The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 31, 1986, Image 30
k I H ' • ' "»* <!«<•• »*t"0* -4fc/> <•-.'• • »•<(, ’.' » a£|j iliMHHMHPWRnWRHNMHHV kS *L> Page 30 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE October 31, 1986 Legal Notices "COMPUTER PHYSICIANS. INC." has been duly incorporated on October 6. 1986. by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorpora tion by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial reg istered office of the corporation is located at 6000 Lake Forrest Drive. Suite 315, Atlanta. Fulton County, Georgia 30328 and its initia 1 registered agent at such address is Stanley D. Mager. STANLEY D. MAGER Attorney at Law 6000 Lake Forrest Drive. Suite 313 Atlanta. Georgia 30328 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “KEYSCROSSINGCONDOM1NIUM AS SOCIATION. INC.” has been duly incorpo rated on October 6. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Nonprofit Corpo ration Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 38 Old Ivy Road. N.E., Atlanta, Fulton County. Geor gia 30342 and its initial registered agent at such address is S. Alan Cohn. TRAUNER. KING & COHEN Attorneys at Law 38 Old Ivy Road. N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30342 10 31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “MOBILEDENT, P.C." has been duly incor porated on October 15. 1986. by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Mon arch Plaza-Suite 560, 3414 Peachtree Road, N.E., Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia 30326 and its initial registered agent at such address is Ronald W. Eisenman. MINKIN & SNYDER Attorneys at Law Monarch Plaza, Suite 560 3414 Peachtree Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30326 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “CARTER CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL TIES, INC.” has been duly incorporated on September 30, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 3100. 100 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30043 and its initial registered agent at such address is Elliot H. Levitas. KILPATRICK & CODY Attorneys at Law 100 Peachtree Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30043 10/10; 10/ 17; 10/24; 10/31 "SOUTHEASTERN LIBRARY SUPPLIES. INC." has been duly incorporated on Sep tember 10, 1986, by the issuance of a Certifi cate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable pro visions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 330, 1801 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia 30309 and its initial regis tered agent at such address is Mamie Kresses. BIRNBREY, KRESSES & BENDA Attorneys at Law 1801 Peachtree Street, N.E.. Suite 330 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 10 10; 10,17; 10/24; 10/31 "ATL ANTA CENTER FOR MEDICINE. LTD.” has been duly incorporated on Sep tember 22, 1986, by the issuance of a Certifi cate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable pro visions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3525 Piedmont Road, N.E., Five Piedmont Center, Suite 500, Atlanta. Georgia 30305 and its initial registered agent at such address is George M. Fox. FOX & BERMAN, P C. Attorneys at Law Five Piedmont Center, Suite 500 3525 Piedmont Road. N.F.. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 10/17; 10/24; 10,31; 11/7 —— "EAST PACES FERRY FOOD, INC." has been duly incorporated on September 19, 1986. by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia. Annotated. The initial registered office of the corpora tion is located at 225 West Wieuca Road, Atlanta. Georgia 30342 and its initial regis tered agent at such address is David I. Funk. STERN & FUNK. P.C. Attorneys at Law 225 West Wieuca Road Atlanta, Georgia 30342 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “MASH INVESTMENTS. INC." has been duly incorporated on September 30. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Eleven Piedmont Center, Suite 900, Atlanta, Geor gia 30305 and its initial registered agent at such address is Gary T. Shmerling, Esquire. KITCHENS. KELLEY. GAYNES, HUPRICH & SHMERLING Attorneys at Law Eleven Piedmont Center, Suite 900 3495 Piedmont Road, N.E. Atlanta Georgia 30305 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “MULTI-GRAPHICS. INC." has been duly incorporated on September 15. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 8, 14 17th Street. N.E.. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is Theodore C. George. THEODORE C. GEORGE Attorney at Law The Pavilion, Suite 8 14 Seventeenth Street. N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 10/17; 10/24; 10/31; 11/7 “EMPIRE CINEMA, INC." has been duly incorporated on September 23, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions ol the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 1819 Peachtree Road, Suite 622, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is Elyse Aussenberg. ElYSE AUSSENBERG Attorney at Law 1819 Peachtree Road. Suite 622 Atlanta. Georgia 30309 10/ 17; 10/24; 10/31; 11/7 “LEGACY PROPER IIES, INC.” has been duly incorporated on September 15, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 8, 14 17th Street. N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is William S.A. Brewer. THEODORE C GEORGE Attorney at Law The Pavilion, Suite 8 14 Seventeenth Street, N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30309 10/17; 10,24; 10/31; 11/7 “LEGACY MANAGE/MENT CO." has been duly incorporated on September 15. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary ol State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Cieorgia. Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 8, 14 17th Street, N.E.. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is William S.A Brewer. IHEODOREC GEORGE Attorney at l aw I he Pavilion, Suite 8 14 Seventeenth Street, N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30309 10 17; 10 24; 10/31; I I 7 *.":i r»l Mir" S^*t*-^«^** “A & K FOOD SERVICES. INC." has been duly incorporated on September 23, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Five Piedmont Center, Suite 415. 3525 Piedmont Road. N.E., Atlanta. Georgia 30305 and its initial registered agent at such address is Karsten Bicknese. BARWICK. BENTLEY. KARESH & SEACREST Attorneys at Law Suite 415. Five Piedmont Center 3525 Piedmont Road. N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30305 10/17; 10/24; 10/31; 11/7 "PROFESSIONAL CLOSING ASSOCI ATES. P.C.” has been duly incorporated on September 23. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 5180 Roswell Road, South Building. Suite 200, Atlanta, Georgia 30342 and its initial registered agent at such address is Sheldon E. Friedman. SHELDON E. FRIEDMAN, P.C. 5180 Roswell Road South Building, Suite 200 Atlanta, Georgia 30342 10/17; 10/24; 10/31; 11/7 “HEPRE SERVICES, INC." has been duly incorporated on September 2, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3330 Peachtree Road, N.E., Suite 460. Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia 30326 and its initial registered agent at such address is Max Olim. GERSHON. OLIM, KATZ & LOEB Attorneys at Law 3330 Peachtree Road, N.E., Suite 460 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 10/ 10; 10/17; 10/24; 10/31 “ALLISON-LAWRENCE, INC." has been duly incorporated on September 10, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 1801 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 330, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is Geraid A. Benda. BIRNBREY, KRESSES & BENDA 1801 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 330 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 10/10; 10/17; 10/24; 10/31 “MERIDIAN DEVELOPMENT COM PANY, INC." has been duly incorporated on September 8, 1986, by the issuance of a Cer tificate of incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable pro visions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 100 Colony Square, Suite 516, 1175 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia 30361 and its initial registered agent at such address is Arthur Sanford Vener. COHAN & VENER Attorneys at Law 100 Colony Square, Suite 516 1175 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30361 10/10; 10/17; 10 24; 10'31 “LEGACY HOTELS, INC." has been duly incorporated on September 15, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 8, 14 17th Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is William S.A. Brewer. THEODORE C GEORGE Attorney at The Pavilion, Suite 8 14 Seventeenth Street. N.E Atlanta, Georgia 30309 10 17; 10 24; 10 31; 11 7 Articles of Incorporation have been granted to "HIRE A HUSBAND. INC ." on Sep tember 29, 1986. by the Secretary of State, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 460 East Paces Ferry Road. N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30305 and its initial regis tered -gent at such address is Robert J. Kaufman. FRIEDMAN & KAUFMAN Attorneys at Law 460 East Paces Ferry Road, N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30305-3307 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “LEWIS COMM UNICATIONS, INC.," has been duly incorporated on October 3, 1986, by the issuance ol a Certificate of Incorpora tion by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial reg istered office of the corporation is located at Suite 1820, Bank South Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 and its initial registered agent at such address is Julius Alembik. ALEMBIK & KUPFERMAN Attorneys at Law Bank South Building, Suite 1820 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “BUTLER-JERVEY ENTERPRISES, INC." has been duly incorporated on October 3. 1986. by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corpora tion is located at 3400 Peachtree Road, N.E., Suite 1701, Atlanta, Georgia 30326 and its initial registered agent at such address is Marshall H. Lichtenstein. MARSHALL H. LICHTENSTEIN Attorney at Law 3400 Peachtree Road. N.E., Suite 1701 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 10/10; 10/17; 10/24; 10/31 A Statement of Intent to Dissolve "SOUTH- TECH ENGINEERS, INC ."a Georgia Cor poration with registered offices at 3085 E. Shadowlawn Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia 30305, has been delivered to the Secretary of State by said Corporation and filed by him on September 19, 1986. in accordance with the applicable provision of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. BIRNBREY. KRESSES & BENDA Attorneys at Law 1801 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 330 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 10/ 10; 10/ 17; 10/24; 10/31 “ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES TECH NOLOGY, LTD.” has been duly incorpo rated on October 6, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 1430 W. Peachtree Street, N.W., Suite 400, Atlanta, Georgia and its initial registered agent at such address is Edwin K. Palmer. PALMER. LAMBERTH. BONAPFEL & CIFELLI. P A Attorneys at Law 1430 W. Peachtree Street, N.W., Suite 400 Atlanta, Georgia 30357 10/17; 10/24; 10/31; 11/7 “MAXIE’S OF SHEI.BYVILLE. INC." has been duly incorporated on October 6. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorpora tion by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial reg istered office of the corporation is located at Suite 360, 11(H) Spring Street. N.W., Atlanta. Georgia 30367 and its initial registered agent at such address is Scott H. Kaplan. SCOTTH KAPLAN Attorney at Law I 100 Spring Street, N.W., Suite 360 Atlanta. Georgia 30367 10/17; 10 24; 10 31; I I 7 “ALLIED IN VESTMENTS OF GEORGIA, INC.” has been duly incorporated on October 8, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corpora tion is located at Five Piedmont Center. Suite 415, 3525 Piedmont Road, N.E., At lanta, Georgia 30305 and its initial registered agent at such address is Karsten Bicknese. BARWICK, BENTLEY. KARESH ANDSEACREST Attorneys at Law Suite 415, Five Piedmont Center 3525 Piedmont Road. N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 “OCEE TRUE VALUE HARDWARE, INC." has been duly incorporated on Sep tember 24, 1986, by*he issuance of a Certifi cate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable pro visions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 1820 Bank South Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 and its initial registered agent at such address is Julius Alembik. ALEMBIK & KUPFERMAN Attorneys at Law Suite 1820, Bank South Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 "D.H. FRAZIER CONSTRUCTION SER VICES CORPORATION" has been duly incorporated on September 15, 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Georgia. Annotated. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at Suite 8. 14 17th Street, N.E.. Atlanta. Georgia 30309 and its initial registered agent at such address is Theodore C. George. THEODORE C. GEORGE Attorney at Law I he Pav ilion. Suite 8 14 Seventeenth Street. N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30309 10 17; 10 24; 10/31; 11/7 A merger has been effected by and between “D Y, INC., a Georgia corporation, and “SAVAGE LAND. INC.," a Georgia corpo ration, on October 1. 1986, by the issuance of a Certificate of Merger by the Secretary of State, in accordance with the applicable pre visions of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated. “SAVAGE LAND, INC," a Georgia corporation, will be the surviving corporation, and its name will be changed as of the effective date of the merger to “SAVAGE/YORK. INC.," the initial regis tered office of the corporation is located at 8 Piedmont Center, Suite 520, Atlanta, Geor gia 30305. Wll.DMAN. HARROl.D, ALLEN. DIXON & BRANCH Attorneys at Law 15th Floor, Two Midtown Plaza 1360 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303 10/31; 11/7; 11/14; 11/21 "BANNING 1846 RIVER CLUB. INC."has been duly incorporated on September 15, 1986. by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Official Code of Cieorgia, Annotated. The initial registered office of the corpora tion is located at Suite 8, 14 17th St., N.E., Atlanta. Georgia 30309 and its initial regis tered agent at such address is Theodore C. George. I HEODORE C. GEORGE Attorney at l aw The Pavilion, Suite 8 14 Seventeenth Street. N.E. Atlanta, Cieorgia 30309 10 10; 10 17; 10 24; 10 31