The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, February 14, 1986, Image 5

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News Briefs Ex-Nazi loses extradition fight LOS ANGELES (JTA)—An appeal by Nazi war criminal Andrija Artukovic against an extradition order was denied and Artukovic was flown to Yugoslavia Wednesday to stand trial for war crimes. Artukovic, the former minister for the Nazi puppet state of Croatia in Yugoslavia, is responsible for the murder of more than 700,000 Serbians, 40,000 Gypsies and 28,000 Jews during World War II. Artukovic, 86, has been fighting extradition for 36 years. Soviets reject Herzl stamps JERUSALEM (JTA)—Hundreds of letters mailed by Israelis to their relatives in the Soviet Union recently have been returned to Israel because the Soviet authorities object to the stamp on the envelopes. The overseas mail stamp bears the likeness of Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism. The Russians, unwilling to have his picture distributed among Soviet Jews, have not allowed the letters to reach their destination and are returning them, overprinted with the words “addressee unknown.” Soviet aliyah activists in Israel are appealing to the Israeli postal authorities to supply stamps for letters to the Soviet Union with the portrait of a Jewish personality that would not cause the Russians to object. Israel, EEC make progress BRUSSELS (JTA) —Israel and the European Economic Community (EEC) have ended the first week of what promises to be prolonged negotiations aimed at adjusting their 1975 trade accord to accommodate the entry of Spain and Portugal into the Common Market, both exporters of agricultural products that compete with Israel’s exports to the Continent. “Although they have not been conclusive, we have made pro gress,” an Israel Embassy official said. He was speaking of the first round of meetings here between the EEC Executive Commission and an Israeli delegation headed by Yossef Hadass, Israel’s Ambassador to Belgium and to the EEC. Holocaust film is up for Oscar WASHING ION (JTA)—A U.S. Holocaust Memorial Coun cil documentary, “The Courage to Care,” has been nominated fLtr an Academy Award in the best documentary short subject cate gory. Elie Wiesel, chairman of the council, narrates the film. “The Courage to Care” is about those people who, at great risk to themselves and their families, helped save the lives of Jews duringthe Holocaust. Specifically, it focuses on the experiences of four rescuers and two survivors. Draper posted to Jerusalem JERUSAL EM (JTA)- Morris Draper, a veteran United States diplomat in Middle East politics, is now serving as the U.S. Consul General in Jerusalem. Draper replaced another veteran Mideast diplomat, Wat Cluverius, who was appointed special adviser on the Mideast peace process to Assistant Secretary of State Richard M urphy. The U.S. has traditionally kept a consul general in Jerusalem in addition to the one in Tel Aviv since the early days of the state, when it endorsed the internationalization of the city. I he consul general resides and has offices in West Jerusalem, as well as a consular section in East Jerusalem. Mounties get their man TORONTO (JTA)—The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has arrested a suspect in Red Deer, Alberta—the town where the trial of anti-Semitic teacher Jim Keegstra was held last summer— following a spate of vandalism during which nine area churches and public buildings were daubed with Stars of David with the work “Jew” painted on them. The suspect arrested in connection with the vandalism was 37-year-old Delvin Dwain Carpenter, who pleaded guilty to 17 counts of mischief. He was released two days alter his arrest on $1,000 bail posted by his father. The trial is set for Feb. 21. Workers take cut at shipyard TEL AVIV (JTA-)—The workers of the Israel Shipyards in Haifa currently in the hands of the official receiver, have agreed to take a 30 percent cut in wages for one month to ensure that all the yards’ 650 employees will be kept on the payroll for that period. During the month’s grace, the receiver will try to work out a plan for the permanent operation of the yard. otters to the editor Have the Jews failed themselves? > o rr I 'SI H a M C/3 o e H X Editor: I asked my wife last night where we have failed. I’m sure that you have noticed a growing presence of alternative Jewish groups. To a Jew, there cannot be an alternative, but Reform is just that to the Orthodox. In this case. I’m talking about Hebrew-Christian groups, with all their different flavors. A good friend of mine, one who lived for three years in Israel and who was and probably still is a Zionist, has decided to join a Hebrew-Christian group. From what I’ve heard, he had a testimony about his new belief and expressed it in front of his new congregation. Where have our traditional Jewish institutions failed? It is quite common to find a majority of Jews in various cults. They either make up the body of the group or most probably orig inated it. The various “enlighten ment” seminars, that bring you further from reality and express love and enchantment are full of Jewish men and women trying to “find” themselves. Hey, I’m not knocking it, but I feel it’s indicative of the continued search for answers our brothers and sisters hope to find from without traditional Jewish institutions. But why? My friend didn’t belong to a syn agogue. He wasn’t far from Jewish values, having many Jewish friends; I guess not having a family didn’t “force” him to join. My friend didn’t feel threatened or insecure about his Jewishness, at least that’s what it seemed to me. But what did he find from without that evaded him from within? I haven’t spoken with him since I heard the news. I respect his intellect and I realize that he came to his own conclusions based on what he feels is best for himself. I think he knows my feelings and any conver sations would probably evolve into a confrontation. But, it still bothers me. Jews for Jesus! Hey, what a bum mer. Can’t they leave us alone? May be they have something we regular Jews need. A little warmth at times; a feeling of need; an understanding and sharing group of like-minded people; a sense of belonging; a dedi cation to ideals set down from our forefathers and given to all, at times SO forgotten by most; an overwhelming 2 sense of love and togetherness; an ^ unstructured method of worship in > a structured fashion; and more. r* So what now? My friend is part H of a growing number of disenchant- ^ ed Jews. What scares me is that I S' -I know the guy, and believe me, he is £ not what I would consider a prime *5 candidate for their numbers. Where Z have we gone wrong? I’m sure that' “ if this is published, some of you will * reply to this with the typical answers that we see every now and then. I guess it’s because we always see the typical answers that we’re in such a mess! So what now? I feel better getting this off my chest, and I appreciate the oppor tunity to do it here. If I were reading this from another person’s pen, I would have much to reply. But, in this case, I’ve run out of answers and besides shaking my head, I feel depressed and even a little lost. You know, I even find myself saying, so what? Now that scares me.! Joel E. Margolies Frightening facts about Kahane Editor. Kahane, the man and his politics, continue to stir the emotions of the Jewish people. Before anyone de cides to give him money or to attend his rallies, please consider the following. Kahane first became famous as the organizer of the Jewish Defense League, which quickly went from protecting Jewish communities a- gainst hoodlums to beating and harassing Russian and Arab diplo mats. In July 1971 Kahane was convicted of conspiring to manu facture explosives and was given a five-year suspended sentence. In 1972 the JDL bombed the office of the Jewish impresario Sol Hurok, who was bringing Soviet artists to the U.S., killing a young Jewish secretary. In Sept. 1971 Kahane went to Israel and organized the Kach party. In 1974 he returned to New York Reader seeking Nazi escapees Editor: I am in the process of gathering oral histories related to the escapes of Jewish families from under Nazi domination/ occupation during the years 1933-1945, who were fortu nate not to have spent any time in concentration camps. If you and/or your immediate family escaped from the Nazis, did not spend any time in a concentra tion camp and would like to have your story told, please contact me in writing at the address below. Your story needs to be told. Your family’s escape and survival repre sents our victory over the Nazis. Perry Scheinok, Ph. D. Post Office Box 982 New Providence, N.J. 07974-0982 and was arrested for violating the terms of his probation and was sen tenced to one year in jail. Upon his return to Israel he helped establish TNT (Terror Against Terror). Kahane has been arrested more than 20 times on charges ranging from sedition to inciting riots. In May 1980 he was ordered detained six months for purport edly plotting to blow up the Dome of Rock Mosque in East Jeru salem. As a member of the Knesset he introduced legislation providing for the imprisonment of Arabs and Jews who have sexual relations, even if they are married. Another bill would prevent Arab and Jewish youth from meeting in community and social centers. He has proposed the expulsion of the Arab population from Israel, on cattle cars in the middle of the night if necessary. He says that “whoever does not leave will be slaughtered.” He has come close to advocating the destruction of Jews whose politi cal and religious views he finds repugnant. He does not believe Israel can be both Jewish and demo cratic, and would impose his brand of Orthodoxy on all Jews. Kahane’s support fluctuates with the level of Arab terrorism against Jews and Israel’s economic misfor tunes. He has said that “the worse it gets for Israel, the better it gets for me!” Kahane maintains that it is neces sary to expel the Arabs because of demographic considerations. There is another solution, one that does not do violence to the Jewish belief in justice and righteousness. That is to allow the Palestinians to have a homeland in the West bank and Gaza, where the 1.3 million Arab population outnumbers the local Jewish population better than 10 to one. This could be done in cooper ation with Jordan and a representa tive Palestinian organization that is willing to recognize the state of Israel, as Egypt has done. It is terribly distressing that any Jew who is cognizant of the many injustices our people have suffered would propose the forcible eviction of millions of persons whose claims to their homes and lands are as good as those who would evict them. Stuart Galishoff Israel takes poll on Kahane Editor: A recent issue of The Southern Israelite carried a front page an nouncement by a number of leaders of Atlanta Jewish organizations expressing opposition to Rabbi Meir Kahane and his policies foY Israel/ The Jerusalem Post, Internation al Edition, week ending Jan. 25, 1986, page 10, published the results of a recent poll by the authoritative sociologist Sami Smooha, of Haifa University. The Jews of Israel polled showed the following: Twenty-two percent saw “getting rid of the Arabs as the only solu tion,” with an additional 24 percent favoring denying Arabs the vote, and a total of 60 percent favoring greater supervision of the Arabs. Further, 44 percent held that “Arabs will never be advanced as we are; and 53 percent of Jews believe that “Arabs don’t value Jewish life.” If this poll is accurate, then it appears that the issues raised by Rabbi Kahane have some substan tial following in Israel. Aaron Baranan