Newspaper Page Text
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Weddings & Engagements
Miss Sigal marries Mr. Sklar
Mr. and Mrs Henry Popowski
of Charleston, S.C., announce the
engagement of their daughter, Sarah
Sylvia, to Kenneth .). Mendel, son
of Mrs. Evri Mendel and the late
Dr. Mendel.
Formerly of Atlanta, the bride-
elect resides in Dallas. She is a
graduate of the University of South
The future bridegroom resides
in Bedford, Texas. He is a graduate
of the University of Texas School
She is education manager with
ARC/AMS. He is legal counsel
with Great American Reserve In
surance Company.
A June 22 wedding is planned at
Brith Sholom Beth Israel Syna
gogue in Charleston.
Juliet Sigal and Alan J. Sklar
were married March 10 in Jerusa
lem. Officiating was Rabbi Ema
nuel Feldman of Atlanta’s Con
gregation Beth Jacob.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert E. Sigal, formerly
of Atlanta, now residing in Mil
ford, Pa. The bridegroom is the
son of Dr. and Mrs. Manfred Sklar
of Baltimore.
She is the granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney L. Krawitz of
Milford, and the late Dr. and Mrs.
Jacob Sigal of Hartford, Conn.
He is the grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Sklar, and Mrs. Miriam
Grossblatt and the late Jacob
Grossblatt of Baltimore.
Mrs. Sklar is a sophomore at
Michlalah Womens College in Jeru-
Mrs. Juliet Sklar
salem. Mr. Sklar attended Johns
Hopkins University and is a rab
binical student at Mir Yeshiva Col
lege in Jerusalem.
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Michelle Schwartz marries Gary Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Woll of
Atlanta and Mr. Allen Schwartz of
Detroit announce the marriage of
their daughter, Michelle Gayle, to
Gary Eric Levitt, son of Shirley
and Stan Levitt of Miami. The
ceremony was held Nov. 23 at Col
ony Square Hotel. Rabbi Harvey
Winokur officiated.
Eydie Koonin, sister of the
bride, was matron of honor. Bri
desmaids were Bonnie Rubin and
Debbie Klar, both of Atlanta, and
Audrey Rogow of Detroit. Wendy
Beallo kept the bride’s book.
Stan Levitt, father of the bride
groom, was best man. Groomsmen
were Alan Levitt of Miami, brother
of the bridegroom; Steven Eder of
Miami, cousin of the bridegroom;
David Mishael of Miami; Kirk
Oldham of St. Petersburg; Bret
Simon of Rome, Ga.; and Steve
Koonin, Steve Klar and Greg
Brown, all of Atlanta.
A dinner and reception was held
following the ceremony.
The bride is employed by Pace-
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Levitt
setter Steel Service Inc. The bride- After a honeymoon trip to St.
groom is national sales manager Maarten, the couple is living in
for Sugar Creek Studios. Marietta.
Ellen Cohen and David Davenport marry
Ellen Cohen and David Daven
port were married April 5 at Cal-
lanwolde, with Rabbi David Bay-
linson officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Harvey and Debbie Cohen of
Montgomery. She is the grand
daughter of Mrs. Celia Farb and
the late A.C. Farb of Houston, and
the late Jake and Anna Cohen of
The bridegroom is the son of
Glenn and Doris Dill of Napa,
Calif., and the late Byron Daven
The bride was given in marriage
by her brother, Stephen Cohen,
and her father.
Karen Sukloff was matron of
honor; Karen Klenberg was maid
of honor; and Holly Koch of Chi
cago was bridesmaid. Jason Cohen,
nephew of the bride, was ring
bearer, and Lauren Suklotf was
flower girl.
Best man was Glenn Ross;
groomsmen were Rick Sorkness of
Macon, Ga., and Jeff Halvorsen of
New York.
The bride wore her mother’s gown.
A dinner and dance followed the
After a honeymoon trip to
Jamaica, the couple resides in
Wamut Creek, Calif., where the
bridegroom is associated with
Kinder Care Learning Centers in
the real estate division.
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