The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 19, 1986, Image 18

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    THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 19, 1986 Page 19
Community Events
Shearith Israel
Friday Dec. 19. at 7:30 p.m..
Professor Elie/cr Jaffe of the
Hebrew University School of
Social Work will speak at Con
gregation Shearith Israel. His
topic will be “The Ethiopian
Jews in Israel: Where Are They
Prof. Jaffe has been a consul
tant to the Ministry of Social
Welfare in Israel and has served
on a variety of governmental
commissions. He is spending the
current academic year at the
University of Tennessee and is a
visiting scholar at Yale Univer
I he program is co-sponsored
by the Israel Program Center of
the AJCC.
The talk will be followed by an
Oneg Shabbat. The community
is inv ited.
The Temple
The Temple College Outreach
Committee, chaired by Eayne
Erankel, inv ites all Temple col
lege students to participate in its
homecoming events.
On Eriday, Dec. 26, college
students and their families are
invited to a Shabbat dinner and
service. Cost for dinner is $6 a
person. Reservations can be made
until Dec. 22.
College students are also invited
to a brunch at I 1:30 a.m. Sun
day. Jan. 4, at Houlihans Res
taurant at Lenox Square. The
brunch is S3 a person.
Reservations are required for
both events. For details, call
Linda Lincoln, Temple program
director, at 873-1731.
B’nai Torah
Congregation B’nai Torah will
hold a new member Shabbat at
7:45 p.m. Eriday, Dec. 19. A spe
cial presentation and kiddush will
follow the service.
All members and prospective
members are invited.
For more information, call
B’nai Torah, 257-0537, or Jill
Krisher, 255-0025.
Adult Institute
The Winter ’87 Institute for
Adult Enrichment (IAE), will be
held on Tuesdays beginning Jan.
1 3 and will run through March 3.
The classes meet from 9:30 a.m.
to 3 p.m. at The Temple.
The IAE is a daytime educa
tional series for men and women
of all ages. It is co-sponsored by
the Atlanta Jewish Community
Center and The Temple.
Classes for the Winter ’87 ses
sion included “Women of Valor,"
“Financial Management,”“Inter
national Folk Dancing," "Stress
Management,” “Weekly Bible
Readings,"“Weight Control,”“A
Smorgasbord of the Arts,” “What’s
To Do In Atlanta,” and “Bridge.”
For more information, contact
Shonni Schwartz at 875-7881.
ext. 58.
JWV, Auxiliary
JWV Mack Erankel Atlanta
Post I 12 and its Ladies Auxiliary
will hold a Manuka latke party
on Sunday, Dec. 28 at Club I 12.
3840 Roswell Road. The party is
for paid-up members and their
A dairy supper will be served
at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $5.75 a
Anyone bringing a wrapped
“fun” gift (minimum value of $1)
can select an item from the grab
bag. Surprise entertainment will
be followed by free “Super Bingo.”
There will be door prizes.
Reservations, accompanied by
check, can be mailed to Post 112,
JWV, P.O. Box 4974, Atlanta,
Ga. 30302, or given to A1 Schwartz,
Miriam Brombergor Wollie Brom
berg before the Dec. 22 deadline.
Atlanta ( hapter of the C ity of Hope volunteers at the
Jewish Home are Hazel Katz, Janice Podber, Rosiland Man-
del, Marilyn Lindenbaum and Bea Pamarance.
Additional volunteers are Jackie Gladstone and Teenie
Reaching out and touching’
Women’s ORT
Women's American OR E is
providing a holiday gift wrapping
scivice at Perimeter Mall. 1 he
cart is located on the upper level,
Macy’s wing, next to Avanti Furs.
The “Wrap It!” cart wall be
open during mall hours through
Dec. 24.
Wrapping for Manuka and
Christmas as well as for mailing
will be available. Boxes of all
sizes can be purchased.
Volunteers from Dunwoody-
Springs, Crosstown and North
Suburban chapters are partici
pating in this project.
For more information, call
Susan Gerstel, 252-6792, or Judi
Neiss, 252-4420.
Bowling League
I he Atlanta Jewish bowling
league has openings for regular
bowlers for the season starting
Jan. 4.
1 he mixed league bowls Sun
day nights at Northeast Lanes.
Lor more information, call
Sheldon Graiser, 939-4977, or
li ving Minkoff at 636-6260.
Dr. Leon M. Spotts, executive
director of the Atlanta Bureau of
Jewish Education, will be the
speaker at the Zionist (ZOA)
luncheon forum at noon T ues
day. Dec. 23, at AJCC Peachtree.
An observer of the Middle
I ust, Spotts will present the his-
’ory of lsrael-lran relations.
L ost of the luncheon is $5.
I he public is invited. For more
information or to make a reser
vation. call 874-3018 or 266-9845
b\ noon Monday. Dec. 21
Junior Maccabees
Students at the Epstein School light the
annual Manuka celebration.
Wliai’s Happening
DEC EMBER 19, Friday:
7:30 p.m.- Prof. Eliezer Jaffe Speaks at Congregation
Shearith Israel, the Synagogue.
7:45 p.m. Congregation B’nai Torah New Members Shab
bat, the Synagogue.
8:15 p.m. Morris Abram speaks at Shabbat Services. I he
DEC EMBER 20, Saturday:
8:15 p.m.—Cafe Dizengoff, AJCC, Peachtree.
DECEMBER 21, Sunday:
10:00 a.m. —Congregation Beth Jacob Sisterhood Hanuka
Bazaar, the Synagogue.
6:30 p.m. Congregation Beth Jacob Goods and Services
Auction, the Synagogue.
DECEMBER 23, Tuesday :
Noon—Dr. Leon Spotts speaks at the ZOA Luncheon
Forum, AJCC/Peachtree.
DECEMBER 26, Friday:
6:30 p.m.—Shaarei Hayyim Shabbat and Manuka Celebra
tion, Home of Jacob and Miriam Kabb.
6:45 p.m.—Shabbat Dinner and Service for College Stu
dents, The Temple.
DECEMBER 28, Sunday :
5:00 p.m.—Congregation Etz Chaim Sisterhood Hanuka
Dinner, the Synagogue.
6:30 p.m.—J V W Post 1 1 2 L.adies Auxiliary Hanuka Latke
Party, Club 112.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Atlanta’s Replacement Specialist
Happy Hanuka
The Owners and Entire Staff At
King Springs Village
Wish Our Jewish Residents And Our F riends
in the Community A I iappy New Year!
King Springs Village
Luxury Retirement Community
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Smyrna. Georgia
Owned By: Henry ‘A? Barbara Grossberg
Israel ‘A? Yetra Goldberg
Kosher Meals Available Upon Request
Admissions 7 Days A Week