The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 04, 1986, Image 5

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News Briefs Tehiya Party gaining ground TEL AVIV (JTA)—A public opinion poll published in Maariv June 23 showed that the ultra-nationalist right-wing Tehiya Party would become the third largest in the Knesset if elections were held now. According to the poll, conducted by the Modi’in Ezrachi Research Institute, Tehiya would take votes from Rabbi Meir Kahane’s extremist Kach Party. Kach presently has a single seat in the 120-member Knesset, won by Kahane in the 1984 elections, A poll taken last March indicated it would marshal sufficient votes for lour seats were elections held then. The poll showed two seats from Kach going to Tehiya, raising its Knesset delegation from seven to nine. Greek anti-Semitism seen rife ATHENS (JTA)—Forty-one percent of the respondents in an exhaustive survey of public opinion perceived the existence of widespread anti-Semitism in Greece. Fifty-five percent believed a persistent anti-Semitic allegation that Jews control the economy and political activity in Europe and America. Only 36 percent disagreed and nine percent had no opinion, according to the survey conducted by Eurodim. The survey, carried out in the greater Athens area where 35 percent of the Greek population lives, noted that Greece is “a uniquely homgeneous country” where 98 percent of the citizenry speaks the same language and adheres to the same religion, the Greek Orthodox faith. lAlhits smear attempt over Lavi TEL AVIV (JTA)—Sources at Israel Aviation Industries (I AI) charged June 25 that an attempt had been made to smear the name of I AI in the U.S. by a lobby opposed to Israel’s second generation jet fighter plane, the Lavi, because it might compete on the interna tional market against American fighter aircraft. The sources, not identified, cited a just published report in Forbes magazine, a leading American business publication, that 1 AI was forced to recall aircraft wings it had contracted to manu facture for General Dynamics because of defects. 1 AI said the faults, discovered five months ago, were long since corrected. The IAI sources expressed surprise that the story was published now. The wings in question were for the American F-16 jet fighter which is manufactured by General Dynamics. IAI recieved a con tract for 300 pairs of wings. An IAI spokesman confirmed that the third and fourth sets delivered to General Dynamics were recalled several months ago because a faulty machine had drilled holes in the wrong places. Goulko to play chess for Israel PARIS (JTA)—Boris Goulko, the former Soviet grand master, will represent Israel this month at the Mediterranean Chess festival in Marseille. It will be the first time Goulko will be playing abroad since he left the Soviet Union last month for Israel. Goulko, his wife Anna Aksharumova, also a chess champion, and their seven-year-old son David, left the Soviet Union on May 29 after a seven year wait for their exit visas. Jewish tombstones overturned MONTREAL (JTA)—An official of the League for Human Rights of B’nai B’rith reported June 26that 110 Jewish tombstones were overturned during the night of June 17 at the Savannah Cemetery in Montreal and that 22 tombstones were overturned the same night in the Jewish section of the Mount Royal cemetery in Montreal. Buildings of seven Jewish firms were daubed with “Front for the Liberation of Quebec" signs. The Front, an extremist organiza tion. has been involved in several anti-Semitic daubings. Beth Zion Synagogue in the Cote St. Luc section of Montreal was sprayed with swastikas, and “Kill the Jews” was lettered on its doors. Neo-Nazi sentenced in Bonn BONN (JTA)—West German neo-Nazi leader Karl-Heinz Hoffmann was sentenced June 30 in Nuremberg to nine and a half years imprisonment for various offenses concerning his political activities. But Hoffman was cleared of the prosecutor’s main charge that he allegedly masterminded the 1980 murder of the Jewish publisher Shlomo Levin and his female companion, Frida Poeschke. Hoffmann's girlfriend. Franziska Birkmann, drew a seven year prison sentence foi hei participation in the neo-Nazi leader’s unlawful activities. J etters to the editor Reader responds to Kahane follower Editor: In response to Barney Cortell’s Kahanist letter (TSI, April II): 1. The establishment during the days of the Kingdom of Israel and Beit Hamikdash became corrupt because it had absolute power; in all human society power tends to corrupt. 2. Torah values, as our people have learned over the millenium, are a complex set of rules, regula tions, laws and principles. 3. The Arabs are not one nation, although some of their leadership may imagine re-establishing a Uni ted Arab nation as during the days of Muhammed. Both Allah and the G-d Israel are One. 4. Mr. Cortell’s critique that Rabbi Kahane is trying to advance his personal power is proof of that very point—as a member of the Likud Party he would not have had the freedom to espouse his own fascist ideas. Like Adolf Hitler, he had to establish an independent political movement to gain power. 5. During our 2,000 years of exile we learned how evil it is to be forced to leave our homes by racist anti-Semites when we were inno cently living our lives and now Meir Kahane wants Israel, the Jewish State, to practice the same evil on members of another group of people!!! Perhaps Hitler was not interested in co-existence with Jews, but Meir Kahane reminds me of the Catholic pope of Italy who liked having a Jewish ghetto next to his Vatican in the Holy City of Rome. But what says Kahane when the ghetto is a prison instead of a fortress that becomes a death chamber? 6. Several forces motivate, I sus pect, those who support Kahane: Western Jewish feelings of guilt about the suffering of observant Eastern Jews who are living in Israel alongside Arabs and are frightened by their presence; the age-old and eternal-in-this-world fear of intermarriage and conver sions; and an inability to deal with the evil that exists within the Jew ish community and individual Jew ish people, and a projection of that evil onto “the Arabs”; and con troversy sells. Sarina Spielberg Candidate’s stand makes son proud Editor: As far as I know there is only one political candidate in our entire nation running for statewide office (Labor Commissioner) who refuses all political contributions. He happens to be Jewish. And a Georgia resident. His name: Joe Greenberger. I’m proud to be his son. Paul Greenberger Witnesses sought to Nazi camp crimes Editor: The U.S. Department of Justice has requested the assistance of the World Jewish Congress in locating witnesses to Nazi crimes commit ted in 1944 at the Radom concen tration camp in Poland and at the Vaihinger Subcamp of the Natz- weiler concentration camp in Ger many. The Department’s Office of Special Investigations (OSI) is in the process of gathering evidence in connection with its investiga tions of suspected Nazi war crimi nals residing in the United States. OSI is especially interested in contacting survivors who were: (1) present at the Radom concentra tion camp during the period from January 1944 to June 1944 (espe cially those persons who engaged in slave labor in armament plants under the supervision of SS guards); (2) involved in the June 1944 evac uation of the Radom camp, forced to march to Tomaszow, then trans ported to Auschwitz or Vaihinger; or (3) present in Vaihinger labor camp from June 1944 until the end of World War 11 (especially those who engaged in slave labor). Survivors, or those who might be of assistance in locating survi- Editor: If the Arabs will be patient while the Jews, both secular and non secular remain silent, the state of Israel will fall into their hands like a ripe plum. The latest shocker, of which there have been several, is the charge that the Interior Ministry is trying to introduce the Orthodox-inspired “Who is a Jew” amendment “through the back door.” The Inte rior Ministry would require that the word “converted” be printed on identity cards of all converts to Judaism. The probability that this will vors from these camps, may com municate in any language they choose, can contact me at World Jewish Congress, One Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016, (212) 679- 0600. become law is slim. The mere thought that certain Jews be espe cially designated is nauseating. How far removed is this horrible con cept from Hitler’s command that Jews wear a yellow star? The Reform, Conservative and Orthodox must cease quibbling over issues of relative unimpor tance and must wisely conclude that they are confronted with dif ferences that endanger their very existence. Max E. Robkin Ms. Bessy Pupko Can infighting undermine Israel? JNF establishes youth camp The Jewish National Fund is establishing a youth camp in the Jabotinsky Park near Zychron Ya’acov which will operate for nine months of the year and initially accommodate between 150-200 youngsters of all ages from Israel and Jewish communities abroad. The camp’s slated facilities in clude a dining hall, kitchen, first- aid clinic, administrative offices, three study rooms and a store room. They will be housed in the adjacent Shuni Fortress which was built by the Crusaders on the site of a former Talmudic village used in later years as the central com mander’s school of the lrgun Zva'i Leumi (Etzel). Residential quar ters and bathrooms and facilities for sporting and other activities will be located outside the fortress. Jabotinsky Park is located in picturesque countryside, within a JNF restoration work is in full swing for a Betar youth camp being established at the historic Shuni Fortress near Zychron Ya’acov. comfortable distance of the Car mel Ranges near Haifa and Caesa- ria on the coast. The region is emi nently suitable for hiking and re plete with intetesting walk trails. The youth camp is affiliated with the Bctai movement, where par ticular emphasis will be attached to studying the region’s local history and archaeology, from the days of King Herod and Agrippa, during the Second Temple period, to modern times. PAGE 5 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE July 4, 1986