The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 19, 1986, Image 20

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THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 1 9, 1 986 Page 21
Barrie Scgall
A Little Israel in Atlanta
This Saturday night. Dec. 20. will be the premier of
a new Center program designed to bring the taste,
sound and feel of Israel to our community. Cafe
Di/engoff will be a regular feature of the Israel Pro
gram Center at the AJCC. Several times a year Cafe
Dizengoff will present a kaleidoscope of experiences
which will bring back the memories of a trip to Israel.
The December Cafe will feature Prof. Eliezar I). Jaffe.
visiting Israeli scholar at Yale University. For our
entertainment the A.ICC Children’s Troupe will pre
sent “Chana’s Sabbath Dress." and there will be Israeli
singing. The decor will be cabaret, and the food will be
falafel. Admission is $2 and Cafe Dizengoff begins at 8
Momma’s Helper
As you begin to plan for your child’s afterschool
care this winter, check into the Center's Kid Konnec-
tion. Over 20 kids ranging in age from 5-12 are
involved this fall. They have their ow n lounge at Zaban.
they enjoy snacks, classes, TV time, study time, read
ing and free time. And now we hav e added van serv ice.
The program is five days a week, including two free
children’s classes and snacks for S85 a month. Van
service is another $40. For more information about
Kid Konnection and the van service, call 396-3250.
Karly Bird Breakfast
I here s a song and the smell of coffee in the air, as
our early bird joggers, exercisers and swimmers join
together three times a week for a convivial breakfast.
W ith music in the background and a lively discussion
prevailing, the hearty breakfast has become the perfect
way to start the day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
from 7:30-8:30 a.m., bagels, cereal, juice, coffee and a
peppy atmosphere are all served for $2 a person on a
drop-in basis, or $24 a month. For more info, call
Chana. 875-7881.
Tai Chi at the A JCC
Due to popular demand, the Iai Chi program is
being expanded to include a noontime class at Peach
tree. I he class, from noon-1 p.m. is on Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday.
For a fee of $35 (non-members $50), you can take
up to 20 hours a month at noon or at one of the
ev ening classes being conducted at Zaban and Peach
tree. Call 875-7881 for Chana or Kathleen.
Another Teen Show
If you missed “Damesat Sea" or“Bye-Bye Birdie,"
you now have a chance to get on stage for “Gypsy.”
Our Teen Theatre will hold auditions on Sunday, Jan.
1 1, 2-5 p.m. at Peachtree and Monday, Jan. 12, 7-9
p.m. at Zaban. “Gypsy” portrays the stage life of
Gypsy Rose Lee and was a big Broadway hit by Julius
Styne and Stephen Sondheim. The program is spon
sored by the AJCC and BBYO.
Brownie Troop Forming
Attention parents of all first and second grade
girls. We are starting a Brownie troop next year at
Zaban. The AJCC is very proud of its Jewish scouting
program, and we welcome this new addition.
News from the Atlanta Jewish Community Center, Inc.
2nd Annual C amp Registration Festival
A festive afternoon is planned for parents inter
ested m sending their children to summer camp.
Join our professional camp staf f on Sunday. Jan.
I I. from 1-3 p.m. at the Zaban Building. Find out why
our ov ernight, day and specialty camps are so success
ful. Learn about the exciting camping opportunities
for 3- to 15-year-olds.
Slides, refreshments, balloons an afternoon of
Sponsored by camps AJFCOMCE. Barney Me-
dintz. K’ton and Midtown Experience In the Arts. For
details call 396-3250.
Need Extra Money?
Kid Care at Zaban is looking for substitutes to
work on an as-needed basis. At Kid Care you will have
short hours, loving children and a pleasant working
environment. For more info call Sheila Mills, 396-
We Need Furnishings
The AJCC will soon relocate the Respite Care
Program for developmentally disabled children and
youth to our renovated site at Zaban Park. We need a
table and chairs, electric stove, sofa, twin beds, area
rugs, TV set, record player, carpeting, drapes, curtains
and blinds, smoke alarms. All equipment must be
clean and in good condition. If you have any of these
materials you would like to donate call Mike Lainoff,
Sponsors Needed for Youth Basketball
We need sponsors for our popular Youth Basket
ball league this winter. A sponsorship includes your
name printed on the shirts of the team, your business
name listed in the Center’s newsletter, and your com
pany will receive a beautiful plaque. This is an excel
lent way to promote your business and at the same
time benefit the Center. A sponsorship is only $125
and is tax deductible. Call Gary Cohen for info,
Think of your future with C&S
The Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia
Members El )l(.