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The Atlanta Jewish Community Center Presents
Sunday, May18 • SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 10a.m.-5p.m.
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Booths & Exhibits
Every organization and Israeli institution in Atlanta that has an Israeli
function will be asked to set up informative, interesting and educational
exhibits which will help to educate and inform the public as to what these
organizations do that is related to the State of Israel.
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Super Sol - Auditorium
An Israeli supermarket featuring canned, packaged and processed foods
from Israel will be available for purchase during Passport To Israel. Fruits
from the Sharon Valley, pickled cucumbers from the Galil, falafel from
Jerusalem and canned fish from the port of Haifa, are among the foods
that will be available.
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Visit to Yad Vashem - Lower Level - Zachor Memorial
Guided and structured tours of the recently completed Holocaust Center
located in the Peachtree Building will take place on a regular schedule
throughout the day.
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Israeli Artists’ Exhibit
Come and browse in the Tel Aviv Museum, featuring the works of local
Israeli artists, plus outstanding artists of Israel, represented in Atlanta by
M & M Galleries. Feast your eyes and enjoy!
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Israeli History-Through The Eyes
of Atlanta - Main Level
Visit the special exhibit, gleaned from the files of The Southern Israelite.
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Children’s Israel Art Exhibit
Children from the Jewish schools of Atlanta will exhibit original drawings
of their “visions of Israel." This project will be coordinated by the Atlanta
Bureau of Jewish Education.
11 a.m.-5 p.m. Dizengoff Cafe
Delightful and delectable foods such as falafel, humous and techina will
be available; delectable Sephardic favorites will be prepared and sold by
the wonderful ladies from Or VeShalom; hot dogs, hot and cold drinks
and other foods will also be available at "Dizengoff.”
12:30 p.m. Opening Ceremony - Front a jcc Peachtree
Flag raising by Jewish Wa’f Veterans, greetings from Consul General
Issachar Katzir, the Israeli Choir and Balloon Loft
1 p.m.-4 p.m. Family Project Area
This is a special area where families can get involved in a hands-on project
where they can make their own mementos of Israel’s 38th birthday
celebration. Among these are; Buttons with your Hebrew names and
commemorative T-shirts (bring plain white cotton shirts).
1 p.m.-5 p.m. Gan Yelodim
An Israeli child-care center (babysitting) will be available for children 2
yrs. to 5 yrs. old for a modest fee. Daycare playground.
1 p.m.-5 p.m. Israel in Sound and Color
Short movies featuring various aspects of Israel will be shown continuous
ly throughout the day. Tour Israel, in living color, and visit with her
1:30 p.m. 10k Run - (from AJCC Peachtree)
1:30 p.m. Walk for Israel (from AJCC Peachtree)
A walk for Israel will be held as part of the Passport to Israel celebration.
Participants may walk the full six miles, three miles, or a one mile
symbolic walk for those unable to walk the full distance. Walkers will be
asked to secure sponsors who will donate, in the walker's name, a
minimum of five dollars ($5). ALL PROCEEDSTO BENEFIT THE STATE
2:30 p.m. Te’atron Yeladim - Room 29
Clowns, storytelling and other children’s entertainment.
5:00 p.m. Closing Ceremony
7:00 p.m. Special Showing of the Movie, “Exodus” - Auditorium
3 hours. Donation $1.00
The Passport To Israel Committee is chaired by Lois Blonder. Subcommittees are chaired by:
Linda and Donald Miller -Walk for Israel
Dr. Fred Katz-Booths and exhibits
Ed Khck-lsraeli Super Sol
Grace Benator-Dizengoff Cafe
Sam Bettsak-Israel Through The Eyes of Atlanta
The Passport To Israel Committee is under the aegis of the Israel Program Center, Asher Benator, Chairman. For further information concerning
the Passport To Israel Program, call Itzhak Sordo, Israeli Shaliach, 875-7881.