The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 19, 1986, Image 10

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    Page 10 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 19, 1986
1 he Bai Mitzva oi Jared Joel
ol Atlanta will take place at the
Western Wall in Jerusalem on
Saturday, Dec. 27.
Jared is the son of Lynettc and
Malcolm Joel.
He will he accompanied by his
grandparents, parents and broth
Jack and Sharon Roth of At
lanta announce the birth of a
son, Michael Entin, on Nov. 29.
Grandparents are Julia Roth
and the late Paul Roth, and Ida
Entin and the late Morris Entin.
Michael was named in memory
ol his grandfather. Morris Entin,
and was given the Hebrew name
* * *
Joanie and Lewis Shubin ol
Marietta announce the birth ol a
daughter, Molly Leah, on Oct.
Grandparents are Marilyn and
Josh Shubin of Atlanta, and
Dottieand Barney Mint/ of New
Molly was given the Hebrew
name Motive Leah in memory of
her great-grandmothers, Molly
Mint/ and Lena Hockstein.
Engagements & Weddings
M iss Popowski marries Mr. Mendel
The bride was given in mar
riage by her parents. Ms. Martha
Popowski, sister ol the bride,
was maid of honor. Attendants
were Beverly Mendel, sister of
t he bridegroom, and .1 udy Peters.
David Popowski, brother of
the bride, was best man. Grooms
men were Mark Popowski. broth
er of the bride, and Stan Mandel,
cousin of the bridegroom.
The bride is a graduate of the
University of South Carolina.
She is education manager for
ARC/AMS, a computer vendor.
The bridegroom is a graduate
of the University of Texas l aw
School. He is legal counsel with
Great American Reserve Insu
rance Company.
After a honeymoon in Bermuda,
the couple is living in Bedford,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shader
of Orlando, Fla., announce the
engagement of their daughter.
Lynn to Arnold Podber, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Podber of
Miss Shader is the grand
daughter of Mrs. Bessie Shader
of Orlando and the late Ben
Shader, and the late Mr. and
M rs. Wolfe Gartell.
Mr. Podber is the grandson of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai
Podbereski, and the late Mr. and
Mrs. Alter Reuven Sonshein.
The future bride received a
bachelor of business administra
tion degree in marketing from
the University of Texas. She is an
account executive for AT&T In
formation Systems in Atlanta.
I he f uture bridegroom received
a bachelor of science degree in
accounting from the University
of Florida. He is a certified pub
lic accountant and is the Eastern
sales manager of JA-RU Inc., a
toy manufacturer and importer,
in Atlanta.
The couple will be married
May 24 in Orlando.
Miss Goldstein, Mr. Diamond to wed
Bar & Bat Mitzvas
The Bar Mit/va of Micah
Mayer Gimpel of Atlanta will
take place at 8:30 a.m. Saturday,
Dec. 20. at lgud Lohamay Yeru-
shalayim Synagogue, the Old
City, Jerusalem.
Micah is the son of Lynn and
Amnon Gimpel.
A reception and dinner will be
held at the Laromme Hotel.
The Bat Mit/va ol Jamie Lynn
Skoke of Atlanta will take place
at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 27. at
Ahavath Achim Synagogue. A
congregational kiddush will fol
Jamie is the daughter of David
and Sandy Skoke. She is the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M B. Morris of Boynton Beach,
Fla., and Pearl Skoke of Miami
and the late Abraham Skoke.
Jamie is sharing her Bat
Mit/va with Liubov Kofman of
the U.S.S.R.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mendel
Sarah Sylvia Popowski and
Kenneth Jared Mendel were
married .1 une 22 at Brith Sholom
Beth Israel Synagogue in
Charleston, S.C. Rabbi David .1.
Radinsky officiated.
People In
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Popowski
of Charleston.
The bridegroom is the son of
Mrs. Evri Mendel and the late
Dr. Mendel.
The News
David ('. Garrett Jr. (center) with Robert .1. Lipshutz (left) and
Elliot H. Levitas at the recent American Jewish Congress banquet.
Garrett was presented with AJCongress’ 19X6 Horace M. kallen
Lipshutz was dinner chairman of the event.
Pamela Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D.
Goldstein announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Pamela
Karen, to David Alan Diamond,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman H.
Miss Goldstein is the grand
daughter of Mrs. Helen Feinberg
of Atlanta and the late Max
Feinberg, and the late Mr. and
Mrs. Hyman Goldstein.
Mr. Diamond is the grandson
of Mrs. Tessie Diamond of At
lanta and the late Eugene Dia
mond, and the late Mrs. Louise
Miss Goldstein, a sister of
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority, is a
graduate of the University of
Georgia with a degree in consu
mer economics, and is employed
by Affairs To Remember.
Mr. Diamond, also a graduate
of the University of Georgia and
a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi
Fraternity, received his degree in
economics and is a registered
representative with Connecticut
Mutual Financial Services.
A May 1987 wedding is planned.
From dinner for fifty high above the
Atlanta skyline in the elegant Crown Room to catered kosher
for a thousand in the smashing new
Grand Ballroom, Colony Square Catering can handle it.
With creative consulting, delicious food and impeccable
service at your place or ours.
Call Wayne Adams or Larry Russell at 892-6000.
They’ll make your party marvelously memorable, no matter
how many friends you have.