The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 04, 1986, Image 8

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PAGE 8 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE July 4, 1986 JEWDK Dtfine riEUWCHK A Nice Way to Meet Nice People. Sherry and Rae (404) 252-0251 Freed refusnik continues fight against Soviet anti-Semitism nSuper Saturday 4 M M nmzmz 10-2 all you can play [PQ[) , 0"0’“[?QD , D"U , */ Go" and Video games g, @a(20g / plus Hot Dog and Coke 0 o o o Jt $3 95 3382 Shallowford Rd. C hamblee 458-0888 [tllinmilMMTilllllTTTTT M M AJi A Deli With A Difference— A bit of Korean seasoning! Reuben's Old Mill Shopping Center 3101 Upper Roswell Rd. Marietta 565-6140 30C MIC by Richard Gordon After meeting this man it’s not hard to understand why the Soviets decided finaliy to let him go. He is vocal, sharp, very funny, impassioned. He is built like a slab, but his solidness and strength seem to be far more than physical. He is outspoken, and, one might say, critical to a fault; but that critical ness appears to be entirely moti vated by real love and concern for Jewry, in the U.S.S.R. or wher ever. One imagines that the Soviets found him to be such a thorn in their side that finally, it was easier for them to let this one go than to punish him further. One also imag ines that finally, perhaps they also ended up respecting him, just a little. Months after his release, Yakov Gorodetsky is working single- mindedly on behalf of the Jews still oppressed in the Soviet Union, cal ling for “a great campaign against Soviet anti-Semitism,” directed at Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and a policy of trading U.S. goods and technology only in exchange for the Soviets agreeing to emigra tion based on the principle of repa triation. Yakov Gorodetsky was a math ematics teacher, living in Lenin grad, when he applied to emigrate to Israel nearly eight years ago. He was fired from his job for seeking to emigrate. He began teaching Hebrew to others, and came to the forefront of the campaign for Soviet Jews to obtain the rights guaran teed them by Soviet and interna- tional law. He “was at the very hub of the XK :~XK XK Gorodetsky; “We must help all the Jews, whether they are good, not-so-good, or even bad.” refusnik community in Leningrad,” according to West Coast Soviet Jewry activist Judy Balint, who visited Gorodetsky in Leningrad last year before his release. “It was through Yakov that we in the West got our information about what was going on, not only in Lenin grad, but in the other Jewish com munities in the Soviet Union,” Balint said. “He had the strength and the wherewithal to resist the pressures that were put on him to stop that kind of communication x»c It’s a dream come true. with the West.” He was not imprisoned, nor crippled by physical attacks, as, he reports, is happening with increas ing frequency these days to Soviet refusnik leaders. But he was con stantly harassed. He was repeat edly interrogated by the KGB, detained, confined to his house. When he spoke out in support of the Soviet historian Martinov (who is now in a psychiatric hospital), Gorodetsky was publically de nounced in the Soviet press. Last year he was ordered to report for the draft, even though he had been exempted due to poor eyesight. But in January of this year, after nearly eight years, Gorodetsky and his family were allowed to emigrate Gorodetsky was in the United States in June, and in public talks, interviews, and a presentation to the American Jewish Press Asso- Continued next page. King Springs Village Luxury Retirement Community 4()4 King Springs Village Pkwy. Smyrna, Georgia (404) 432-4444 Choice of: Studio, One Bedroom or Two Bedroom Apartments. No Entrance — No Endowment =XK JOC T3QC: DOC There’s no more dreaming about your retirement or need to search for a really ideal setting for active retired people to live -really live in. It’s here now at KING SPRINGS VILLAGE. Your single monthly check includes rent, utilities, maid and laundry service and meals in the elegant dining room. Full-time activities director, beautiful year-around indoor pool and sauna are available for your well being. Scheduled free transportation to local shopping. Come out today and see our beautiful on-site display apartments. Adjacent to the retirement community is a 32-bed professional health care center to provide 24 hour emergency service. Fee Required xx- °l//e^uty/re fjS/ocmy jfins S^/cmA ra METRO WIDE DELIVERY MAJOR CREDIT CARDS BY PHONE (>*ntd By Henry W> Barbara Grossbertf Israel <V> Yeira Gold be rtf Kosher Meals Available Upon Requesi