itAI 1 and La Notte Di Capo D’Anno (New Year’s Eve) Antipasti ★ Zuppa ★ Insalata Piatti Principale (Choice of Three) ★ Doici The Midnight Champagne Toast Party Favors 9:30 pm to 11 pm ★ $35.00 per person ★ 351-3600 ... * * ld ( dr,< Tax & Tip not Included